Emily, The life of the influential Bronte sister

Staff member
Jul 1, 2021
Emily Brontë is one of the most popular writers of all time. This October 14, 2022, You will get to see the intriguing yet short life
She only wrote one novel, but her work has been influential until now. Her novel Wuthering Heights has had such an impact on literature that I’ve seen elements of it adapted for film and television.Emily Bronte is part of the Bronte siblings. Emily never got to finish her second novel because she died very young. These three sisters were all successful novelists. Her sister Charlotte, though, is the most successful one.
Painting_of_Bront%C3%AB_sisters.pngThe Bronte Sisters Emily is the first one on the left, Anne is in the middle, and Charlotte is the last one. It is very ironic because Charlotte lived the longest among the three.
People know Wuthering Heights as one of the greatest novels of all time, but who is the woman who...

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Dec 29, 2014
I am looking forward to seeing all of the Bronte sisters on film, especially Emily. It's a shame that society at the time discouraged women from writing novels and expected them to stay at home and raise children instead because all three of the sisters were brilliant authors. In order to avoid scandal and controversy, they published their writings under male names, as did many other female authors at the period. The three sisters' young deaths are really heartbreaking, and I thought Emily's was the worst of them all. I only they had lived long enough to witness the literary greatness of their creations.
New Member
Jan 5, 2015
Although I don't read novels, I love the Wuthering Heights film adaption.

I also watched the remakes.
British Columbia Made
Apr 25, 2022
No offense to the people behind this trash, Already, I despise this. Because Wuthering Heights was entirely the product of Emily Bront's mind and imagination rather than even a single real-world event, she is credited with being a genius. And I'll cry again if we decide to make WH into some sort of tragic love story. It's just not that way. It's about nature vs. nurture, the trauma and cycle of abuse, the conflict between the good and innocent but also cruel and self-centered state of childhood and the false but more civilized compliance to social norms of maturity, and I could go on and on. We wouldn't have continued to present it as a love story if she had been a man. People didn't when she was believed to be a male. Although they found it disturbing, they nevertheless acknowledged that it was a work of profound psychological understanding. The more intriguing tale, in my opinion, is not one of a wholly fictitious passion to humanize and relatableize this woman to the point where she will spin in her grave, but rather, how did someone so anti-social, so wholly disconnected from everything and everyone outside of her home, come up with all of that?
Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2015
I think of Emily Bronte as an introverted homebody with severe social anxiety who loved her family and even passed away early, much like Beth in Little Women. I'm curious to see how this movie will depict this literary character. Finally. an account of the Bronte sisters in film. I wish her sisters could see movies, too.
Blinding Lights
May 22, 2022
It is quite tragic to learn that all of these brilliant artists had such a rough life due to their original ideas. And it is only after their passing that people recognize them as legendary.
Aug 21, 2015
Have you guys heard about the rumor that Charlotte Bronte is a serial killer and she poisoned her sisters so she will be the best writer among all of them.
That's the glory of love!
Oct 23, 2014
I think the only reason that theory existed is because of the fact Charlotte is the last to die.


It might just be a mere rumor probably because she was said to be the best.So I don't think she have reasons to kill her own flesh and blood. I am sure Charlotte mourned when Emily died.
Hey I just met you!
Jan 17, 2022
I absolutely love Wuthering Heights so much, and Emily Bronte is the author who most certainly merits a biopic. Although I don't have much knowledge on Emily, I hope it will be as accurate as possible. I did read that a lot of it is based on rumors, including the affair, which I'm not sure if I like. Nevertheless, based solely on what I've heard about Emily and her personality, I believe Emma will do a fantastic job portraying her. The trailer looks incredible!