Do you get easily angry at a game?

Dec 8, 2014
The only game that surprising gets me really angry is Fifa. If I'm playing online and I get scored on during the last few minutes because I made a stupid mistake I've sometimes get really upset and throw my controller. I also bet money on Fifa with friends of mine and when I lose I get pretty upset.
Also, a few years ago I used to play a ton of Halo 2 and if my online ranking was lowered I would get significantly angry.
New Member
Dec 14, 2014
I did when playing the first two god of war games, as the puzzles were challenging and would take time to figure out and, sometimes had to fight and do the puzzle at the same time. I remember in the first god of war game, that there was a floor that opens so had to be quick and beat the enemy who has armour on and dodge the floor as well. The getaway game was frustrating, as the movement of the character was not real good and annoyed me me most of the time when moving was a issue and driving the cars on the road. Sometimes the enemy just came from anywhere and did not have, time to react to them and fight them easily.
New Member
Dec 14, 2014
Sometimes I get angry when I'm in a bad mood too. But it really depends when something happens in the game.
New Member
Dec 26, 2014
It depends on the game. Some games I can fail 100 times and be fine, and others make me angry for no reason. Sometimes it just depends on what killed me. For example: I'm in the middle of Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor. This one archer killed me 10 times by gathering too many other mobs and I just laughed every time and went back for more. On the other hand, this other boss killed me 3 times and I was so furious I stopped playing for a few hours. :oops: It just depends; there doesn't seem to be any certain sign as to which will make me mad and which won't. Unless it's a main story boss that has taken multiple tries and keeps killing me at a certain hp percent.... then I'm angry regardless of anything else.


The only time I use to get angry or upset while playing a game is when, due to a glitch in the game itself, for some reason the game isn't able to progress any further up to a certain point. That really infuriates me. This was common on the older systems that was prone to these glitches.
New Member
Jan 8, 2015
I rarely if ever get angry at videogames, I can't even think of an instance that I have been right now.
I imagine game breaking bugs and glitches could offset me a lot and even make me angry if they cannot be circumvented.
New Member
Jan 8, 2015
I usually don't get angry at a game very fast, because I'm really patient and if something doesn't work in the game I just try again. The only game that could make me angry and lose my mind was probably Dark Souls, because I just kept dieing over and over again, not making any progress for a loong time. Do you get easily angry at a game you play?

Not normally. But there is something about FIFA let me tell you. I am not quite sure what it is yet but when I find out. That game has made me break many many things. I hate myself for it later on. I don't know why, not even the hardest games make me get so pissed but FIFA oh man that game boils my blood.
Jan 5, 2015
I get frustrated at games but I wouldn't say I get angry at them. If I'm half a second slow or I didn't see something obvious I might feel like either the controls were delayed or it wasn't there before. Its usually my own fault and I can laugh off most of my mistakes. If I'm playing multiplayer with friends and someone is just trolling us I might get angry at them, but its not the game.
Dec 29, 2014
I don't easily get angry at a game, although there are some games that have tested my patience before. I got frustrated of course, especially when I've gone through a level many times and I still can't get past it no matter how much I try. It never made me resort to hitting things though or anything.