Jul 26, 2007
I think you're seein too much in a simple question. And I also think you're mistakin a will of breakin his balls -that was basically what I was doin with my 1st post, not so different from what he use/used to do- as a grudge that do not exist.
About how you dont see why I have to be like this, too bad, what can I say?

Anyway, I happen to think that it's too easy, everytime you do something stupid/wrong, to come back sayin "I'm sorry". Once,it's good. Twice, it's good as well.
But after a while it lose any meaning. Now, tell me, is this the first time KingRanger has said "I'm sorry for how I've been a dick in the past"? No, it is not. Yet, he said sorry and after a while started to act in the same way.

Aside from this, though, he sent me a PM, I appreciated what he said, I said to myself "maybe it's the right time". And that's why I deleted a post of mine where I was arguin more with him, as i already said. Think you've missed the part where I said this.
Aug 4, 2007
In all fairness, Radia is justified in being skeptical. I did treat him pretty bad in the past.
Matrix of Leadership
Apr 24, 2008
King, I have no problem with you at all, but I do thing it took a lot of balls and guts to make an apology. And with that said, you have gained an utmost respect from me.

I know it is very hard for someone to admit there wrongs and deal with them. And dude, trust me, I definetly know how it feels for you to lose someone. I lost my grandfather who was close to me as well, and it was one of the hardest things I had to deal with in my life, so if you EVER need to talk, just hit me up bro:thumbs:.

I also I am glad you are willing to change, though, I think you are fine as a person. I never had any problem with you, you alwasy had your oppinion and I respected it. But did you go too far, not gonna lie, ya did sometimes.

But otherwise, you were fine bro.

I hope you get threw all of these obstacles, and if you need anything, I got your back 100% man.

boogie woogie feng shui
Feb 27, 2005
I've never been wrong or made a mistake.