Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Shark Week started earlier than normal this year! That adds excitement to the penultimate part that is part 9!

Episode 42:

Devil Boma emerges from a hill saying that he will soon acquire immortality and throws two objects in the air. At Turbo Builder the Turborangers celebrate Seelon's birthday complete with a birthday song as the background music. Red mentions how much they appreciate her after Pink gives her some pendant. Dazai talks about how great this is and Pink scolds Blue for something while the two objects spy through the vents. The lights go off- I KNOW I've heard those background sonar pings from other toku shows! The objects melt through the vents and become a pair of doxies that capture Seelon. The heroes run around the area, but the doxies manage to escape. Dazai comes to the conclusion it is a boma plot (duh) and has the heroes head out after Red finds her wand. Cut to a cave where Devil Boma eats Seelon so he can gain immortality. His body absorbs her magic which weakens her and causes his nails to grow. Yamimaru shows up demanding to know what the hell is going on. The Turborangers hear Seelon via telepathy and spot Devil Boma and Yamimaru in the cave. Fighting soon breaks out complete with transforming and random woolars lead by Zultan. Red duels with Devil Boma when Dragas shows up, allowing the violent demon beast to escape. Red jumps up and grabs Dragas by one of his right foot. They fly over Tokyo with him barely able to stay on. Devil Boma uses acid mouth mist to force him off and he falls in a park.

Red continues the chase with time running out. Devil Boma view this on a rooftop before he is spotted. Red takes a while to head up there as he runs through empty escalators until Kirika and some woolars try to stop him. He transforms so he has a fighting chance. Kirika is soon forced off a ledge and red duels with Devil Boma on a rooftop. Dazai notices Seelon has little time left based on the clock while Devil Boma grows dreds. He is badly beaten and tells himself not to surrender. He remembers the pendant Pink gave Seelon and decides to charge his body with electricity to shock him. This would allow Seelon's pendant to rechannel the electricity and it causes an explosion just as the others show up. Red and Devil Boma land in a baseball field with the others spotting them and Seelon is discovered to be fine. Devil Boma throws a fit and the fight heads to a park where Red unloads on him before he explodes. Yamimaru undoes this while Red sends out Rugger Fighter to become Rugger. Wasting no time Rugger beats the tar out of Devil Boma before taking him out with the Screw Rugger Kick. The episode ends with Seelon thanking the Turborangers while Madonna-like pop music plays in the background music; also a lot of shots of carnival rides. Next episode shows wine bottles being shot and Blue being beaten up.

Devil Boma: Powers include twin doxy summoning, mouth acid mist, high jumping, and a broadsword

Episode 43:

Gymnists do try outs with a guy with glasses named Kenichi unable to do some jumps properly. After being laughed at a few students try helping him, but run off. Cut to a computer lab where Kenichi mops and two soccer players act like jerks to him briefly. Outside he sees a guy shooting some whine bottles that happens to be Gunman Boma- Wait, why the hell is gunman a boma? Pretty sure guns didn't exist in 18,000 BC! ESPECIALLY A FRIGGIN M16! WE HAVE ANOTHER FORCED SERIES FOLKS! I call this one forced misfocus! Anyway, Zultan praises his accuracy, but Gunman Boma doesn't care as he is trying to smoke. He hears Kenichi and shoots a bullet to scare him out followed by Zultan chasing him. Blue shows up to save him when woolars show up and he transforms. Once they are taken out, Gunman Boma appears and the two have a duel before the others show up to interrupt it. Kenichi is thankful to the Turborangers for saving him and Blue tells him not to worry about it. Kenichi wishes he could transform and they promptly refuse to give him a turbo brace. At Boma Castle the villains are annoyed and Gunman Boma fires a shot at the floor demanding that he will deal with them his own way. Yamimaru tells him to know his place. After that we see Kenichi giving Blue a lunch box with food he made himself. This causes Blue to become drowsy and when he wakes up the others notice his turbo brace being gone. We see Kenichi with is and remember seeing the fairy tree when he was a kid. He sees a robbery in progress and tries stopping him by transforming. The robber is soon punched to the ground. Blue shows up, allowing the robber to escape, and he gives a speech as to why he shouldn't steal and stuff. Zultan and Gunman Boma show up, the latter gunning Kenichi down. Blue is soon shot in the gut and left shoulder, allowing him to be beaten up while Kenichi runs for it.

At Turbo Builder the others scold Kenichi for being dumb and whatnot. Dazai asks for the turbo brace back, but he refuses and soon runs off. We find out he hid the turbo brace in the computer lab as he reflects on what happened to Blue. After that the Turborangers show up to a field to rescue Blue. Gunman Boma tells Zultan to throw him down a hill so he can start gunning them down. They transform while Kenichi forms some concoction he places in a bullet. Kenichi eventually shows up and runs forward, getting shot before jumping into the air and placing his concoction bullet onto Gunman Boma's ammo belt. He gives Blue back his turbo brace and he transforms so a gun duel can occur. The concoction bullet causes his M16 to burst, allowing Blue to shoot at him followed by the V-Turbo Bazooka blowing him up. Ragorn's corpse revives him as a giant, surprising Yamimaru, and Red sends in Robo. The two have a quick gun duel and the fight soon ends with Robo using the HS Blade to execute the Crash which ends Gunman Boma. The episode ends with Blue thanking Kenichi with the latter giving a speech about learning responsibility or something before getting over the gymnastic hurdle. Next episode shows Red sneaking around and Kirika doing a ritual.

Gunman Boma: Powers include an M16, twin shoulder guns, and a pistol

Episode 44:

A meteor heads for Earth while Kirika is sleeping on a bed that you'd find in a psychiatrist's office. She wakes up to see the ghost of Omamori Boma. She feels bad for her guardian being dead and we cut to her old house. Kirika surrounds herself in lit candles and says some incantation while it is storming. Red drives by because of sadness or something. He waltzes into her home and spots Kirika chanting. Omamori Boma's ghost shows up again as we see the meteor again briefly. Apparently in it is Yoroi Boma and that Kirika should release him so the the ghost gives her a seal or something. Kirika finds out Red was spying on her and the two argue at one another before fighting. Red soon runs back to Turbo Builder telling the others what is going on with Seelon confirming it. On a monitor they view the meteor that Yoroi Boma is in and supposedly he is super deadly or something. The meteor soon explodes and he just flies down to Earth the next day. Kirika uses the seal to guide him. The Turborangers show up with woolars acting as cannon fodder. Yellow fails to stop Kirika as Yoroi Boma crash lands. Yamimaru shows up to distract the Turborangers while Kirika merges with Yoroi Boma to give her a knew night outfit. She fires some lightning bolts from her lance sword and uses mystical winds to set rocks on fire and throw them. Also ground surges you see in the Space Sheriff series. Kirika starts weakening, but keeps attacking with the Turborangers being sent down a fissure. Kirika laughs and Yamimaru finds it creepy.

Kirika gets full of herself and Yamimaru calls her out on it. Some bickering occurs and he walks off disgruntled. Zultan scolds her only to get smacked. Kirika starts feeling bad for some reason- I WISH I KNEW JAPANESE! At the quarry, the Turborangers try thinking about how to beat Kirika with Red saying she is still human. They head out on their mach turbos with Kirika spotting them and going forth with her attack. Naturally she starts beating them up even though they persist. Yamimaru sees her and Red dueling with her armor holding her back. She eventually throws her lance sword, but Red catches it and throws it at the armor's abdomen, separating both entities. Yamimaru jumps in while Yoroi Boma gets assaulted by the Turborangers before the V-Turbo Bazooka is brought out. Yamimaru decides go use giant revival on him and Red has the Turborangers head out to form Robo. The titans use their swords to fight each other, Yoroi Boma managing to make Robo let go of the HS Blade. Rugger Fighters shows up and becomes Rugger so Super TR can form and finish him with the Super Miracle Beam. The episode ends with Kirika apologizing to Yamimaru and he replies by saying it is the Turborangers' faults for leading them to this while they play on a jungle gym that night. Yeah. Next episode shows women in Arabian clothing and a guy with some mark on his head.

Yoroi Boma: Powers include flight, adaption, armor merging to a host, a rapier, and left hand lightning bolts

Episode 45:

A TV show airs some woman in Arabian clothing and some antiques in front of a live audience. She focuses her attention on the antiques and causes them to move and even levitate. Someone narrates how unbelievable this event is. The anqiques start sparking and the audience applaudes before she walks off. Four kids from the audience talk to each other as they leave the broadcasting building, one of them really believing it was magic. The magician woman sneaks up behind him saying she is willing to give the boy a tour backstage. Upon doing so she reveals Hanko Boma who uses his nose to leave a seal on his forehead. Cut to the next day where seal boy does very well in swim class which even impresses Blue- his name is Toko? He says it was magic and uses telekinesis to pull down the swim trunks of two boys. Blue notices the seal on his head and gets threatened with pants pull down if he continues. In the street we see magician woman having a bunch of kids surround her for a show. Hank Boma shows up to scare them off with the Turborangers arriving. Blue calls her out as Kirika who goes on a speech about how kids deserve embarassment or something before they transform. Kirika ditches the Arabian clothing and summons woolars with Blue fighting Hanko. Blue gets smacked with a seal and Zultan gets smacked in the face soon after. He tries using psychic powers, but that fails and Pink throws her turbo laser at him. Yamimaru shows up saying how they are doomed and proceeds to attack. In the city, Toko uses his psychic powers to get himself some snazy clothes, effectively stealing from a mannequin. This is followed by stealing food from high school girls and changing a punch of papers to one hundred percents. Blue spots this and tells Toko to cut it out because no responsible human would do this. Toko throws a fit and throws leaves at him.

Ragorn's corpse keeps moving around with demonic energy snakes coming from the eyes. These show up in the sky and strike Toko. Turbo Build gets alerted to this via an tremor while Toko's powers rapidly amplify and he attacks the villains. Blue says he has to stop and Toko runs off irked. Yamimaru notes something fishy is going on and demands to know who is doing this. The wander duo use Dragas to track the boy down and attack him with Blue helping him escape. They soon roll down a hill when Toko realizes he can use his powers on them, but the seal suddenly disappears and he begins to cower. Blue tells him to have some bravery as they both grab a log and shove it in dragas's mouth, forcing him to fly off. The wander duo square off against the Turborangers and have Hank Boma, Zultan, and woolars fighting them with the grunts being beaten down fast. Blue shoots Hanko's staff away from him and throws him followed by a lot of gun fire that blows him up. Kirika brings him back king sized and Red sends in Rugger Fighter to form Rugger. Gotta like how Hank Boma uses his staff to swing the Battle Ball back at Rugger, but he gets tossed around and finished off from the Screw Rugger Kick. The episode ends with Toko pretending he has psychic powers and the Turborangers trying to be silly about it including Yellow giving a shot. Next episode shows Yamimaru fighting the Turborangers on a beach, Pink is taken to a fantasy world, and Neo Ragorn revives.

Hanko Boma: Powers include nose psychic seals, teleportation, and a staff with seals on both ends

Episode 46:

Yamimaru and Kirika attack the Turborangers on a beach complete with waves taking up camera space. The fighting becomes fierce with nobody aware that Hitotsume Boma is watching and Ragorn is reforming his corpse. Yamimaru yells at the heroes with Red telling him to can it. The team charges just as the wander duo do and everyone's swords scatter around. Ragorn comments about how good this distraction is. Pink tries telling them to stop after remembering a time when all seven of them took a group photo (which has not occured on screen before this I may add) when a weird stone frame suddenly appears. Seelon tells Dazai that this is wonderous or something based on the background music. Pink approaches it with Red telling her not to, but she goes through it which causes her to go into another dimension. In it she finds a bunch of flowers and an orange sky. She spots rabbits of different colors when the wander duo and the men show up. Fighting breaks out and Pink keeps running away only to encounter the wander duo again. She transforms to evade them with Hitotsume Boma still observing for Ragorn. A castle appears from some fog and Pink heads in. The wander duo try following and fail due to the cliff being too steep. The men also have trouble while Pink reaches inside to find a heart-like glass figure. Kirika shows up to duel with her followed by the others. During the battle everyone notes that nobody can fire projectiles and go into melee. However, after some flying kicks both sides are simply shocked and reduced to civilian forms. Pink notices the heart glass was knocked down and tells everyone that it has lost its love or something. It is then used to cause a lightning storm and cause the door to disappear.

The glass heart is reduced to dust as everyone is back on the beach. After that a pillar appears with laughing coming from it. Out of it comes Neo Ragorn in a ball of fire. All seven of them are unable to transform and Neo Ragorn reveals he used their energy to revive his body. They feel ashamed for some reason as Hitotsume Boma is brought out to fight followed by Zultan and some woolars showing up to aid in Neo Ragorn's return. The Boma Castle flies by and uses a tractor beam from the mouth to transport Neo Ragorn on while Red tells Pink it is up to her to save them or something. This allows her to unite them with a speech about how violence is not always necessary or something when they give her all their reserve power. Zultan sends the woolars and Hitotsume Boma on her. The mooks go down and decide to fight the men, but the violent demon beast keeps blasting Pink. Red tells her not to give up and she unloads her weapons on Hitotsume Boma until he explodes. Once Neo Ragorn makes him big Pink calls in Rugger and pilots it alone. Hitotsume Boma proves quite powerful for melee combat and even knocks Rugger down long enough for the men to get in the cockpit. Once together they punch Hitotsume Boma down and terminate him with the Screw Rugger Kick. While the Turborangers become exhausted, the wander duo try grabbing each other. Neo Ragorn addresses his minions that the time to crush their enemies is at hand as he returns to orbit. Seelon tells Dazai and the Turborangers that she too is running out of energy and collapses. Next episode shows Seelon being human sized and Zultan leading woolars into battle.

Hitotsume Boma: Powers include eye energy bolts and high jumping

Will we finish tomorrow? That all depends on whether or not the stream site I have been using wants to function! In the mean time enjoy the following proof that our heroes did indeed play on a jungle gym.

Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Out of the 80s and into the 90s! Here is part final!

Episode 47:

At Turbo Builder the Turborangers worried about their power loss from last episode, even Seelon starts sobbing over it. Cut to a campfire where the wander duo are met by some mysterious old guy that gives them water. He explains that he himself is also a boma named Kashimu. Yamimaru is alerted as he is unsure whether or not he should trust him. They see Dragas flying by and Kashimu warns them of his loyalty. Dragas lands in Boma Castle where Neo Ragorn spreads fire in his mouth and out of it comes Dragra Boma, one of his loyal servents. At a park the Turborangers encounter Misa who probably goes on about them missing class or whatever. She asks where the hell they have been when Dragra Boma attacks and bites Misa, turning her into a vampire. Zultan shows up with some woolars to explain she is one of their minions now. Seelon hears about this and flies off. The wander duo find the Turborangers and they fight in human forms briefly. Red asks that they have a temporary truce, but Kashimu says not to back down. The Boma Tribe shows up to distrupt this with Zultan talking about how boned they are before firing explosive needles from his flute. Dragra Boma and Misa are used on the Turborangers until Seelon shows up and blasts the teeth off the former. This turns Misa back to normal and Seelon takes Misa to wherever before fainting. Seelon grows to human size and is very weak. Dazai shows up, able to see her without is goggles, and says she might die if they don't do something. Also Misa has shrunk down to fairy size. Red mentions that they must act fast- WHAT ARE THE VILLAINS DOING RIGHT NOW?

Ragorn fires an eye beam that regrows Dragra Boma's teeth and has him go out again, so much that he appears literally seconds later with Zultan and the grunt squad. Dazai tells them to run which they do, specifically into an open field where woolars throw their kamas which explode. They roll down a hill and Red checks on Seelon. Zultan has the woolars fire tube-like machine guns which causes the area to smoke up, presumably killing the Turborangers until they emerge transformed. The wander duo see this from a cliff and are impressed. They beat up grunts while Yellow and Pink handle Zultan. Red duels with Dragra, barely able to fend him off. After a quick assault Dragra bows up, but Zultan undoes this followed by Red summoning Rugger Fighter to form Rugger. The Battle Ball stuns Dragra Boma followed by a flying punch. Robo is soon called for so Super TR can be formed and destroys Dragra Boma via the Super Miracle Beam. Meanwhile, Seelon transforms back to her fairy size while Misa becomes human sized again when Dazai was carrying her. She misunderstands him which leads to antics that causes him to fall in a lake. The episode ends with the wander duo wondering how to deal with their enemies. Next episode shows Kashimu revealing his true form and his locket.

Dragra Boma: Powers include high jumping, vampire bites, a bladed boomerang, and arm energy cutters

Episode 48:

On a rainy night the wander duo get struck by lightning while screaming to the sky. Red pushes them out of the way as a bolt is about to strike them. Yamimaru says they have to do this to get more power like they did last episode. Kashimu shows up just as they get struck.... Which doesn't even singe their clothes. Kashimu uses his staff to clear up the weather via magic beam. After that he tells them about how there are better methods or something which goes on for a while. Back in his day he met a kind priestess that attended his wounds from the human and boma war and lead him away. They lived together and even had a daughter he cared for. The point is that life is precious and that the wander duo should not waste it. Yamimaru blows him off and runs off to yell at Neo Ragorn. He hears him and has Zultan bring a vase of smoke out which releases somethign resembling fruit rollups. This magically attaches itself to Yamimaru and turns him into Gum Gum Boma. Zultan appears, unofficially proving the villains teleport, saying he is now possessed.Woolars show up just as the Turborangers transform. Once the mooks are out of the picture they try shooting Gum Gum Boma, but Kirika gets in the way. She gets shoved aside and Gum Gum Boma unloads his power with Zultan assisting him.

Kirika followed Gum Gum Boma, but Kashimu tells her not to. She soon gets attacked by Gum Gum Boma to convince Yamimaru to stop even when Kashimu gets shot. Gum Gum Boma uses some gum on Kirika, but Kashimu uses a beam from his locket to destroy it and turn Yamimaru back to normal. Explosions occur from Neo Ragorn to smite his foes, but this ends up rejuvenating the wander duo. The gum then possesses Zultan so Gum Gum Boma can reform. Kashimu tells the both of them not to continue fighting, but Yamimaru kicks him off a cliff. It is here that Kashimu is revealed to be Kimen Boma. He gives Red his locket and upon opening it he sees a picture of his daughter which turns out to be Kirika. Apparently the skull monsters were just her adoptive parents. He mentions how much he wanted to protect his daughter from harm and now entrusts this to the Turborangers before dissipating. During this the wander duo deal with the other villains when Red shows up to tell them about Kirika's origins. She denies it, but Red goes on about it. Yamimaru asks if she believes Red which is drawn out quite a bit before she attacks the Turborangers. They transform complete with slow motion and beat up the wander duo before turning their attention to Gum Gum Boma and his squad. Zultan throws the gum off and throws it to a random woolar where Red finishes him off with the GT Crash. Zultan revives him as a giant while Rugger Fighter is summoned by Red to become Rugger and fight. The Battle Ball is used like a volley ball and lodges itself in Gum Gum Boma's mouth before he is finished off by the Screw Rugger Kick. The episode ends with the Turborangers making a grave for Kimen Boma using his walking stick on the beach and Red promising to protect his daughter while she looks on from a distance. Next episode shows Kirika being hurt and Red fighting Yamimaru.

Gum Gum Boma: Powers include possessive gum, mouth fire balls, hand lava blasts, and explosive steam from the body tubes
Kimen Boma: Powers include a human disguise and a beam firing locket

Episode 49:

After the funeral from last episode, Kirika approaches her father's grave with sad music in the background. When Yamimaru appears she just walks off. That night the Turborangers and Seelon gaze at the Lakia constellation while Neo Ragorn does some chanting and a ritual. Zultan, Woo, and Lar wonder around only for Red and Blue to kick them down followed by the others showing up. Zultan explains that there is a big even coming soon involving the resurrection of all the dead boma they have slain. The Boma Castle flies overhead with the wander duo seeing this from a distance. Yamimaru calls for Dark Spider and once in a cave has Kirika use a beam from her lance sword on the little guy. She finds herself exhausted, but keeps going. Eventually she and Yamimaru form Dark Spider Boma. Cut to Turbo Builder where everyone tries thinking of a plan and Seelon mentions impending doom or something. Dazai mentions that it is due to man-made pollution that the Boma Tribe can be as strong as it is. Remember when Turboranger had an environmental message? Pepridge Farm remembers! The Turborangers spot Zultan, but the wander duo get in their way demanding a fight. Red tells them how bad the situation is, but Yamimaru does not give a darn while Kirika looks uncertain. Red brings out her dad's locket again- Okay now that I think of it when WAS that picture taken? Some more yelling happens and Yamimaru puts on his black mask to show how serial he is before Dark Spider Boma shows up. Fighting occurs once the Turborangers transform. Dark Spider and Red duel for a bit with the former arsenal spamming. The fight is then interrupted and everyone is in their civilian form after a big explosion.

Dazai tells the Turborangers that Ragorn's plan is slowly coming to fruition. The Turborangers try helping Kirika, but Dark Spider Boma attacks. The others fend him off while Red takes her to a tall grass field. She tells him to stop it and he replies that it is his job to protect her. He brings out her dad's locket again to mention how much he cared for her up to the point to which he died. The ground starts shaking with Zultan leading the woolars to a mountainside emitting yellow gas. Yamimaru attacks Red and demands he dye as the two duke it out once more. When Kirika is told to finish Red she refuses. Yamimaru does it himself, but Kirika uses her body to stop a stab attempt. She apologizes for it and cries just as the others show up. He throws a fit and charges at them with Dark Spider Boma. During the fight Red is caught in a small black pocket dimension that Dark Spider Boma uses and it is a pretty friggin cool fight that ends with the violent demon beast blowing up form the GT Crash. Yamimaru does giant revival and Red sends out Rugger Fighter to become Rugger. Wasting no time both go in arsenal heavy, but Rugger eventually terminates Dark Spider Boma via the Screw Rigger Kick. The side of a mountain keeps trembling with Zultan cheering. The episode ends with the Turborangers running and Yamimaru walking away from Kirika. Next episode shows the wander duo chained up and the mountain still shaking.

Dark Spider Boma: Powers include high jumping, hand webs, a laser gun, a bow and arrow, a sword, a spear, teleportation, a pocket dimension, an ax that emits energy blasts, and a kama with a chain

Episode 50:

Explosions occur around the mountain with the Turborangers witnessing the balls of fire being erupted. Out of one of them comes a demonic figure named Fuin Boma. Zultan tells him the situation with the Turborangers saying they will attack him, but the Boma Castle fires a mouth beam to fend them off and transport everyone aboard. Neo Ragorn says he needed to release Fuin Boma to release the Great Seal which has prevented most of the violent demon beasts from emerging. Most of the fairy magic used to keep the seal in check was built on top of Turbo Builder so it must be destroyed. Cut to a river where Kirika cleans up Red's wounds. In return he giver her the locket of her father. Yamimaru shows up to fight again and she tells her to stop. Kirika tries convincing her it isn't a smart idea this late in the game only to get smacked. Zultan shows up with some goons and Fuin Boma, the latter of whom spawns chains on the wander duo. Dragas is even summoned to carry his former masters away and the Turborangers transform to fight. They also end up being chained up with Zultan going on about how they will finally win. The woolars throw their kamas like bombs while the wander duo are tied to crosses. Fires are started at the cross bases with Kirika deciding to spill her emotions at Yamimaru even though he doesn't want to hear it. After that he shares a little too. The crystal ball form the Boma Castle is placed near Fuin Boma as he watches while the Turborangers still struggle through their chains.

The Turborangers shows up to the sight only for Fuin Boma to zap them. Red jumps down and uses his feet to kick the crystal ball at Fuin Boma's head which undoes the chains. Once Red gives a quick speech and they transform again a fight breaks out with Woo and Lar leading the grunts into battle. Fuin Boma is easily beaten up from a combo and taken out by the V-Turbo Bazooka until Zultan brings himback king sized. Red sends out Rugger Fighter to become Rugger, but as they run toward it Red is stopped by Yamimaru. Rugger is formed and fights Fuin Boma starting with the Battle Ball while Red and Yamimaru are about to duel complete with Kirika begging them not to. Twin fights in one! Rugger gets chained up while the duelers are sent down a cliff. Explosions occur near Red which turn out to be Dragas. Neo Ragorn throws a fit at him running around as it distracts Fuin Boma who fires an energy blast only for him to ram into his face. Rugger is freed and Fuin Boma explodes, but not before his big key staff strikes the ground. Yamimaru grieves over the loss of his dragon and attacks Red with full force, lots of fierce and cool swordplay. Eventually the fight ends with Yamimaru collapsing and Red saying it isn't too late. Yamimaru laughs it off and willingly turns into fire, ending his life in a tragic ending. The episode ends with the ground shaking from the bomas trying to emerge to the surface. Next episode shows the Turborangers fighting in Boma Castle where Yamimaru is still alive.

Fuin Boma: Powers include a key staff that spawns chains and energy blasts and mouth lightning blasts

Episode 51:

Such low video quality. Turbo Builder is shaking from the boma awakening with Dazai pinpointing where they will emerge. Boma Castle sends down two gazorks, Zultan piloting one, to fire at Turbo Builder. Cannons fire at them, causing them to crash and likely killing Zultan. The Turborangers head to the roof and turn into balls of light so they can board Boma Castle. They face Neo Ragorn who states it is too late to stop his evil plan and they fight. The Turborangers keep losing to him when red smoke appears, revealing to be Yamimaru. Apparently his vengeful spirit came back just to fight Neo Ragorn as he teleports around the place. On the ground Kirika sees Yamimaru's soul in her locket and sees him suffering as he fights Neo Ragorn. Cut to Turbo Builder where power is running low and Misa walks in. I don't get it either. Neo Ragorn uses a spray from his spear that makes Yamimaru tangible again (so he wasn't a ghost?) allowing him to get hurt. Yamimaru fades from Kirika's locket once he collapses. Neo Ragorn faces the Turborangers and slowly walks forward when Misa contacts them on their turbo braces saying something that gives them hope as cheery music plays in the background. This allows them to transform again and keep fighting even though they still have trouble with their main enemy. Red impales him through the neck and uses the GT Crash which causes Neo Ragorn to violently explode yet survive. Neo Ragorn uses his spear to split the floor, causing the Turborangers to fall through, but since Robo is flying up they go into it. Weird I know.

Neo Ragorn can feel his minions imprisoned beneath Turbo Builder and walks toward it. Robo fuses with Rugger to become Super TR to fight him off via the Super Miracle Beam. This.... Actually takes Neo Ragorn down despite surviving the first time. The Boma Castle is about to crash so Super TR goes into Turbo Builder to form Super Turbo Builder. Meanwhile, Kirika sees Yamimaru still alive in her locket and yells to the heroes not to blow it up. The team wonders how to solve this problem since they can't rescue him in time. Yamimaru starts having flashbacks of when he first came to the high school and met his foes. This gives him the strength he needs to stand up and blast the thrown room with his laser gun. After that he remembers when he awakened Kirika's inner boma and the two form an energy string that connects them by the pinkies and he is pulled to the ground just as the throne room is exploding. The wander duo wake up as their human selves and glad to see each other. The Super Turbo Builder Beam is used, causing Boma Castle to explode and end the tyrannt of the Boma Tribe for good. The wander duo look at the Turborangers one last time and walk off. Dazai, Seelon, and Misa show up to thank the youths for all their hard work over the past year. Seelon then flies off to Lakia's constellation, ending the story on a happy note and a random pop song in the credits.

Neo Ragorn continued: reformation, a regeneration beam from the mouth, and shoulder snakes that emit electricity
Lets get positives out of the way: The action was good, the build up to the final battle was good, the wander duo had nice dynamics with the rest of the cast, the robots are on par with sentai standards, the music is awesome, Ragorn was a well done villains (kind of like if they mixed Black Cross Fuhrer or Aton with Dr. Man) and the setting had some good depth and history to it, almost as much as Maskman. Now for the negatives! Red got too much screen time while Blue gets decent amounts and Black, Yellow, and Pink have it about evenly which is barely any at all. They killed off half the villain cast because WHY? Zultan took most of their screen time for frick sake! Plus the wander duo being temporary rulers seemed like a nice idea, but not much different happened. Now we get to the main problem: Forced amnesia. Yes, this series tends to forget a bunch of things! "We have a racing theme so here is a rugby based robot as the secondary!" "This is a pro-environmental message so lets not use it!" "You can only see fairies if you have goggles, but some people can see Seelon just fine!" "Remember Lakia? Yeah he's just a constellation now that does nothing!" "Remember Dark Spider? We barely did, but we needed another boma!" "Our villains appeared twenty thousand years ago, here is one based on guns!" It's basically similar issues with Maskman, but I dare say worse because even Liveman, to some degree anyway, remembered what the hell it was doing; what wasted potential. So here is where I rank it:

Changeman > Denziman > Bioman > Dynaman > Maskman > Goggle-V > Turboranger > Battle Fever J > Flashman > Gorenger > JAKQ > Sun Vulcan > Liveman

It should be above Maskman or even Dynaman, but the amnesia and killing villains off that early stopped that, what ashame. Also I will be doing rankings of fortresses and mecha and stuff after Fiveman since from Jetman forward carriers and robotic bases are kind of a rarity. Speaking of which, Fiveman will be taken on some time next week, stay tuned as we enter a new decade!
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Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
A new decade is upon us as we tackle the infamous Fiveman!


"Should I even ask?"

Monster of the week analyses and nicknames are still sticking!

"How is the split up this time?"

Eight parts with six episodes each. Couldn't do that with Battle Fever J because I'm certain 52 does not divide into 6 that well. It does with 4, but I to compact things.

"Alright, spill it, what is the deal with this series you built up?"

I don't quite know myself!

"Explain, bub."

Alright. This is the last sentai series that was head written by Hirohisa Soda (yum, soda pop, and no I did not type that with a straight face). He has been head writing Super Sentai since Goggle V. You know when I started that I mentioned it was the first series not to have a brand like Shotaro Ishinomori or Marvel Comics? Fun fact, all five of those had the same writer! Specifically Shouzou Uehara. Both these guys would return to write some Ohranger episodes though, good on you Toei.

"Get to the point!"

I've been noticing it since Flashman, but most other fans think that back in Turboranger the guy was simply burned out of ideas and his house of ideas finally collapsed with Fiveman. I have gotten very few specifics other than the first quarter of the series that GUIS subbed is pretty well liked. According to /m/ the main problem in-show was "the puppets" (which nobody bothered to give pictures of); I am assuming they mean the Five-kun Dolls that appear half way. As for real world-ness, there was a decline in toy sales with Turboranger and Fiveman didn't bounce back from this. Fiveman would continue this trend oh so badly during its run, but what made it worse was that it marked an all time low in ratings supposedly worse than JAKQ (as in single digit percentage). From what little I could gather this was due to two things (unless, again, the Japanese Wiki article failed to fact checked this): The first was that it aired in the same time slot as Ranma 1/2 which was insanely popular, in fact the article even noted that when Ranma wasn't airing at one point ratings jumped up. The second was that the elderly (I think is 60 and over) loathed the hell out of it for reasons I do not know. Considering how pro-age Japan is you can tell they had influence somewhere beyond "I don't want my grandchildren exposed to this trash!".

"Is that how Jetman became so unique for Senai and changed the franchise?"

Pretty much. They got a one time new main writer known as Toshiki Inoue to get back the adult audience and from Zyu to Oh another head writer named Noboru Sugimara to bring back the kids. This would explain why Mighty Morphin and Zeo worked so well with each other when Turbo didn't. After the bad ratings of Ohranger a new one time main writer named Yoshio Urasawa would do Carranger.... And Toei alternates a lot between Junki Takegami and Yasuko Kobayashi after that as head sentai writer until I think Dekaranger. So yeah, we have a timeline of sentai main writers:

Gorenger to Sun Vulcan- Shouzou Uehara
Google-V to Fiveman- Hirohisa Soda
Jetman- Toshiki Inoue
Zyuranger to Ohranger- Noboru Sugimura
Carranger- Yoshio Urasawa
Megaranger to today- lots of alternating

"Did you serious look up credit names for this?"


"But.... WHY!?"

Fiveman is often seen as one of the worst 20th century sentai and I am going to find out why.

"And opinions?"

After episodes 18, 27, and the end.

"Since Shout! Factory licensed Dairanger will you skip it like Zyuranger?"

An announcement over both licensed sentai will be given when we get to Jetman.
Episode 1:

The theme seems to check out. The narrator explains how there were many planets in the Milky Way with life, but have been turned into remote deserts including planet Sidon. On that world we see a scientist couple and their three kids telling a pair of natives on the planet that they should rejoice that some flowers in a garden in the middle of a desert will bloom with fruit. The alien natives cry tears of joy as the wife explains that it has been eight years since they left Earth. Their robot, Arthur G6, shows up with two babies for the occasion. A picture is taken of the scientists, Sidon Seijin, and their five kids. However, things go straight to hell when a giant battleship called the Vulgyre flies overhead and fires energy blasts and a machine gun from the bow to attack the garden. The Sidon Seijin are horrified and are soon killed in the attack. The humans are in distraught over this as the ship beams down batzler soldiers (or batzlers as I will call them) lead by Billion, Doldora, Dongoros, Zaza, and Garoa. They complain that the scientists made life on a planet they "destroyed" and refuse to tolerate it by order of their empress, Medor. One of the kids shoots Garoa in the face, making the space captain almost lose it, and Arthur G6 (or G6 as I'll call him from now on) uses eye blasts to stun the Zone Empire. This allows them to run into a cave and are persued by a galactic warrior named Gameru Gin and batzlers. In the cave they get into a secret door, but Gameru Gin manages to bust through. The couple tells G6 to take their kids and run. Crying happens as Gameru Gin breaks through and G6 gets the kids onto a fortress named Magma Base. The oldest kid/one that shot Garoa sees his parents dying before Magma Base flies off. While in space the other kids are sleeping, but the oldest one is still crying over what happened as G6's produces the photo they took on Sidon. The narrator then informs us that twenty years passed. At Magma Base we see the kids all grown up as G6 made them breakfast and they talk about how their students could do better. Cut to the New Town Elementary School that all five of them work at, the day starts off cheery what with a music class, a gym class, a math class, what I assume is an art class, and a science class. During the afternoon, Vulgyre makes its way to Earth.

No eyecatch? A franchise first, folks! Garoa is told by Medor that Earth will be their thousandth planet and upon its destruction she will become immortal. She demands the planet be destroyed and Garoa tells the batzlers to head out. After that they launch in vulgolses, fighters with rotating tick-like legs and a pair of tank-like laser cannons. The elementary school is among the buildings attacked and the students begin to panic. The teacher siblings try to get the kids to safety and manage to do so. Garoa and his crew state how dead the planet will soon be when they hear something in the distance. Attacking them are three giant vehicles that take out the vulgolses called the Sky Alpha, Carrier Beta, and Land Gamma which are armed with a 5-tube laser cannon behind the cockpit, a pair of missile launchers in each side, and a pair of cannons on the back, respectively. The vehicles soon halt and five figures emerge from them who happen to be teacher siblings who now call themselves the Fivemen. The narrator asks who they are (not a spoiler if you hear their voices) and wonder if they will beat the Zone Empire. Wow the ending theme is calming. Next episode shows a secret Zone base and some failed stealth.

Episode 2:

Red calls out one of their names and Billion wonders why an Earther would know any of them. Red informs Garoa that the scar he got was from him and that the children that escaped from Sidon was them. Black and Yellow are implied to be the babies from back then. Blue and Pink follow up with that they waited for them to arrive to fight the Zone Empire for slaying their parents and destroying dreams. Garoa is not phased and the fighting begins once the Fivemen jump from a cliff. Wait, is that- THAT IS WIREWORK! Haven't seen that in a while! During the battle Red and Garoa briefly duel complete with the weird special effect from Changemen. The villains retreat aboard Vulgyre with Dongoros mentioning that it costed them. Medos shows up and tells them to destroy the planet no matter what. Cut to the school ruins where the kids are mopey that they will have to leave their teachers, apparently they had quite an attachment. A pair of vulgolses fly by when G6 radios in. The Fivemen head toward a seaside cliff (what about the kids?) where G6 shows them a base the Zone Empire has set up.... HOW DID THEY BUILD THAT IN LESS THEN A DAY!? Blue runs into a force field and gets zapped. Red gets him away and suggests doing it later despite Black being against leaving. TENSION! G6 reminds them that revenge is not their main objective, but Blue says he's fed up and runs off. The others run off, but Red stays and remembers how G6 took care of them as kids. G6 has his feelings hurt since he sees himself as a bad mom or dad. The others are soon spotted by a robot that Yellow kicks down. After that they get an idea. Black uses the robot as a disguise and uses Yellow and Pink as prisoners while Blue sneaks in.

Blue sneaks around in a barrel while the villains surround Black, Yellow, and Pink. The girls are grabbed to Billion's amusement before he cuts Black's disguise. Blue is soon caught and Garoa laughs from atop a giant satellite dish. Before the batzlers can fire their machine guns, Red shows up Rambo style and guns a bunch of them down. G6 even goes in melee strong and Garoa recognizes Red without his mask. After that the Fivemen do their introducions complete with an explosion in the background and Gameru Gin is summoned. The Fivemen assault him with their weapons, even using a combo attack with their individual weapons. That is a lot of colored smoke. Gorlin is summoned by Doldora- Oh wow, looks like a mecha marshmellow man. Gorlin uses a tractor beam to absorb Gameru Gin to use cellular regeneration energy, creating a replica of them giant sized. The giant version of Gameru Gin attacks and the vehicles at Magma Base take off- WHEN DID THEY RETURN TO THEIR BASE!? The vehicles use their weapons on him, but Gameru Gin goes into his saucer form to out maneuver them. This forces the Fivemen to combine their vehicles to form Five Robo (or 5R as I will call it from now on). Doldora is impressed while Dongoros mentions how costly it is. Gameru Gin is thrown by 5R and fighting goes on. Shortly into the fight the Super Dimenion Sword (or SD Sword as I will call it) is encased in energy and destroys Gameru Gin by slashing him, causing him to explode. The Vulgyre lands in the Arctic and Medos demands Earth's destruction while the Fivemen and G6 look at the ocean during a sunset. Next episode shows a boy with tattooes attacking Red and Billion on a motorcycle.

Gameru Gin: Powers include flight, limb retraction, mouth lasers that form blasts and beams, and mouth chains that emit electricity

Episode 3:

Coming from a vulgols and landing on the Vulgyre is a galactic warrior. Medos tells her underlings how the Fivemen have shamed them. She demands they beat the Fivemen at any cost and wants the world destroyed in ice. Dongoros runs in and starts yelling that something is wrong his body. Out of his mouth is the galactic warrior named Toraru Gin. Billion reveals he is the one that called him to Earth to fight the Fiveman and based on Toraru Gin's reactions they seem to be best buds. Billion already knows the Fivemen are school teachers. Cut to Red handling a kid in the school ruins named Takeshi that is causing him trouble. He asks the boy why he won't go to a new school since he can't study here anymore. He tells Red he is not his teacher anymore and proceeds to run into the woods. Red follows, unaware that Toraru Gin has possessed the boy. Takeshi starts attacking Red unwillingly like an animal. Billion watches nearby finding this amusing as he draws out his sword. The fight then goes to a quarry, Red manages to prevent Takeshi from getting hurt via falling off a cliff. Toraru Gin and Billion make themselves know once the former exists the boy's body. Black shows up to kick Toraru Gun mid air on his motorcycle and the others follow with Red transforming. Some smoke forms batzlers and fighting breaks out. Billion summons a vulgols to take him and Toraru Gin away once the latter possesses Takeshi again. Takeshi tries fighting back, but Toraru Gin tells him Earth will die by his hand. Billion sends a message to Magma Base that if they want him back they have to meet him without transforming. Red has flashbacks about Takeshi being a prankster, but he is still willing to persist.

Toraru Gin takes Takeshi to a construction yard with Red show up. Once Toraru Gin possesses Red, Takeshi says sorry and claims he was just bored in school before passing out. Billion is amused with Red's suffering, stating that his body no longer belongs to him. This allows the villain to slash him, but this hurts Toraru Gin too. Billion says he will do anything to destroy the Fivemen and Earth while Blue wakes up Takeshi. Toraru Gin says he will possess Billion who tries getting away via motorcycle. The Fivemen give chase on their hawk arrows. Soon Billion gets possessed and is forced to turn around with the motorcycle's headlight firing a laser beam. Red fires from a pair of cannons on the windshield which forces Toraru Gun out. The Fivemen confront him and strike a pose. Yellow notices he cannot possess them with their suits on. The assault continues until the siblings use their weapons all at once in a combo. Billion summons Gorlin 2 which absorbs Toraru Gin to make him giant sized followed by Blue having G6 launch the Five Trailer (or FT as I will call it) which is a different combination of the three vehicles. The Fivemen board it once it stuns Toraru Gin and become 5R. We get a few internal shots of 5R before it fights Toraru Gin, allowing some melee attacks to hit before punching and using the Five Cannons on its arms which fire lasers. The fight is over once the SD Sword is encased in energy and impales Toraru Gin, causing him to explode. The episode ends with Takeshi being mischievous again with the others watching Red's plight. Apparently the "to be continued" text was so important that GUIS subbed it twice! Next episode shows the villains having a party and townspeople being drunk.

Toraru Gin: Powers include body possession, high jumping, sharp claws, and mouth electric bolts

Episode 4:

Considering how hung up Japan is about minors with alcohol I think we may have found what caused the older audiences to collectively bust a nut.

At the Vulgyre the villains have a party complete with drinks and a rock band. Billion complains that the liquor is rotting and even has Doldora and Zaza pour him another. It turns out to be water and he complains. Doldora sends over Zoru Gin who places his trunk in the water, allowing it to turn into liquor. Dongoros comments about it being delicious when Garoa walks in demanding to know what is going on. Doldora say she will get the entire planet drunk. Cut to G6 training Yellow by sending a bunch of flying discs at her. She gets dizzy, but G6 says she won't improve with that attitude. After that we see Doldora and Zaza leading Zoru Gin to a dam where he infects the water. Soccer player kids get drunk first with Black, Blue, and Pink trying to take two of them to a doctor when they notice everyone around town including a cop and two nuns being drunk. Black sees a dog drunk so they head for Magma Base to analyze the water.Pink thinks something is wrong at the dam once they find out the water is alcohol so Yellow is sent since she is training near it. She attacks the villains and duels with Zaza, saying she won't let them have Earth. During the fight Yellow falls in the water and jumps out, but because she swallowed a little she feels dizzy. The others show up to help when Zoru Gin sprays them with alcohol. The others transform and Doldora states that anyone that drinks Zoru Gin's liquor will go to sleep forever before the villains teleport away. Medos wonders if this victory will be easy while Doldora laughs maniacally. Apparently even the cars get drunk as two sober drivers have their cars levitate. At Magma Base this is viewed as the cars it each other while Yellow is still dizzy.

The Fivemen encounter Zoru Gun on their hawk arrows and his elephant-like strength holds Red in place. After that he shocks them, turning them back into their civilian forms. Meanwhile, Yellow tries heading out even with G6 pestering her about how she is in bad shape. She says she can fight fine and even shows up to help the others. She chugs a bottle of whine which causes her siblings to wonder why she would do that. However, Yellow holds her own against Zoru Gin via drunk fighting like the movie Drunken Wu Tang. Zaza joins in only to get beaten up herself. Batzlers are summoned and the Fivemen transform to slaughter them, note that Yellow is fully coordinated now. She duels with Zoru Gun for a bit followed by a combo attack. Doldora sends in Gorlin 3 to absorb Zoru Gin while Red calls the Five Machines to become 5R. Zoru Gin spams eye lasers, but Yellow uses her drunken wu tang while piloting to beat him up. The fight is soon ended by the SD Sword blowing Zoru Gin up. The episode ends with everyone having liquor while Yellow has a hang over so she punishes her siblings by spraying them with a hose. Next episode shows a green egg showing up on Earth with Dongoros being involved.

Zoru Gin: Powers include a trunk that turns water into liquor, electric shocks, and eye lasers

Episode 5:

A green egg flies through space with a small girl's voice screaming for her parents. In Tokyo, Dongoros has Condor Gin entrap human babies in eggs that a vulgos would collect via tractor beam. The Fivemen show up, but Condor Gin launches electric metal feathers from his jawed hands to knock them off their hawk arrows, allowing them to retreat. After that they comment about how horrid the situation is before we see the alien egg approaching Earth, commenting about how nice it looks. At Vulgyre Dongoros reveals that the entrapped humans are planned to be converted into killer bird hybrids or "condor-men" as Medos calls them. Doldora is in charge of being the caretaker against her will. After that- BWAHAHAHAHA! Yellow is rolling Black around in a baby carriage with a tape recording of baby cries playing! The others comment that the twins' idea seems ludicrous, but then they remember that they have no recollection of their parents beyond the photo like they do. Condor Gin shows up only to get punched. Dongoros shows up with batzers while the others pop out from the nearby brush and fighting occurs once they transform offscreen. A lot of zing noises going on here and Blue grabs a batzer by the throat. Once the two villains are left, Black and Yellow demand they talk, but the alien egg lands, asking who will be her dad. Dongoros smacks it before teleporting away. The Fivemen chase after the galaxy egg which zaps them with eye lasers. The egg says she doesn't know where her parents are and have been separated from them via space ship. Black thinks they might be bad guys (abortion based social commentary?) and the galaxy egg zaps them. She says that upon parents holding her the egg will be born and proceeds to fly off. At a cave a bunch of batzers are taking care of the condor-men eggs with the villains commenting about how they will hatch in an hour.

The galaxy egg flies into Doldora's arms, but she throws the egg commenting that her species isn't even born from eggs. Alien humanoid scorpions birthing live young? I'm pretty okay with that. The egg then goes after everyone else when one random scientist decides to comfort it before tossing her. Apparently two random alien scientists are the parents (how weird) and Black and Yellow save it from being blasted by Condor Gin. They try to appeal to the villains by asking if they had parents. Dongoros comments that the galaxy egg might have been from a destroyed planet so she panics and uses her eye lasers. This causes the entrapping eggs to roll out of the cave. The others show up just as things start getting worse and Black tells the egg that he and Yellow they lost their parents as babies because of the Zone Empire and will avenge her pain. Once they both transform the Fiveman strike a pose and take out batzers. Once they are taken care of, Black and Yellow fight against Condor Gin, assault him with their weapons. After that the Fiveman use their combo which I should mention by now is called the Brother Attack. Dongoros calls for Gorlin 4 to make Condor Gin gigantic followed by Red summoning the Five Machines to become 5R. Condor Gin charges in via flight, but 5R uses an energy charged punch and Five Cannons to stun him followed by the SD Sword finishing him off. The babies are all returned to their mothers and the Fivemen and G6 wish the little thing luck as it flies back into space. Next episode shows townspeople acting lazy and Yellow beating the tar out of Zaza.

Condor Gin: Powers include egg entrapping eye beams, electric feathers from the jawed hands, flight, and teleportation

Episode 6:

At Vulgyre, Doldora looks at some computers when Garoa asks if her plan is finished. She picks up a mushroom and places it in something reselmbing an incubator. This forms an experimental warrior named Enokill Gin. She mentions that the work force is what allows humans to create civilization and her plan is to make them stop. Cut to the morning where Yellow jogs around and greets a boy named Ryota and his dad. Ryota mentions that his mom is hospitalize so he helps his dad with their local food market. Later that day, Enkoller Gin spots him and says he hates hard workers so he sprays some spores called enokiller spores to make him lazy. Ryota and Yellow spot this and tell him to snap out of it as he stuffs his face with his product. Red notices a weird mushroom when Enokiller Gin and Zaza show up with batzers. Supposedly the spores spawn a mushroom on a human that absorbs their will to work. He tries doing the same to the Fivemen, but they transform and slay mooks. Black gets overwhelmed by Enokiller Gin before he turns into a mushroom and flies off. After that we see a cashier at a grocery store and a professor affected. G6 says that the mushrooms will become so rooted in they cannot be removed if this continues. Yellow see how Ryota's dad is doing while the boy tries doing the workload himself, but his bike trips on him from the heavy load. He still remains upbeat and Yellow helps him. Doldora comments that the world is almost at an end and Billion only cares about the Fivemen. Medos pops out from the ceiling saying not to be over confident.

That night a fire breaks out and firefighters try putting it out. Suddenly, Enokiller Gin affects them and they just stop. G6 shows the Fivemen a news report of record unemployment based on people leaving once they walk in. Enokiller Gin even causes the news anchors to do kareoke. Yellow is told this via necklace walkie talkie as she continues to help Ryota. His dad walks over and says he worked too much. Yellow gets an idea and drives off with the pick up truck of food. She finds Doldora, Zaza, and Enokiller Gin waiting for her and fighting soon begins. Zaza gets beaten up and Yellow mentions that people work for their families and loved ones in mind. Batzers show up only for Yellow to lay the smackdown on them followed by Enokiller Gin making them lazy. Yellow transforms to fight him with the others showing up so after complete with an explosive pose. Enokiller Gin gets assaulted and duels with Yellow for a bit. The Brother Attack is then used on him (which I should mention this combo attack only stuns the monsters, not kill them). Dordola sends in Gorlin 5 to make Enokiller Gin a giant followed by Red having the Five Machines launch. After some vehicle weapon use they form into 5R. The titans clash in melee, 5R soon throwing Enokiller Gin and bringing out the SD Sword and a knife (which I can't seem to find the name of) which terminates him after an energy charged slash. The mushrooms start disappearing from people's backs and life resumes to normal across Japan. Pink even comments about Ryota's mom about to be out of the hospital. Next episode shows Dongoros trying to control a 45 meter monster and Pink tries to teach it.

Enokiller Gin: Powers include a mushroom form that levitates, enokiller spores that turn people lazy, disc-like mushroom bombs, and hand tentacles that emit energy surges
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Class of 2005
Jun 22, 2009
I just wanted to say:

A)I appreciate you doing this It helped me out alot, Goranger wise. Speaking of which which episode is the one with Momoranger being tricked to kill/hate her teammates/fog monster

B) Bookmarking now you made my night
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
You are welcome! Glad you appreciate what I do.
Speaking of which which episode is the one with Momoranger being tricked to kill/hate her teammates/fog monster
So many episodes even I forgot, I am also certain there was no monster named Fog Mask.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
1,386 is shutting down thirty one days from now! As we wish everyone there the best of wishes here is part 2!

Episode 7:

Dongoros and some batzers plant a mine which he says is expensive as hell (10 million dolyen). Cut to Magma Base where the Fivemen are comedically cooking breakfast before eating it and wishing they have a good day. On a monitor a 45 meter monster (thanks episode title) shows up. G6 says this creature is from a giant race since there are plenty of planets in the galaxy thousands of times bigger than Earth. They could have used Jupiter as an example, but that is just me. The giant, named Saira Gin- Wait, that sounds like Sanda and Gaira, WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS REFERENCE FOLKS! The Fivemen roll out in the Five Machines with Dongoros spotting them via telescope. The landmine hits Land Gamma, making it unable to move. A pair of vulgoses fire their laser cannons at Sky Alpha only to be blown up while Carrier Beta tries helping. Five Trailer is formed and they flee while Dongoros heads back to Vulgyres to report he'lln defeat them. Medor is pleased, but still wants this planet destroyed. Dongoros demands 10 billion once the planet is busted and Garoa tells his to screw off (technically he says he is greedy, but you get the idea). Saira Gin finds Pink who is separated from the others. Black heads out to help her while the others repair their machines. Saira Gin throws pencils at Pink and Black shows up via Hawk Arrow to fire the hawk cannons to stun him as he was throwing pencils. Saira Gin becomes dizzy looking at Black ride around and tries to stomp on him only to get impaled in the foot with a pencil.... I have to give this series credit, I did not expect that. Black says he deserved it, but Pink thinks he is a child, partially because he has a backpack and is crying like a kid, but also because G6 mentioned giants earlier. Black changes back to his civilian form and uses sign language. We find out Dongoros paid Saira Gin to skip school and have fun at an awesome place (aka Tokyo). He then points out that he hasn't been doing well with math scores and even throws a test. Pink offers to teach Saira Gin math properly and we find out the kid likes school and is totally willing. After that the two pull the impaled pencil in his foot which relieves him. Call me crazy, but this is very unique for sentai and it shows they are willing to do more than just fight monsters, but rather help good ones, kudos! Meanwhile, Dongoros starts partying when Garoa yells at him, pointing out what Black and Pink are doing on a monitor (where are the cameras. Apparently Garoa does not approve of using kids for war.... That was actually a decent character moment even if his reasoning would be closer to kids being useless.

Dongoros shows up with a gun complaining about Saira Gin defying the Zone Empire. Pink tells him not to fear and she and Black transform to fight. Gorlin 6 shows up- screw it I'll just call them gorlins from now on. Dongoros wants him to absorb Saira Gin and he runs away while Red sees this on a monitor. The gorlin wrestles him to the ground, but Five Trailer fires some cannons to knock it off. Black and Pink run in and the five machines form 5R who promptly punches the gorlin down. Two vulgolses show up and Pink tells Saira Gin this is a good time for a counting lesson. The Twin Cannon fires at them, blowing the saucers down and allowing Saira Gin to discover two plus two. After that, three are destroyed, allowing him to add to seven. After that it is four equaling 11. One is still flying around and Pink says he did good. Once the twin cannons take it down, the gorlin fires hand rays only for the SD Sword to slice it and make it go boom. Garoa and Billion scold Dongoros for paying a kid to do their work and the episode ends with Saira Gin heading back to his homeworld, thanking Pink. Next episode shows an alien girl.

Saira Gin: Powers include pencil throwing and flight

Episode 8:

At Magma Base Red hears a distress signal from a member of the Crystal Seijin named Saya. She is forced to work for the Zone Empire and needs help. She claims to teleport from the Vulgyre tomorrow morning and begs for help. The others wake up and Red tells them what happens when G6 mentions the Crystal Seijin were exterminated for a long time. Red thinks it is real despite no evidence of the Zone Empire conquering a Crystal Zone. As Red heads out on his hawk arrow, Garoa is told of what Saya did. Okamiru Gin told Billion and Doldora about it. Garoa asked if he killed her and he says no, saying that the Fivemen will try to find her. During this Doldora gives Okamiru Gin a disc that will allow him to track Saya just before she teleports away. G6 tells the others that if Saya is a real Crystal Seijin she could revive the life on her world. Red soon finds Saya in a bunch of vegetation. Saya thanks Red and confirms she is the last of her kind. She was kept prisoner to be used as part of their bio-computer before being discarded. Red says it is unforgivable and carries her off when Okamiru Gin and Billion show up, the latter stating the former is the galaxy's greatest hunter. Batzers soon show up only to get thrashed followed by Red handling Okamiru Gin and Billion. The latter manages to beat him up and Saya begs for him to be spared only to get punched aside. Before Billion can finish Red the others show up to fend off the Zone Empire while he takes Saya to a safe place. Okamiru Gin howls just as Red finds her.

The hunt begins with Okamiru Gin tracking them via body temperature. The two hide in a cave only for him to show up. Red does a sweeper kick before running and jumping on top of the cave offscreen. Okamiru uses some sort of head laser which knocks them off a nearby cliff. The others find them, Red being fine, but Saya is barely able to remain conscious. She does not want to die a slave and is glad she can be free. She cries and her tear crystallizes. She claims they can only do that in times of great joy or sadness. Red tells her she must live on to save her planet, giving her ope to carry on. Okamiru Gin shows up and Yellow punches him in the throat while Billion shows up with batzers. Red and Billion exchange dialogue before the former transforms and fighting ensues. Okamiru Gin and Red duel, the latter losing and being pinned down. Billion demands he rips out Red's throat and Saya uses her crystal power to lift him up so Red can punch him away. Billion heads over, but Black kicks him in the face. The Brother Attack is then used on Okamiru Gin and a gorlin is called in to absorb him while Red summons the five machines to become 5R. Okamiru Gin jumps around, but 5R manages to throw him around before ending him via the SD Sword. The episode ends with Red holding the tear from earlier before it heads off to the sky with Saya thanking the Fiveman before she revives her world. Next episode shows aliens at a festival called the Gingamen.

Okamiru Gin: Powers include temperature tracking eyes, head homing lasers, high jumping, and sharp claws

Episode 9:

The Fivemen head out on their hawk arrows while Gagar Gin is lead by Doldora to go on a rampage and by rampage I mean spraying townspeople with green saliva that gives them Nurgle Rot. Interrupting the rampage are five aliens named the Gingamen! They act like hammy heroes complete with intros and a back explosion. Black and Blue complain that their intro is better while they fight batzers. Red wonders what the hell is going on. The town cheers after Zaza is taken down- BWAHAHAHA THEY EVEN HAVE THEIR OWN MEDICS THAT CURE THE NURGLE ROT! And with a giant needle! Cut to a bakery where one of the rot survivors starts giving out "galactic dumplings" that even gets its own news report. Black and Blue try telling the townspeople that they are up to something sinister, but are rightfully told to screw off. Immigration commentary? A female reporter following them around even enters an all-male bath house to interview them when Gagar Gin attacks them with a siren while making off with a naked boy. The other men tell the reporter they will try to save the boy while the one in the bath tub is embarassed to come out naked. The humans stunned by Gagar Gin's Gagar Siren start chanting Medor (which I thought was spelled Medos previously, whoops). The boy (Shinichi?) is taken to Vulgyre when the Gingamen show up with their medics and state they were only pretending to be heroes for Doldora's real plan. Medor shows up asking for what it is and as it turns out Gagar Gin has hypnotic powers that will cause everyone to be loyal to Medor via broadcasting which Dongoros concludes will affect at least a billion people. Medor approves of this and has expectation.

The reporter from earlier heads to the quarry where the Gingamen are about to "fight" Gagar Gin and his squad which Shinichi is tied up and given an over the mouth gag. The broadcast goes nation wide based on the montage while the Gingamen fight the batzers and Gagar Gin hams it up. They "free" Shinichi while at Magma Base G6 finally gets the men out of hypnosis via electric chairs. As soon as they are free they see the broadcast on the monitor and know how bad it is interviewing Gagar Gin is- Oh wow, Toei went multi-racial as we see a bunch of white people. Just before the interview the Fivemen interrupt them (teleportation?). They ungag Shinichi and reveal the Gingamen are part of the Zone Empire. Instead of them denying it they just come out and act evil once Doldora appears on a cliff. Intros are given with back explosions a la Dynaman and the Fivemen attack their alien counterparts. You can tell the reporter is too into this fight. Blue uses a spin attack that the reporter points out is a new attack. A new combo called the Brother Combination is used where Red jumps on the others to use a flying kick before the Brother Attack is used to assault Gagar Gin. Doldora sends in a gorlin for Gagar Gin to absorb him while Red sends in the five machines so they can become 5R. So do they teleport into the cockpits of their vehicles? This always irked me inn the past few sentai series. Fighting ensues between the giants, Gagar Gin puts up a decent fight, but the SD Sword slices him up and brings him down once- Oh hey that dagger was the end of the sword! The SD.... Dagger gets thrown into Gagar Gin and he explodes. Shinichi shakes hands and thanks the Fivemen while the reporter tries hyping a big final word only for them to walk off. I guess the morale was that true heroes don't gloat or do it for glory, although if that was intended wow was it subtle. Next episode shows some guy fighting Doldora that sucks the blood of others and Black defending him from a wrecking ball.

Gagar Gin: Powers include rotting saliva, eye hypnosis called the gagar siren, mouth explosive powder, flight, and eye lasers

Episode 10:

Some alien heads to Earth, claiming his long journey is almost over. Cut to a river where the Fivemen eatshishcabobs complete with Black stuffing his face. A boulder rolls near them which Doldora reveals was from her. She sends out a beetle that turns into Nokogiran from Ultraman Jack- err I mean Kabuto Gin. A fissure opens up and Black falls into it. Fighting batzers ensues with Black soon getting out of the fissure. Kabuto Gin's arm shields make him virtually invulnerable and Black nearly attacks Dolora when he is shot by the mysterious alien. Looks like Napolean Bonaparte. Blue asks if he is with them and he replies that Doldora is his prey. After he shoots at her she recognizes that he is a Skar Knight. Kabuto Gin fends him off so they can escape. At Magma Base thhey talk about how it is odd that there are others that fight the Zone Empire (the world destroyers have more enemies? NO WAY!). G6 uses his computer to find out that the Skar Knights serve the royal family of planet Romano which was the very first planet the Zone Empire destroyed. At Vulgyre Doldora mentions that Prince Rei Zoba's body was never accounted for so it must be him. Garoa points out that since her plan destroyed Romano then it had an issue when Medor shows up saying all who oppose them must die and that he cannot allign with the Fivemen. Rei finds a random fisherman and tries sucking his blood only for Black to kick him. Black says his planey was peaceful when the others show up and Blue says they lost their family to the Zone Empire too. Rei laughs it off and mentions that his sister, Lara, died by Doldora's explosive attack. The prince reveals that he is now a cyborg and requires human blood to survive.... A cyborg needing blood to survive like a vampire? Creative! Doldora shows up complete with random explosions saying she will end the revenge. Batzers show up with his dead sister hostage and Doldora mentions there are more survivors. He doesn't fall for it and shoots them since his sister would rather die. Kabuto Gin attacks and Black takes a hit meant for Rei. The others transform to fight, but their five blasters become broken.

Rei nearly drains the blood of a random girl and Black tells him to stop, saying he is willing to give his blood. He also mentions that the Fivemen are not fighting for revenge, but to protect others. Kabuto Gin shows up to attack them complete with a batzer ambush. The others show up to make the fight more even. Kabuto Gin fights Rei which weakens him, Black offers himself, but he refuses and aims for Doldora. Zaza fights him, but goes down quickly so the two can sword fight. Doldora easily takes him down via swordplay and electric bolts. He gets a chance to grab her so he can self destruct due to bodily damage. However, seeing Black fight makes him realize that revenge isn't everything so he takes down Kabuto Gin with his self destructing for the sake of protecting life.... Kind of a sudden heel turn, but I'll buy it. The prince explodes and Kabuto Gin is exposed to the Brother Attack. Doldora summons a gorlin to absorb Kabuto Gin while Red has the five machines launch to become 5R. The Twin Cannon and some kicking stun Kabuto Gin long enough for the SD Sword to terminate him, this time with Black as head pilot to avenge Rei. The episode ends with the Fivemen mourning Rei at his grave which is sort of touching while Black vows that they will defeat the Zone Empire. Next episode shows Dongoros with treasure and Blue with two pieces to a talisman.

Kabuto Gin: Powers include a chained mace that creates fissures, a thick exoskeleton, a shield, and twin horn guns

Episode 11:

Blue finds out he won a hundred million yen lottery during breakfast, but only eighth place for one hundred yen. Naturally the others place his face in cake. Cut to Dongoros stating he has half a treasure map to Moguraru Gin and thinks it is in the Owashi mountain range. Apparently Moguraru Gin dug all over the planet (seriously?) and Dongoros menttions that the treasure is of ancient alien origin. After that we see a boy biking named Shintaro who is being told by his grandfather to stop. Blue notices this and asks about it when he says Shintaro is looking for the same treasure. Blue meets up with him and we find out Shintaro was one of Blue's students. While they talk about repairing the school we see he has the other half of the map and goes looking with Blue promising he'd return him to his grandfather. Suddenly an earthuake occurs thanks to Moguraru Gin digging. At Magma Base G6 concludes that the quake was artificial and Yellow says they should save the Owashi mountains. During this we see Blue and Shintaro at a river and have a flashback as to how great school was and stuff. Blue spots Moguraru Gin nearby and he complains about sunlight before putting on goggles. Dongoros tells him to knock it off and the two notice his half of the map. Blue puts two and two together and tells Shintaro to stay. Shintaro's yelling causes Moguraru Gin to notice them and attack. Shintaro drops his map half and Blue fights him so he can run. Dongoros grabs the map half and Blue takes both of them, stating he will not let him destroy the mountain range. Moguraru Gin keeps attacking and Blue transforms to fight him off. Zaza notices this happening. The others look for Blue and come across Shintaro who tells them of the attack. Zaza tells Doldora what Dongoros is doing and she tells Garoa and Billion about the treasure before going off herself. Meanwhile, Blue fails at fleeing from Moguraru Gin and soon gets ambushed by batzers before being shot off a cliff with both pieces in Dongoros's hands.

Blue wakes up and hopes Shintaro is safe before saying he promises to find the treasure. The others find him as he climbs up a cliff and pull him up. During this Doldora and Zaza meet up with Dongoros with the former stating there is an anti-gravity jewel as the treasure. The jewel allows flight via gravity cancelling and if the Fivemen get it they are screwed. The crystal map also serves as a key to the treasure. The Fivemen run in to attack, allowing Dongoros to take the map halves and flee toward the cave.... Which was actually on the map! Blue sees an old shrine in the cave and a keyhole for the map to fit in what with being a hexagon and all. Moguraru Gin busts through a wall to fight him followed by Dongoros and some batzers. He transforms and fights with Doldora showing up making things worse. The others show up to help and transform once Zaza tries to attack them. The fight goes outside where Moguraru Gin causes a rock slide and Dongoros gets the anti-gravity jewel, but mistakes it for a rock. It rolls toward the battlefield and starts shining as well as blasting the villains before going into space. The Brother Attack is used on Moguraru Gin and Doldora sends in a gorlin followed by Red calling the five machines so they can use 5R. Moguraru Gin gets thrown around and blasted with Twin Cannons, but fights back with burrowing to out maneuver 5R. The Five Hammer is brought out for giant whack-a-mole, eventually bonking him repeatedly. The SD Sword quickly ends the fight once it blows him to pieces. The episode ends with Blue encouraging Shintaro to find treasure himself with the narrator mentioning that while there are many treasures of humanity, none are as important as love and trust. Next episode shows G6 getting hit and repaired by a kid with glasses before turning into a cannon.

Moguraru Gin: Powers include burrowing, hand torpedoes, nose missiles, and mouth flames

Episode 12:

5R fights a galactic warrior and punches it the hell down followed by Twin Cannons. It disappears and G6 finds it weird they started out fighting a giant opponent. It teleports back and soon grows small where we find out he is named Denkiuna Gin. Apparently it had the power to create a giant hologram. Billion quips about how that is no ordinary hologram as Pink analyzes is made of electricity. One surge later and the Fivemen are thrown out of 5R which falls down shortly after. Billion jumps down to fight them with Red barely able to fend him and Denkiuna off. They get up and try sword fighting, but get their rears handed to them. The Brother Attack is attempted, but their attacks are proved to be useless. G6 runs in to help them survive protectile attacks. G6 uses his circuits to redirect the energy back at them which works, but sends him flying. Cut to a junkyard where a kid named Junk Taro is collecting garbage and gets briefly harassed by two random boys. He comes across G6 who is sparking and in pieces. He takes him back to his shop and manages to fix him up very quickly. After that he is about to fly his RC plan when more bullies show up, but G6 also shows up with a red baseball hat and calls himself Scrap Jiro. He tells the bullies to leave him alone and one hurts himself by slapping his armor. G6 retaliates by- WHAT THE HELL HE TWISTED HIS TESTICLES! Bully or not I doubt that kid was even 11! The bullies run off and Junk Taro finds him cool. Cut to Vulgyre where Medor wants progress and Garoa throws a fit at Billion for not bringing back their bodies. Billion drinks a little and curses G6 before spitting his drink out. Meanwhile, Junk Taro plays with his RC plane and G6 acts like a kid. Billion sees this, jumps up, and takes the RC plane while Denkiuna Gin nabs G6. However, G6 tosses him down to fight back followed by Denkiuna Gin shocking him. This causes him to trip out and I think quote Cutey Honey. He soon becomes dizzy and lands on Denkiuna Gin before writhing on the ground. The villains teleport away and Red spots what is going on. G6 soon gets up and fails to recognize Red. Junk Taro says he is his brother now as G6 skips around.

The three of them walk through the park and Junk Taro mentions that he always wanted a brother, so much that he doesn't want to give up G6. Soon Billion shows up with Denkiuna Gin again who spawns the giant hologram. This is discovered on the monitor (where are these cameras?) and the others head out. The manage to reach him seconds later (teleportation) and are all soon cornered. The hologram walks over and starts spraying them with electric bolts which causes a rock slide. G6 has flashbacks from planet Sidon in episode one. His memories return as the assault continues and the Fivemen transform. Batzers show up to assist Billion and fighting occurs. As Red is getting hurt, G6 has blueprints in his eyes and wants Junk Taro to rearrange a few circuits. He proceeds to do so while Billion holds his own against the Fivemen and he states this will be a day in galactic history. Well, he's sort of right as the circuitry modification is complete and G6 runs over to help. He jumps into the air and turns into a giant gun called the Earth Cannon which amazes even them. A blast from the barrel manages to send Denkiuna Gin flying and they aim it at Billion. He comments that fighting will now be more fun and teleports away. After that we see Junk Taro being by himself at a playground when G6 and the Fivemen show up. Blue says G6 can show up any time for him as Jiro, ending the episode on a heart warming note. Next episode shows the Fivemen being frozen and a younger version of Yellow.

Denkiuna Gin: Powers include a giant electric hologram, a rubbery body, finger guns, hand electric bolts, and a rope

Had I known the Earth Cannon would premier in episode 12 I would have done an opinion bit, but that can wait for next time.
Class of 2005
Jun 22, 2009
You are welcome! Glad you appreciate what I do.

So many episodes even I forgot, I am also certain there was no monster named Fog Mask.

Fog technique I meant to say not fog mask. And god I am so in love with Goranger like MMPR franchise type love. Once again thank you for taking the time to do these reviews because lord knows google has nothing for those who want more.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
After a quick recheck you might be thinking the monster Piano Mask and the episode being 83 because I found no episode with both of those.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
I found a better stream site than to finish this series! Hopefully this will not cause delays so here is part 3!

Episode 13:

At an elementary school we see Yellow in a kung fu outfit teaching kids music. After class is dismissed we cut to Medor using eye bolts to zap her minions because they have constantly failed at slaying the Fivemen. Garoa begs for them to be spared and she barely allows it. Dongoros tells Garoa that he has something surefire in stored. Doors open to reveal Todol Gin who Dongoros states will freeze the world. Red and Black encounter this when driving as they find an ice patch on the road and there is a blue filter like in an old silent movie. Some school girls walk by and ignore them to make the tone creepy. They spot Todol Gin and Dongoros and try kicking the former, but that flunks. Todol Gin in his not-Goldar from Might Morphin voice says they screwed and fighting occurs with both of them transforming. Their physical attacks do nothing and are soon bombarded by exploding ice cubes. We see this and more of Yellow's music class in between. Suddenly the blue filter is removed and Blue and Pink show up to help. They hear Yellow's music class which may have something to do with it. Zaza busts into the room and destroys instruments followed by Yellow going after her and fighting. The others show up and Zaza makes a run for it. At the classroom they see the devastation and the kids cry over the busted instruments, kind of sappy, but in a good way. Doldora and Zaza meet up with Dongoros on a rooftop as he explains she will be paying the bill for Todol Gin's services, I think. At the school everyone notices the dramatic temperature drop and Red notices the cold is kept out from vibrations like tapping a glass vase. Weird, I know.

The Fivemen save for Yellow attack Todol Gin only for icicles to get launched at them. They start to become frozen while Yellow attempts leaf blowing, eventually whistling some song even the kids join in with what items in the classroom are still around. I think it is the ending theme, but I'm probably wrong. Once the students head outside this reverses the freezing effects on the Fivemen which upsets Dongoros. Red gives a speech about how awesome music is or something followed by Yellow. Dongoros hates it as she keeps it up before kung fuing him and Todol Gin. While fighting Todol Gin Yellow transforms and there is a nifty background song playing I think is called I Never Give Up On You. Red summons G6 for the Earth Cannon to be used on Todol Gin. It sends him flying and Dongoros brings in a gorlin for king sized revenge followed by Red calling the five machines to form 5R. Todol Gin makes the area a winder wonderland via his breath and it starts affecting 5R on the inside. The Twin Cannons five at him to make Todol Gin stop so they can charge at each other. 5R uses a little melee before finishing him off with the SD Sword. The episode ends with Yellow teaching her class and siblings in a park. Next episode shows some small girl sneaking into Magma Base and Black in a speedboat.

Todol Gin: Powers include icy breath that spawn explosive ice cubes, frozen armor, and launching icicles from the mouth

Episode 14:

Some kids tease a girl named Sasuki because she is lying about knowing the Fivemen before going off. Once they leave, Koumoru Gin appears from a tree while hanging upsided down because he is a bat. Zaza hand gags her to prevent her from screaming before the the two take her to Doldora near a lake. Koumoru Gin looks toward a lake to analyze it and finds no Fivemen there and Sasuki tries escaping, but that fails at working. Black spots what is going on and uses his fishing rod to pull Koumoru Gin toward him, not sure if strong or if the galactic warrior is really light weight. Fighting breaks out and Black uses his five blaster to stun Koumoru Gin so he and Sasuki can get away in his speedboat.After Koumoru Gin curses him we cut to Magma Base where Black puts Sasuki in a bed while looking at papers. She starts fangirling out since she's a big Fiveman fan, but soon realizes not even her mom will know who she is. Blue mentions it is strange that the Zone Empire would want her. Once they leave the room she gets up from the bed and starts looking around the place acting like one. She manages to trip an alarm and accidentally cause a pipe leak. Koumoru Gin hears their alarm with his super hearing. The Fivemen spot Sasuki and shut the alarm off, she appears frightened while hugging Black. After that she mentions something that Red and Blue are concerned about. She is taken back to the bed where she remembers how she lied to the other kids earlier and how they will never believe her. This upsets her so she decides to go into the ventilation system which Blue finds out about soon after. She manages to find the hanger and gets into Land Gamma. She accidentally starts it up and it drives off with her unable to control it.

Once Land Gamma stops the Fivemen show up and Blue scolds her. Koumoru Gin places a tracker on her shoe from a distance. During this Medor tells her minions of progress and that they should be ready to fight. At Magma Base, Blue keeps scolding Sasuki while Black thinks he is being too hard with nobody aware of the tracker on her right shoe. Black and Blue then begin to bicker and become physical. Red soon notices the tracking device on Sasuki and crushes it, Koumoru Gin loses the signal upon doing so. Sasuki runs off into a park where Koumoru Gin spots her and tempts her to ask where Magma Base is and she points in a false direction. Once the Fivemen find her she starts crying and saying she never wanted to disappoint them. After that the Fivemen find Koumoru Gin, Doldora, and Zaza and transform followed by slaughtering random batzers. Yellow fights Zaza because this rivalry is a thing for some reason. Black and Blue fight Koumoru Gin in a rather good fight. They used double team and it was super effective followed by G6 becoming the Earth Cannon upon Red's command. Once the Earth Cannon does a blast, a gorlin is called for by Doldora. However, it trips on a rock and stops functioning. Billion finds it dumb and takes a drink of what I assume is liquor while Koumoru Gin explodes. The episode ends with the Fivemen showing up near Sasuki's friends who now believe her. Next episode shows Red dueling with Garoa and flowers with long vines.

Koumoru Gin: Powers include analysis eyes, a right hand blaster cannon, super sonic hearing, and a tracking device

Episode 15:

At a junk yard we see Red waltzing about and spotting a white flower like the one at the elementary school he used to work at. Garoa shows up demanding the two of them fight to the death. To prove this he even cuts the flower which reminds Red of when he lost his parents and the school in episode 1. He transforms out of anger and a sword fight begins which is actually pretty cool. Garoa even wants payback for the forehead scar he was given when Red shot him as a kid. Garoa manages to slice a car to pieces and soon after it explodes once the two shoot at each other. After that we see the villains in a cave where Garoa vows to destroy Red while the others watch him brutally train. Yellow yells for him to stop, but Pink points out that is useless. Insert planet Sidon flashback here. Also fan service for the female audience as Red takes off his shirt. Medor tells the Zone Empire that they should use the flowers as weapons and fires eye beams that travel to Japan and turns a white flower into a monster with thorny vines. It attacks a random soccer player while Garoa says his honor is at stake. At Magma Base the others and G6 find out the flower is rampaging and Red is still training like mad. Garoa shows up near the flower and Red rescues a woman that is entangled via five blaster to the vine. After that the mutant flower attacks and uses its vines to keep the others out so Red and Garoa can fight one on one. G6 is concerned about this.... When RED WALKS IN HOW CAN THERE BE TWO OF HIM!?

Garoa fights one of the Reds and beats him up. He soon notices something is off as we see the Red at Magma Base trying to use computers to see what is going on since G6 turned them off. He sees the battle with Garoa and the other Red happening when we find out he was fighting Blue this whole time. Garoa throws a fit and becomes merciless, but Blue refuses to yield. Red starts running toward the fight and Blue is forced to become a civilian after Garoa uses a ground surge like General Gyrer in Sharivan. The vines throw Red into the arena where he transforms and Garoa comments that he can have a proper fight now. Red gets his rear handed to him, but keeps trying. He manages to land a hit on Garoa's helmet, stunning him and allowing a couple more slashes. Frustrated, Garoa absorbs the killer plant and attacks the Fivemen followed by Red having the five machines launch and form 5R to do combat. Oh hey, an insert song. Naturally a regular gorlin is no match although it manages to fend off 5R briefly with throny vines. Red heads out for the top of the head where he jumps forward and cuts the flower off, causing it to go boom so the SD Sword can end the gorlin. The episode ends with Red getting appreciation from his siblings and G6 while Garoa walks away in shame. This series is considered one of the worst with episodes like this? Seriously? Next episode shows everything in fast forward and a boy with a camera Yellow talks to.

Episode 16:

A teacher takes her class to a field near a lake for what I assume is a picnic. One boy starts taking pictures which irks the teacher and scares some girls via a caterpillar. He soon notices a red flash stealing everyone's food. He manages to catch something on film who happens to be Gokira Gin. Cut to Vulgyre where the villains notice Gokira Gin and notice him being a slob by eating so much food. Dongoros revealed that he is using him to take the world's food supply. At least a day later the boy's picture develops with Gokira Gin caught on camera, but nobody believes him. Speaking of whom, Gokira Gin starts stealing food from humans and a pet dog all around Tokyo. The Fivemen soon notice this and feel Gokira Gin going by them, Yellow notices camera boy who is trying to get a picture. Dongoros and some batzers show up to make things worse and the Fivemen transform. The grunts go down and Gokira Gin rams into them a lot. Dongoros is enjoying himself and after the battle camera boy shows Yellow the picture because she believe him. Meanwhile, around town the townspeople start to starve and look for scraps everywhere. Gokira Gin even manages to steal some remaining soup and crackers the next day while Red tries forming a chemical with G6. The others notice the townspeople going nuts to find food even to the point where a mother can't find anything for her baby. This goes on for a while until Dongoros and his goons show up with Zaza. Black fends them off by himself and Zaza throws him. Dongoros offers food on a string to toy with the locals. Camera boy tries luring Gokira Gin with a bag of food and gets a few pictures before running off.

At Magma Base G6 manages to determine Gokira Gin's data thanks to the pictures. Camera boy is mopey on a swing set and Yellow returns it with a developed photo. Camera boy becomes bummed that it broke, but Yellow tries cheering him up. After that we see giant vegetables used to lure the villains out and it works. Yellow shows a photo of Gokira Gin and the others pop out of the vegetables to five blaster him. Technically only Red does, but the point stays the same. After that the Fivemen strike an explosive pose and beat down grunts. Gokira Gin runs around, but soon gets tired which allows Yellow to restrain him followed by a slash from Red and using G6 to become the Earth Cannon. After the Earth Cannon fires at Gokira Gin, Dongoros summons a gorlin to absorb him while Red calls for the five machines to combine into 5R. Camera boy gets pictures of 5R while Gokira Gin runs around for hit and run attacks. The Twin Cannon causes him to go nuts and he redirects the energy back at it. After some martial arts, the SD Sword is brought out to take out Gokira Gin, but not before he does random dodging for a bit. The episode ends with everyone stuffing their faces with food and camera boy taking pictures of the Fivemen. Next episode shows a couple at a theme park.

Gokira Gin: Powers include super speed, mass consumption, teleportation, high jumping, and energy redirection from the mouth

Episode 17:

Medor shows a giant hologram screen in the Arctic of a Fiveman clipshow and tells her underlings to do something about them already. Dongoros proposes an idea and Garoa tells him to can it because of recent failures. Billion comes up with something other than being drunk. Cut to a theme park where a guy in green see a small girl crying. Some woman goes over to her and the little girl says she lost her mom. The woman gets out a marker and writes the girl's name on her balloon and ties it to a chair. Soon her mom asks for security to find her and does so. Security thinks she kidnapped her, but green guy tells them she is innocent. After that the man and woman walk off and talk with green guy noticing Yellow and Pink walking toward- Wait, Black was green guy? At Magma Base Black gets dressed up to the others' amusement complete with a beuqae of flowers. He skips off to the theme park unaware Doldora and Zaza are watching and send Kumoru Gin to mess with him. Also we find out the woman was really Doldora in disguise. Black meets Doldora and gives her flowers before they sit down at an outdoor restaurant. Some talking ensues- I WISH I KNEW JAPANESE! Zaza tells Kumoru Gin to get ready. Black and Doldora go on a few rides and she leads him to pillars for hide and seek. Kumoru Gin web sprays Doldora long enough for a spider probe to jump onto Black. The others show up to fight and Zaza fends them off. Once the two villains retreat they regroup and are unable to find Black. At Tokyo Tower that night, Kumoru Gin uses his spider probe to try and control Black.... Back at Magma Base. G6 notices something is off and secretly tells Red and Blue. Black offers to give them some coffee. His mannerisms appear off and Red notices followed by Blue, although the latter realizes this by a cup breaking as a kid. The women start noticing similar oddities too. Blue talks to them how off Black has been and Red wonders what is going on.

Kumoru Gin has Black attempt to murder his siblings with a knife. Blue manages to hold the knife away.... And the next morning Black goes to see Doldora to give her their five braces. NICE EDITING GUYS! Black looks toward the ocean on the cliff they stand on while Doldora does a monologue. Black is about to fall off a ledge when she notices the spider probe and the others show up. Doldora ditches her disguise and Black had her fooled. After some sappy sibling love talking, Red reveals they spotted the probe and stabbed it last night.... How did Kumoru Gin not inform her? He shows up with Zaza and batzers that the Fivemen make shot work of complete with intros- wait, Blue comes before Black in this series? And Pink before Yellow? After doing this for so long this new combo listing takes getting used to. Blue and Pink fight Zaza while Kumoru Gin webs up the others. However, they break free and some assaults are done followed by Doldora sending in a gorlin to make Kumoru Gin big and Red calls for 5R complete with offscreen teleporting into the cockpit. Kumoru Gin is quickly assaulted and terminated from the SD Sword. The episode ends with the Fivemen flashing back to a time where G6 took them on a merry-go-round. Next episode shows Dongoros hording his money, Pink getting hurt, and a kid turning into a pig.

Kumoru Gin: Powers include a mind controlling spider probe, mouth webs, and eye energy balls

Episode 18:

Some boy goes home to place loose change in various piggy banks complete with a savings book. After that he shows off one of his banks to his friends and sort of acts snobby about it. Pink spots him and asks what he is doing before he runs off. Pink catches up and tells him not to be greedy or something. He gets out his savings book and according to it he is almost to a hundred thousand yen. Pink tells him there is more to life than money, but he doesn't care. Cut to Vulgyre where Medor is still angry at her minions for failing to slay the Fivemen when Dongoros comes up with yet another whacky plan. After that we see Butal Gin counting Dongoros's dolyen stash and stealing a little when he walks in demanding he accept a new mission and even offers to bribe him with money- Actually he's paying him, not a bribe. Also like Kanegon from Ultra Q he seems to eat it if snorting money into his head is an indication. After that we see Pink encountering Black who apparently bought new clothes to get hip with the 90s. After she tells him to return them Dongoros sicks Butal Gin on them. Just by swiping his rake he beats them up and even the others showing up from nowhere does not help any. Pink gets injured and the Fivemen are assaulted with red balls from his nose that happen to be bombs. Once the Fivemen run away Butal Gin lays in the grass because of a lack of currency. At Magma Base we find out Pink broke her left arm and can't even lift a tennis ball. G6 tells her to rest, but she refuses. At Vulgyre Dongoros shows Butal Gin his own personal vault which gets sucked up in no time. During this glasses kid tries selling some stuff and once he is done witnesses Butal Gin consuming money from a cop car. As he goes to sleep near a tree glasses kid takes some as the wind blows it his way.

Pink finds out about this and notices that his face is becoming pig-like when he is unaware. Butal Gin attacks Pink to glasses kid's horror and runs off. A couple walking by notice his pig face and notices it once he sees his reflection in a nearby pond. The others show up to help Pink followed by Dongoros and some batzers. During this glasses kid starts remembering what Pink said and becomes mopey so he decides to help her out by going home and taking his yen collection from his room. Upon returning he finds the Fivemen on the brink of defeat. He fishes Butal Gin with his yen collection by throwing his piggy banks on the ground with some other money. Butal Gin goes nuts and tries consuming as much as he can. Pink transforms which makes her arm better and an explosive pose is done followed by an assault. Pink duels with Butal Gin and shows off her swordsmanship. This causes glasses boy to return to normal and G6 is brought in to form the Earth Cannon and blast him. Dongoros falls over and has a gorlin make Butal Gin big while Red summons the five machines to become 5R. Shorlty into the fight Butal Gin gets thrown and destroyed by the SD Sword.... Which also has a small cannon hidden in the main blade when the top is removed. No that is not what ended him for those wondering, but the regular energy charged slash. The episode ends with glasses boy saying he is turning over a new leaf and Black in silly white clothing including a snazzy hat. Next episode shows the appearance of a red robot and a knight named Gunther.

Butal Gin: Powers include nasal gust, a rake with a machine gun, nose bombs, and a pig converting virus from absorbed money contact
This is a very enjoyable series so far! G6 I dare say might be the best mentor to date since he acts as the caretaker for the Fivemen since they were little and raised him as his own, it shows the kind of dedication someone, even a machine, can do and even helps them in the field. The teacher motif is odd, especially the symbols on their helmets' foreheads, but oh well. So far for ranger balance everyone except Pink seems to be getting a reasonable amount although I wonder why Yellow was given a rivalry along with Red (why not everyone?). The music isn't as good as some previous entries, but it isn't bad and it is still fitting. The villains seem to be fitting with their roles, they are so close to victory that it would make sense for them to stop their main goal and aim for their enemies since they are literally all that is left. Medor I find particular ominous since her face sort of blends into the sky almost like a pagan god. My only complaints so far stem around the facts that Billion does too little and like with Zultan in Turboranger the comic relief, Dongoros, hogs up too much time. The plots are creative, crazy, and fitting given that planetary destruction is the Zone Empire's goal. It harkens back to Goggle-V, very fun and kid friendly. After having four sentai in a row that have something forced (even though it wasn't as bad with Turboranger as much as the previous three) this is a breath of fresh air; NOTHING IS FORCED SO FAR! Although Turboranger's forcefulness didn't quite rear itself until later so we'll have to wait, especially since Fiveman doesn't quite live up to infamy standards until episode 23 supposedly. Now to end this with Black's sense of fashion (homage to Big 1 from JAKQ?).

May 26, 2015
"Since Shout! Factory licensed Dairanger will you skip it like Zyuranger?"

An announcement over both licensed sentai will be given when we get to Jetman.

Why would you skip the only legally available Sentai releases? Seems like you'd want to emphasize them. Plus, you'd miss out on two really great series that are absolutely vital to the franchise's development.