New Member
Dec 1, 2012
I'm looking to buy a mess of ganbaride cards normally I would ask my friend in japan about it but I kinda wanna take a little load off his shoulders since he finds me a lot of other things. any chance anyone could help a guy out, since I don't really know how much ganbaride cards really go for I wouldn't know what a reasonable price would be but since these are just cards I would figure they shouldn't be too expensive. please PM me if you can help or know of someone who can help
New Member
Jan 6, 2013
I'm not sure what you need but I've got a stack of various ganbaride cards if you're interested.
New Member
Dec 1, 2012
I'm looking for mostly kamen ride, form ride, and a few of the final form ride cards from when Decade was airing, I got a list somewhere although I think I'm missing a few
New Member
Jan 6, 2013
Those are going to be a little harder to find and I don't have any that work with the Decadriver. Just make sure to specify to whoever you ask that it works with the Decadriver.
New Member
Dec 1, 2012
Those are going to be a little harder to find and I don't have any that work with the Decadriver. Just make sure to specify to whoever you ask that it works with the Decadriver.

weather they work or not with the deca driver isnt' that big an issue to me, I know blast, final form ride W, kamen ride black rx and a few others don't work, most I'm aiming for is the kamen ride cards of all main and support riders (not including the ten with the deca driver) and up and the ten final attack ride cards