Final Fantasy VII is like a cautionary tale for Climate Change

New Member
Aug 22, 2019
Shinra is vital to the planet Gaia's economy, which is why it was named after it. Shinra is comparable to the oil business in that the extraction of Mako energy was detrimental to the natural world and contributed to global pollution, yet the company is unconcerned about either of these issues. Shinra was the target of Avalanche's opposition, despite the fact that they wished to stop them. This Game serves as a cautionary tale for us. Even though the use of fossil fuels and cattle raising are major contributors to climate change, governments continue to ignore the problem.
New Member
Jan 22, 2018
Something I like about the Covid Pandemic in 2020, The Earth was able to breathe because there are no car on the streets.
New Member
Sep 29, 2021
The fact that we as people are ultimately unable to stop giant conglomerates from irrevocably harming the earth is, in my opinion, better illuminated by the message in Remake.
As a result of Shinra's masterful planning, good people are inevitably hurt by Avalache's purportedly altruistic goal.
However, Shinra is so morally reprehensible that they are further popularizing the "terrorist" actions than was ever done in the OG, despite the fact that the severe measures they do are not intended to damage the residents of the slums.

Personally, I believe it gives the story and some character arcs a little more depth.
If anything, it serves as another condemnation of corporate industrialization's effects on our planet and the darkly clever means elites will go to in order to maintain their power.
Cloud & Co. will probably discover later on (I'd hope) that what they performed at Reactor 1 was not what led to the widespread devastation and mortality.
Mar 7, 2021
Yeah The Mako Energy of Shinra is like Oil,Fossil fuel and cattle industry in our planet.
Jan 28, 2021
The Avalanche members are technically Eco-terrorist because they know that Shinra is killing their planet. Look how people see Greta Thunberg and paint her as psycho when all she wanted is for people to wake up because our planet is dying.
New Member
Jul 24, 2017
The remake accomplished little more than validate those who believe in utilizing violence for political ends. Oh, you're right, it was just the bad corporations. Which is simply a quick way for individuals to absolve themselves of responsibility for their acts. It's a terrible, inappropriate response to say, "You know our actions did murder innocents and make their lives tougher, BUT IT WAS FOR THEIR OWN GOOD."

Regardless of whether their cause is right or not, political extremist groups' violent activities that result in the deaths of innocent people are still terrible and should STILL send a message. In the Final Fantasy 7 remake, it was just tastefully whitewashed. The innocence of Avalanche is not as pure as they say.
New Member
Sep 9, 2020
Wow we have a Shinra Apologist here. Reminds me of my Uncle who is anti electric cars and thinks Climate Change is a hoax.
New Member
Aug 24, 2021
I can see how Climate change is symbolized by the politics of Final Fantasy VII.
This should give you some food for thinking. It will be intriguing to watch how the universe of the remake is impacted by the political atmosphere. I've always been curious about what goes on inside the company and how it affects the general public, and I'm sure the remake will dig further into .
Realizing that folks like Zack and Cloud were told this embellished tale to entice them to enlist only for it to be the exact reverse of what they imagined really hits you hard.
New Member
Apr 7, 2021
Lets hope this game can influence the subconscious of the Youth and be more environmentally aware.
New Member
Oct 28, 2017
Who would have thought a videogame have a better environmental message than most of the media right now,