What's the worst or least favorite kamen rider season of new generation?

New Member
Jul 10, 2007
[HIDE]Kuuga-7 because the fights isn't that good at the end and some part is boring.
Agito-5-the story starts off weird with the 2 gods and it ended not as good.
Ryuki-7-It's okay because first to see a lot of riders including a female but the main character and the girl died at the end.
Faiz-7-new type of oufit is truely awesome and the plot is okay.
Blade-6-It felt is back to Ryuki using cards but using different cards to fight is new.
Hibiki-6-although suppose to be a 8 because the first half is boring.
-9-It's close to what I wanted but too much questions and unneeded scenes.[/HIDE]
May 19, 2007
My least favorite will probably be Agito because it's henshin is nothing special and it look like Kuuga. The plot isn't very persuasive. The best rider season probably be kabuto.

Wow, that's the opposite of me.

I guess that people enjoyed Kabuto because it was the 'eye candy' New Gen series. The plot was help together with crazy glue and it fell right on it's ass in the finale, plus the movie was an abomination against nature. What keep it going was the Henshin sequences, Rider designs, monster design, and it was shot in high-def. Everything else sucked... ass.

Agito however had an interesting plot and storyline with characters that interested me and were developed quite nicely. It really sucked you in and had you compelled to watch unless you had ADD. The monster designs were cool also because they had moving mouths unlike every other Kaijin out there. Plus it was the first to give us more than 2 riders in a series, something other New gens belive they should rape the **** out of (Ryuki).

And finally, who gives a **** if Agito lookes a little like Kuuga. Agito was a SEQUEL! It took place in the same universe as Kuuga so that people could understand where it came from and not be confused if it was a sequel or not. And the Henshin sequence WAS cool. Just not shot in high-def like that douche Kabuto.

This is my own opinion. Don't make a big deal out of it.
Feb 19, 2007
For originality (is that even a word?), I chose Kuuga, and that was it, he was the last rider designed by Shotaro Ishinomori, after Kuuga, *second* and *third* and even *FOURTH* riders start to come in one series. It's not like old times...:disappoin

For actual new riders, I love Faiz and Kabuto and Den-O, awesome riders, but just wayyyyy too much riders in kabuto, wayy too much.:disappoin
Would like to change his avatar
Mar 3, 2005
A lot of Ryuki hate. :laugh: I remember when that show did no wrong.

The shows I liked least are Faiz and Kabuto.
Mar 27, 2005
At the moment, Kabuto and Den-O, simply because they haven't persuaded me enough to finish/keep watching.

i don't even like both series. just don't see why there can be so many fans, especially for Den-O. :redface2:
New Member
Jul 10, 2007
I like Faiz designs but boring plot and Ryuki have too much riders and not ficusing on enemies like aliens instead is a rider war! Hibiki was boring the first half and Agito start of weird with gods and ended badly. Blade was actually normal but not as good as Kabuto even though is sort of different from older seires but a cool main character, different rider costumes, and cool songs like NEXT LEVEL and FULL FORCE.
Mar 17, 2005
Agito's plot and characters got both me AND my wife hooked.

And my wife normally HATES toku.