Father of the Bride Remake coming to HBO Max

Awkward Correspondent
Dec 24, 2014
Father of the Bride was a hit comedy franchise that got remakes and sequels. The original version was way back in the 1950s, but it is the 90s version that left more impressions. For a mere budget of $20 Million, it made $129 million at the box office. The family in the 90s movie then are Steve MartinDiane Keaton, and Kimberly Williams. It also spawned a sequel back in 1995, and during the Pandemic of 2020, The cast made a pseudo-sequel with the use of zoom. People thought Father of the Bride 3sh would lead to an actual sequel, but it didn’t. Now a modern reboot will tell this story from the perspective of a Hispanic American family. 
Fathers prefer to have sons, although they are frequently emotionally connected to their girls. They mourn when daddy’s little girl gets married.
Father of the Bride is a...

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New Member
Feb 26, 2021
I was a little kid when I watched the 90s version. I didn't even know that the 90s version was a remake. I notice Gloria Estefan had transitioned to acting.
Feb 18, 2021
First Cheaper by Dozen and now Father of The Bride. These remakes keeps on coming.