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boogie woogie feng shui
Feb 27, 2005
Okay, whatever person came up with this theory that we're not supposed to be monogamous is full of it. It's an excuse so they can justify why some people have no self control. It's not like we get into a relationship and suddenly you don't find women attractive anymore. That's ludicrous to expect. The real test of a man is whether he had the control and brains to not go running after every piece of tail he finds attractive... and probably a more attractive mate. I mean, would you ladies and certain males want to be with a man who cheats?

Um... actually, it's true. You probably don't believe in evolution, but millions of years ago when we were still partly simian, we didn't listen to our brains as much as our instincts, and instinct dictates that animals look for a partner(s) every mating season. In fact, if you want to get technical, the whole reason sexual attraction exists is because that bestial part of your subconscious is determining who looks like a desireable partner to mother/father your children. Now I agree that a real man should be able to fight those desires (because honestly, how many of us are looking to have kids with everyone we ****?), but it doesn't make the psychological aspect any less true. What I've found is that even when you have the best gal around, your mind wanders whenever you flirt with that waitress or get a wink from that flight attendant because she's just different. She might not even be as pretty or smell as good or have as nice an ass or be as funny, but she's different and after an extended relationship with one person, that's what you crave. It's just like food: eating spaghetti every day of your life would probably get pretty old after a while. But what you have to remind yourself is that you can live off spaghetti, and remind yourself every day that you like spaghetti. One of the major deciding factors of a successful relationship is the idea of "obligation" ("passion" isn't even included, isn't that interesting?), which, while it shouldn't be the decisive factor in a healthy relationship, makes perfect sense to me. I think if you really love someone, you should feel obligated to stay with them and provide for them emotionally, sexually, and with companionship.
Apr 8, 2008
You know, I really have nothing positive to say to that statement.

I just point out that if we're supposed to have evolved, then it's apparently not much since human history is riddled with examples of groups of people engaging in hedonism on a scale that would make Larry Flint blush right up to this day. More than likely, a lot of people just don't respect each other.

Another thing is that evolution really doesn't account for moraility. Evolution doesn't have a specific direction. It's not like we're becoming better beings along a line. Evolution just means we adapt so we're more able to survive in our surroundings and pass on our genes. Therefore, this notion that we're more evolved because we have a concept of morality is kind of ludicrous. For us to be more in tune with the concept of evolution, we should all live in communes where there is no definite relationship and men and women copulate freely in order to pass on genes

Just pointing out
boogie woogie feng shui
Feb 27, 2005
When did I ever say anything about a line of morality? I was just pointing out the fallacy of your argument that evolution isn't accountable for the urge to perform coitus with multiple partners, which is wrong. I'm not saying that part of it doesn't have to do with the fact that people are amoral, insensitive, selfish pricks, but you can't deny that at least part of is encoded in our genetic history. It's like trying to argue that the urge to commit physical violence against another person doesn't arise from our history of fighting as animals. It's exactly the same thing.
boogie woogie feng shui
Feb 27, 2005
How about "You and me baby ain't nothin' but immaculate conceptions, so let's do it with only one partner for the rest of our lives like it says in the Good Book"?
I wanna fly high....
Feb 21, 2007
I was at work today. It was 2:45. This customer comes to the counter and asks:

"Has the 3:30 mail gone out yet?"

Dec 11, 2007
my mom used to work in a department store, and she got people like that all the time.
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