Free League Announces Their New RPG, Vaesen

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Jun 20, 2012
The Swedes at Free League have brought us products like Mutant: Year Zero, Tales From The Loop and the official Alien tabletop RPG. Now they’re about to introduce their newest creation…it’s called Vaesen, and it’s based on Nordic folklore and the old myths of Scandinavia.
In Vaesen, you and your friends play paranormal investigators in the 19th century who happen to be somewhat paranormal themselves. You have the gift known as “the Sight” which means you can spot extradimensional phenomena that would be invisible to most people. Usually, this will take the form of horrible monsters you’ll be forced to do battle with. But it’s all in a day’s work.
Vaesen is based on the creations of Swedish illustrator and author Johan Egerkrans, and was written by Nils Hintze who also wrote Free League’s Tales From The Loop. The box comes with the core rulebook, a GM Screen and map, a card pack, and a set of custom dice. It comes out July 28, but it’s...

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