Feb 15, 2007
The post wasn't removed. All his posts mentioning Decade so far have been Amemba posts (kinda like Livejournal's friends-only, you need to have an Ameba blog and "friend" him), so you can't see them if you're not in the "friends-only" filter. Most actors on Ameba use this system sometimes for easter egg posts to the fans.

Mostly Tsubaki's said he was happy to see people saying good things about Blade and reccing it to newbies in the early 2ch threads, that he appreciated the comments he's been getting from new Blade fans who discovered it through Decade mania, and now that he's amused that Decade's rider kick resembles the Royal Straight Flush.
May 12, 2008
Oh ya,and he said seeing the Decade Final Ride that looks like Royal Straight Flush makes him feel nostalgic.

Some parts of the post,i am not quite clear but i am not sure there is no news about Decade production
Feb 18, 2007
The post wasn't removed. All his posts mentioning Decade so far have been Amemba posts (kinda like Livejournal's friends-only, you need to have an Ameba blog and "friend" him), so you can't see them if you're not in the "friends-only" filter. Most actors on Ameba use this system sometimes for easter egg posts to the fans.

Mostly Tsubaki's said he was happy to see people saying good things about Blade and reccing it to newbies in the early 2ch threads, that he appreciated the comments he's been getting from new Blade fans who discovered it through Decade mania, and now that he's amused that Decade's rider kick resembles the Royal Straight Flush.

oooh i see, talking about tsubaki.

why is he with a other agency? he aint with stardust anymore.
Feb 15, 2007
oooh i see, talking about tsubaki.

why is he with a other agency? he aint with stardust anymore.

Beats me. But it's not uncommon for actors to leave big idol agencies for smaller acting ones. It can be anything from the agency and the actor not having the same vision in the long term (which I suspect is the case with Stardust and Tsubaki), to the actor just turning out to not be profitable enough (which I suspect is why Avex kicked Amano Hironari out).
Now, count up your crimes!
Dec 17, 2008
The post wasn't removed. All his posts mentioning Decade so far have been Amemba posts (kinda like Livejournal's friends-only, you need to have an Ameba blog and "friend" him), so you can't see them if you're not in the "friends-only" filter. Most actors on Ameba use this system sometimes for easter egg posts to the fans.

Mostly Tsubaki's said he was happy to see people saying good things about Blade and reccing it to newbies in the early 2ch threads, that he appreciated the comments he's been getting from new Blade fans who discovered it through Decade mania, and now that he's amused that Decade's rider kick resembles the Royal Straight Flush.
I wonder if there's something like that with other Heisei Rider actors.
Feb 15, 2007
I wonder if there's something like that with other Heisei Rider actors.

You mean posts about Decade or just locked posts in general? If it's the first, I haven't seen many fanboying posts like Tsubaki's yet, other than Uchiyama Masato (Kageyama) getting all weepy that people liked his cameo. But I guess at least a few other actors will be mentioning something when Decade reaches their altverses. If it's the second, yeah, they use the locked feature all the time.

why is he with a other agency? he aint with stardust anymore.

OH, and dur I forgot about the whole gay porn thing. Stardust probably wasn't too amused with it.
Jun 11, 2007
I loved decades kick it was so blade with some faiz at the end :D



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