After 4, The Harry Styles fan fiction managed to have a 4th film?

Staff member
Jan 14, 2018
After 4 is the 4th installment of the After franchise. This movie series started as a self insert  Wattpad fanfiction.  Who would have thought we got a film franchise out of fanfic. So to Aspiring writers out there who can’t get to publish. Make your humble beginnings with fanfiction because it can be a shortcut if you can pull it off.
Anna Todd wrote a fanfiction about Harry Styles that got so viral she got offered to turn it into a movie.  The male lead is renamed so they won’t need Style’s permission.
There are still similarities between the real person and the fictional character. Both men are British and have a rebellious image to people.
There is no way Harry Styles will agree to be associated with this character. Styles is a man who challenges patriarchy by doing things that challenge masculinity. Hardin is an abusive jerk...

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