Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
This week: less "Over Quartzer" and more "Insert Quarter". Thank you very much, I'm here all week. *bows*

Geiz seems to have modular clothing which he can combine with a school uniform to look as suspicious as possible, nobody has any time for Woz's BS, the surgeon who can cut anything appears to have no knowledge of gaming sickness thanks to those pesky changes to the timeline, Hiiro feels the need to help his successor in the role of aloof secondary Rider, Geiz messes up the Konami Code but it somehow works anyway, and I don't know why they avoid showing Emu's face for so long as if it was a big mystery when he's there at the end anyway.

P.S. Minisode 3.5 is a power play worthy of the 'Big Dick Energy' meme! They essentially say "we have no idea where we're going with this, but there's not a damn thing you can do about it." Ballsy!

P.P.S. Shout out to former HJU Radio contributors Tom Constantine and Igadevil, who made a cameo appearance in this episode (middle and right, respectively). We're all insanely jealous!


Dr Kain

This episode was... actually quite enjoyable. Though, Geiz's fashion sense is atrociouis. And what is up with those brown pants at the school? It looks like someone **** on their legs and then smoothed it out with a rake full of chalk. Yuck.

Anyway, the fact that they started to do the Konami code in German was priceless. The battle was kind of cool, though, is the doctor dude with the entourage supposed to be another one of the Kamen Riders from Ex-Aid? Why did he not help out?

BTW, I'm calling it now. The uncle is actually evil Zi-O.
Active Member
Nov 1, 2006
Anyway, the fact that they started to do the Konami code in German was priceless. The battle was kind of cool, though, is the doctor dude with the entourage supposed to be another one of the Kamen Riders from Ex-Aid? Why did he not help out?
The Riders (and seemingly their monsters too considering some hints in this episode) are erased while the Another Riders are roaming around. They return once the Another Rider is defeated once,which is why at the end of the episode Emu appears after Another Ex-Aid is defeated and could transform. The effect is temporary though.
Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
is the doctor dude with the entourage supposed to be another one of the Kamen Riders from Ex-Aid? Why did he not help out?
Yes. Hiiro was Kamen Rider Brave, the aloof secondary Rider who looks down upon the rookie main hero, which is probably why he felt an instant kinship with Geiz.

As for why he didn't help out, as per the rules established last week as soon as Another Ex-Aid came into being every event from Ex-Aid's series (including the backstory) was deleted from history. So this version of Hiiro knows nothing about monsters or sickness caused by video games. Neither did Emu, which is why they spoke about him "investigating" it as if it was a new phenomenon. But Hiiro is a surgeon; It's not his job to diagnose patients.

Dr Kain

Okay, so if they "erase" Ex-Aid from history in the next episode, then that means the plot of this show is the uncle is having Zi-O remove all of the other riders from existence so he can take over the world as Oma Zi-O.
Active Member
May 6, 2010
I don't like the way they use the words delete and erase when talking about previous Riders. Their past is still there, just retconned into something different than the normal flow of events. Only select pieces of history are "deleted", and even then it's too early in the show to say if such changes are permanent. Most likely, they won't be.

And the .5 special wasn't too bad either. They mostly avoided spoilers the whole time, so there was hardly any reason to watch this. It was just the producers saying "If you want to know more, keep watching." But the biggest take away from these specials in general is the actors. It's great to see Geiz break away from his usual angsty, stone-cold performances! When he smiles, I feel like the actor is genuinely happy to be taking a break from his usual role and just be silly for a while. Even when Sogou suggested they destroy Toei studios, I was expecting Geiz to slap him upside the head for acting like Oma Zi-O. Instead, he's ready to go along with it! Not sure if that's Geiz venting his urge to kill, or if it's the actor taking advantage of this off-script moment, but it was great either way.

This week: less "Over Quartzer" and more "Insert Quarter". Thank you very much, I'm here all week. *bows*


P.P.S. Shout out to former HJU Radio contributors Tom Constantine and Igadevil, who made a cameo appearance in this episode (middle and right, respectively). We're all insanely jealous!

*Claps. ... And claps even harder* :D


I liked this episode, they got all the details and styles of Ex-Aid going and I just don't know why but it was so badass when Emu returned and said "Sorry, but this is as far as you can go", and then the henshin. Good stuff.