Apr 5, 2005
Sailormoon fans? OK, I just have GOT to ask it: how many of you are male and over 12 years old?
Mar 27, 2005
Word of warning in regards to PGSM.

1) It's not exactly like the anime or manga. MAJOR storyline changes were made like...
[Hide]Minako/Venus has a serious illness - possibly cancer, never said what - and actually dies from it or the surgery.[/hide]

2) Things were left... unfinished. Seriously, certain things revealed early on were left without any closure. Like...

[hide]Someone stabs Endymion but we never learn who did it.[/hide]

3) Very little character build up for the other minor characters. Yes, each one had their own ep but even so, not one had much dimension to them unlike their manga/anime counterparts.
Feb 13, 2006
thanks everyone I'd like to ask a few more question

1.does kamen rider gills die

2.who is another agito

3.does the bat kajin from kamen rider black in the 4th episode return (I didn't get killed)

4.does the bat kajin from the 2nd episode of kuuga ever return
Fear the glasses!!
Mar 22, 2005
rambo said:
thanks everyone I'd like to ask a few more question

1.does kamen rider gills die

2.who is another agito

3.does the bat kajin from kamen rider black in the 4th episode return (I didn't get killed)

4.does the bat kajin from the 2nd episode of kuuga ever return

Question: Have you/are you watching these series? Or are you just curious? Because a lot of these questions can be answered by watching...just curious.

[HIDE]1. It depends. Gills is somewhat immortal. There are many instances when Gills is beat quite badly and the scenario sets things up to make us believe he's died. Although, I'd say at least one time, he does in fact, die.[/HIDE]

[HIDE]2. Another Agito is Kino-san. A doctor who lost his arm and had his brother's arm transfused onto his.[/HIDE]

[HIDE]3, 4. I believe the first one does return. And I'm almost positive the other one does. - He figures more importantly into the story particularly towards the middle-end arcs.[/HIDE]