Why is every good TV show Cancelled
Jun 20, 2010
Ok, so we are up to episode 26, now. Just over halfway through the season & the show is pretty decent right now. Not too serious, but there's more going on than is usually happening in the less serious Rider shows.

Since my last update, the new character, Yuuri, was revieled as having once been an important member of the Sword of Logos. He fused with his sword to give himself unnaturally long life, so that he could carry out some sort of mission. He was also the one who gave Touma the King of Arthur book. He DOES have a Rider form. At first, he would just take the form of the shadow of a seemingly nameless Rider in order to fight, but he was still clearly the sword the whole time. He also got a new book (From Tassel, of all people, who is apparently now also a real character in the story itself. It seems he was a normal human who, along with several others, made it into the Wonder World long ago & got fused with its power. This is supposed to have been the origins of the Megiddo. Apparently, Tassel is the only one who didn't turn evil & may as well effectively be the king of Wonder World, now.)

Anyway, Yuuri's new book spontaneously decided to be based off of a comic book he has become obsessed with since returning to our world & turns him into a full Rider form. No clue what his name is. I heard Saikou a lot, but I think that's the name of his sword.

Since whatever happened with Calibur before successfully connected the worlds, there are now people who can see visions of Wonder World at random. The Megiddo now have the ability to forcibly turn any such person into Megiddo against their will. The Sword of Light is able to separate them from the monster, but Touma has repeatedly almost done so on his own, meaning all the sword might be able to do it, they just don't know how yet.

The writers have decided to jokingly lean into Mei's annoying little sister vibe & had her throw a fit a couple of times, which was hilarious, but she's still mostly just kind of there.

The other Riders didn't know how to take this whole situation with Touma being labelled a traitor for a while, but slowly got over it. Slash & Buster left the Sword & joined Touma, but the green guy won't because his respect for Kento won't allow him to see any good in the person who killed him whatsoever & he's still kind of mad at anyone who sides with them & Blades outright refuses to betray the Sword out of loyalty.

Sophia is still being held prisoner & hasn't been seen or brought up in at least 10 episodes.

The sad thing, which was just revealed in episode 26, is that the leader of the Sword of Logos is also a villain just as bad as the Megiddo, ergo Kento's dad had been correct in believing they were all being used, but it is only this specific, despotic leader, as the original Master Logos legitimately wanted to protect mankind from the Megiddo. The current one hates the world & is perfectly fine with it being destroyed. This also means that the new woman is not the traitor in the Sword-- she is just as fiercely & unwaveringly loyal to the cause as Blades & does whatever she is told without question. Also, she is now a Rider too. No clue what her name is either, but she's got her own theme song & is actually kind of a badass. She's now been activated to assassinate all the traitor Sword members & barely anyone can stand up to her so far.

Touma also has a new power up, Primitive Dragon, which possesses him against his will at a moment's notice & drives him into a mindless rage, making him attack anyone around him. Apparently, it in & of itself is possessed by the spirit of a very hurt & broken child. But, if I'm understanding the next week's promo, he'll be getting control of it soon.

Also, Kento is back from the dead, he is the new Calibur & believes that they are all doomed no matter what, unless he destroys all the swords. Somehow, wherever he was, he lived through countless possible futures & didn't see a single one where Touma & co succeeded in stopping the Megiddo & they always end with their own powers being used against them to end the world.

EDIT: Ok, the two new Riders are called Saikou & either Sabera or Sabela. I guess either way makes sense.
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