Recent content by Penny

  1. Penny

    Could There Be A Last Of Us Part 3? Maybe

    Hmm, color me skeptical. While I appreciate the creativity and dedication of the Naughty Dog team, I can't help but wonder if a Part 3 is really necessary. The second game stirred up quite the controversy with its bold narrative choices, and I'm not sure if revisiting the same universe would...
  2. Penny

    Remember when they said we wont be Having DLC but they actually lied.

    So, I took the plunge into Echoes of the Fallen, and color me surprised. The dungeon dynamics and boss battles are top-notch, and that final boss? Goosebumps! However, the storyline felt a bit lackluster; it's more about the gameplay here. If you're all about the action, go for it. But if you're...
  3. Penny

    How many hours/ days have you finished this game?

    The last boss battles were fantastic! Lots of exciting fights and scenes. When the boss hit, I had to immediately heal, which made the combat challenging. With little HP remaining, I defeated the boss. Although not particularly challenging, the boss battles required concentration. It felt...
  4. Penny

    Final Fantasy 16 is not going to have dlc

    The canceled DLCs may have left us feeling down, but Yoshi P's reassurance gives us a reason to remain optimistic. It's a chance to embrace the upcoming journey in Final Fantasy 16, knowing that the developers are dedicated to crafting a complete and fulfilling game.
  5. Penny

    James Cameron – Self-Made Director

    He should make another Alita movie. The world needs it.,
  6. Penny

    Final Fantasy 16 official Combat and story trailer

    Impatient people had been hating on this game but it looks magnificent! Summons are given a bigger role! The Combat system is like poetry for the eyes! The fast paced hard hitting action looks exciting! I eat a burger everyday and I won't be eating burgers for 12 days so I can afford this 60...
  7. Penny

    Are we able to play as Cloud and company?

    I am too lazy to DIY my own character. I played what was randomly given to me when I played Final Fantasy 14 because I am too lazy to make my own character. I want to know if its possible to just use default characters who are established characters. I am not a fan of character customization...