BULLETS & KATANAS (BALAS Y KATANAS) Review: Slashing Bad Guys Through Lethal Gunshots of Entertainment

New Member
Jan 10, 2020
Martial arts cinema is almost a non-existent genre in Spanish film industry, however, in recent years and especially after the release of Daniel Benmayor´s hit feature “Xtreme“, making martial arts cinema in Spain seems a reallity a bit closer to those who dream on someday make it true. Nonetheless, making films is the art of shaping dreams, and to be able to build such an impossible dream of making a movie, a bunch of madmen are needed. Madmen ready to take risks, unsheathing sharping katanas to slash their fears, carrying their guns loaded with bullets of confidence in a vision, that must be shot into the audience´s heart.
This Bullets and Katanas, is a raised project by Nacho Serapio...

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What does the Fox say?
Staff member
Feb 15, 2022
As I began reading the article where it discussed the basic storyline I thought it would be serious.. But that was just oe pargraph. By the time I got to the next paragraph I realized it would be comical. To be honest, even though the say that humor is what adds value, this doesn't sound like something I would add to my watch list. Good review though!