wanna hear a joke?
Feb 12, 2005
I apologize if you've seen this somewhere else, but I feel like the fandom really should be talking about this issue in general. I know I'm not the only victim of this. (And no, this is not about me pimping my own work- it's a real complaint I have about some people in this fandom.)


Has anyone else experienced this, or have any feelings about it either way? I think I made my feelings clear in the link...
Bandito Shake Cometh
Apr 1, 2009
I see where you're coming from, but I don't think there's much that could or should be done about it. If this person ripped large chunks of video from your videos including transitions and what-not, I have a hard time imagining it looking very good/set properly to whatever music they chose. I'd try not to feel too threatened over it.
Raxbait: Hip
Jun 4, 2007
I had a Similar event happen to me.
Months ago when I used to make lots of Avatars and Sigs. I noticed that one member was using an Avatar that I made. I asked him why he didn't credited me for it, and apparently he got it off of Livejournal. Now I know there was in no way that anyone else could've made the same exact one. So someone was taking credit for my work. I still haven't found the SOB.