Before Decade Gets Adapted, Which Series Would You Want to be Adapted by Adness next?

/B$ of the Tokusatsu. fanpage.
Aug 29, 2006
First of all we dont know if decade is ever getting adapted or if Adness is even opening their mind for another tokusatsu series.

And dont say Rescue force because that was a false rumor i made to make everybody squeel.
Mar 9, 2007
It would be stupid to adapt Decade, and they can't go back to Kuuga and Agito.
I hope they just stick to the order the original series went in. It'd be sad if they skipped Faiz and Blade, there's some great stuff to use in there (mainly the former).

However, from what I've heard, it does seem like they'd go straight to Kabuto or possibly Kiva. It could be cool with Kabuto; the designs were solid and the CG effects weren't horrific, but going to the recent stuff cuts down how many series they can then skip (Decade, possibly Den-O) if they're too difficult to adapt.

I've heard some people suggesting they might go with Blade with the card motif, but I don't know... Stuff like Bakugan is popular with kids at the moment, but the Rider cards aren't really good for a game or collecting, just a part of the series.
In Justice, We Trust!
Feb 10, 2007
Don't hold your breath. Chances are it won't get adapted.

They've only done one rider series out of 10, and we still don't know if there gonna continue it after Dragon Knight or not.
boogie woogie feng shui
Feb 27, 2005
It wouldn't make sense to adapt Decade anyway. There's way too much going on in terms of Riders showing up and disappearing, they would either have adapt every single Rider series up to Kiva or find a damn good excuse for having 35+ Riders and secondary Rider characters showing up every episode.
Some kind of Beast mode
Feb 24, 2008
Plus they didn't even have kuuga or agito, soooo..

If they do keep adapting I want them to stay in order, whether I like the season or not. I just want to see Rider here in the US.

but if there was no order. KIVA.
Feb 18, 2007
Not so much... The suits and effects are far too dated for a new show.

No not at all really, the quality from Kuuga and Agito is still good enough to be adapted for today's age. The same could have been said when they used Shaider for VR Troopers but they still rolled with it.

Now back on topic Decade will most likely never be adapted, don't get your hopes up.
Mar 21, 2008
How to adapt 'Decade'. :
One line.

"..You thought Ventara was the only dimension with Kamen Riders..? Even earth had Kamen Riders in ancient times, even if they were a little different to most (Kuuga - and explain the belt was found or something i guess). Heck, a company has been at work recreating the transformations to this day. (Agito) -- not to mention all the other dimensions..."

Wataru's role in Episode 1 would be replaced with Kit Taylor.