Dragon Knight No Nazo-Sugita and Friends Explore Behind the Scenes

Apr 6, 2007
"Dragon Knight No Nazo" (RARE)-Sugita Tomozaku+Friends go Behind the Scenes of Toei

Note: Previous set of Dubbed Clips Here.

More Japanese Dragon Knight clips involving Tomozaku Sugita, though rather than excerpts of the show, Sugita and two friends go behind the scenes of Toei Studios to solve "the Mystery of Dragon Knight"....which is mainly just an excuse to fool around the building, mess with whiteboards, and ramble about Ryuki, Dragon Knight and Voice Acting.

I think it's from some Web Show that follows Sugita and other voice actors and their projects.

It does provide some interesting perspective from a voice actor's point of view as well as how the show fits together from their eyes. And yes, this is where the "Kamen Rider Sugirike" [(Sugi)ta+St(rike)] meme started.

The clips are as follows:
[HIDE]Part 1-The Setup
Part 2-Roaming the Parking Lot
Part 3-Into the Building
Part 4-Connecting the Dots[/HIDE]

If someone could please provide a transcript or a general summary of what's being said, it would be greatly appreciated.

It's still pretty funny even if you can't understand everything, though. (Poor Sugita can't seem to write ドラゴンナイト ("Dragon Knight") too well).
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