Danger/Disadvantage of video games to young gamers

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New Member
Dec 10, 2017
We already know the advantage of playing video games to people,now, let's face the reality that in every good thing there are also bad things like in video games.We all know that playing video games can be addictive that many younger gamers are already victims on this, the students in specific.
New Member
Nov 27, 2017
The real danger of video games to young gamers is video game addiction. These days parents use video games as babysitters because they work long hard days at work and then they get home they don't want to deal with their kids.

And the kids sit there and play video games 8~10+ hrs a day and not only does it warp their mind but it makes them addicted to gaming and they can't function unless they are playing video games daily.
New Member
Nov 30, 2017
Too much video games to young gamer can harm them psychologically, or sometimes most of the young gamer got a failing grades in their exam because their focus is on the video games, they don't have time to study anymore that is why they got a failing grades. And just like I said, sometimes it can affect their psychological aspect, because some of them do what the skills they've learned in that video game, specially those brutal video games. So as a reminder the parents should guide their children, and still parents should give limit to their child in playing games.
New Member
Oct 25, 2017
Since children have less self control, they can easily get addicted to gaming. This notion is risky since instead of studying, they will spend the whole of their valuable time playing the games. It can really ruin their precious lives.
New Member
Dec 6, 2017
Parents should be responsible with their kids. They are the one should guide their children on what amount of time they can spend on playing video games. Kids are stubborn so parents must do proper guidance. They have to be strict when their kids are playing video games. They need to know that parents are still in charge and must obey them all the time. If they will guide their children properly they won't be addicted to the games because they know how to balance their social life, school and leisure time.
New Member
Dec 2, 2017
I agree that the addiction to game is probably the disadvantage for young gamers. Like this is mostly the reason why they don't want to go to school, wake up early and be active. And also, the violence in games which a young gamer must avoid as well, like they're too young see some actual killing.
New Member
Dec 19, 2017
The most common disadvantage to the youngones are they don't focus on their studies, they put much of their time in playing games.
New Member
Dec 16, 2017
The disadvantage of video games to young gamers is the distraction it brings to his/her study in school whether we can call this gamer a "high school" or a"college". Although i would like to make my explanation in general. The most persona that would likely has to have more disadvantage is young gamers than adults. Since adults, can control their time now that they are either working or just laying off from their houses.
New Member
Jul 12, 2017
You should show a lot of discipline when you bring your kids up and they start playing these video games-and I think they need to earn the right to play? They should complete their chores and homework before they get to play I think. Also the kid needs a outlet at the end of the day,and if you use these games in the right way-they may even be great for his brain overall -and just what the doctor ordered as well.
New Member
Nov 29, 2017
The disadvantage I've already experience in spending a lot of time in video games is:
It can damage our eyesight. Due to my addiction of playing video games, I spend like 3 to 6 hours of playing when I was a kid and it damages my eyes that I couldn't read signs in the road and cannot notice a person's face in distance.
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