Jul 13, 2010
I watched the original pilot episode, and I thought that it really sucked. If they decided to keep it that way would you kept watching it?
Mar 3, 2008
What have you watch the any other early episodes of Power Rangers recently cause if this is the first time since you were a child then you might of forgotten that the acting is pretty bad.
Read my smart post
Sep 29, 2008
What have you watch the any other early episodes of Power Rangers recently cause if this is the first time since you were a child then you might of forgotten that the acting is pretty bad.

Acting? MMPR had some decent actors, specifically Walter Jones and Amy Jo Johnson

The early episodes had much worse problems, awful dialogue, awful stories, and even worse fight co-ordination. It wasn't until Green With Evil that the show actually started to be good
Mar 3, 2008
I'm re watching it for the first time right now and I'm up to a few episodes after the first time Tommy came back as the Green Ranger and a lot of lines just get delivered very awkwardly mostly the one liners from Jason. I mean there acting will probably get better as I continue re watching it but right now the acting is pretty mediocre.

Also Bulk and Skull are sociopaths. They pick on everyone and say they don't want friends but then they hang out at a youth center, a place designed to hang out with friends.
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Some kind of Beast mode
Feb 24, 2008
Acting? MMPR had some decent actors, specifically Walter Jones and Amy Jo Johnson

Agreed. Plus Jason Narvy and Paul are really goodd actors too. They might of been cheesy, but throughout all their seasons on the show, they've delivered with their characters.
New Member
Jul 29, 2006
Acting? MMPR had some decent actors, specifically Walter Jones and Amy Jo Johnson

The early episodes had much worse problems, awful dialogue, awful stories, and even worse fight co-ordination. It wasn't until Green With Evil that the show actually started to be good
Then perhaps "Green with Evil" is the one I should show someone first when introducing them to PR, if I don't want to use "Day of the Dumpster"? I'm thinking that's what made me want to commit to following PR, though that was when I saw it as a repeat in the spring of 1994. Before that though, I was always watching episodes whenever I could. Since the run of the first season showed at 2:30pm on weekdays, it wasn't as convenient for me to catch.

I actually showed one of my cousins "Countdown to Destruction" first, since I was explaining to her how PR works and how they use Sentai to adapt seasons. Then I showed her "Day of the Dumpster".

Also Bulk and Skull are sociopaths. They pick on everyone and say they don't want friends but then they hang out at a youth center, a place designed to hang out with friends.

Whenever did they say anything about not wanting friends?