Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Something happened to Bad Apple Subs as they have disappeared! Until an update here is part 8!

Episode 29:

Some woman splashes her face in a fountain and she is revealed to be Mouthcut Monster, scaring some kids. She does the same to a taxi driver and three school girls. Cut to elementary school girls talking about whatever until two encounter the egos mutant, one being Tomoko's sister Yuki. After Yuki puts lipstick on Tomoko like a clown to describe the monster we see BFJ at Big Baser hanging out trying to keep cool in a heat wave and Kyutaro being a jerk. Tomoko tells BFJ about Mouthcut Monster via radio and after complaining how hot it is they take off. Tomoko takes Yuki to where she saw Mouthcut Monster, soon finding her- Holy crap she bit her! America arrives to scare Mouthcut Monster off before telling France and Kenya about it. Kenya checks the radio because frightening rumors of the egos mutant are spreading. The spreader of said rumors are met by France and America with the latter going with her to lunch at what I think is a sushi restaurant as France talks to someone on radio saying something is up. France sneaks pepper in her food to convince she is a fake and it does not work. France and America track the radio host who freezes a lot of glass before walking away and buying flowers. At the flower shop the employs panic and France takes on Mouthcut Monster who just skips around.

Once Mouthcut Monster returns to her disguise America tracks her. She notices and contacts Sarome about it via radio. Hedda makes a long statement about beating BFJ. Soon after Mouthcut Monster and America fight with France and Kenya joining in with Satan Egos showing the fight to his minions. Mouthcut Monster soon excapes after skipping around a lot and America finds the real radio host tied up in her closet. Mouthcut Robot appears with BFJ running toward it with Mouthcut Monster and the cutters waiting. Ad they fight they do their intros (Russia before France this time). As the grunts are taken care of Mouthcut Robot goes on a rock kicking spree that causes tons of explosions with Japan calling for Battle Shark. Mouthcut Monster skips around and Kenya soon follows but fails. Japan and Russia have heir weapons eaten before they use the Penta Boomerang to destroy Mouthcut Monster. BFR arrives for combat, complete with a weapon clashing battle can skipping around until Mouthcut Monster is done in with the Bamboo Slice. The episode ends with Yuki and her friends playing volleyball and Tomoko scaring them by acting like Mouthcut Monster. Silly. Next episode shows Strange Food Monster biting a foot and a starfish in a public pool.

Mouthcut Monster: Powers include a human disguise, high jumping, strong jaws, and teleportation
Mouthcut Robot: Powers include a butcher knife that causes explosions on contact, strong jaws, high jumping, and teleportation

Episode 30:

Satan Egos spawns Strange Food Monster from the mechanical capsule or whatever the name is. Hedda looks forward and Strange Food Monster gets restrained in chains. Cut to Kenya acting like Tarzan in a jungle. Two cutmen invade his camp to steal his clothes and pants. Strange Food Monster eats them, Hedda is impressed. The egos mutant is unchained and dumps condements on a boot before eating it followed by a coat. We then see Marasru playhing Space Invaders in his living room as Keiko and Kenya talk to him. Strange Food Monster puts hot sauce on a motorcycle seat which Kenya finds out soon after. At a pool park Kenya goes down a water slide with France, America, Keiko, Tomoko, and Masaru being with him (I guess Russia and Japan hate fun). Yes that includes bikini fan service. After awhile Kenya takes a nap in a separate area with Strange Food Monster biting his foot.... Finding it gross a spitting it out. The egos mutant then rubs spices on his stomach and tries to cook him with a cigarette lighter only to fail. France shows up and causes Strange Food Monster to run with Sarome being disappointed. Strange Food Monster turns into a starfish as Kenya horse plays with Masaru. Before Kenya is bitten the others see Strange Food Monster and toss him into the road.... And a car runs him over. Hedda promptly throws him in the trash. Soon the trash can splits open with Strange Food Monster back to normal.

Kenya takes Masaru into the woods to the camp and the latter is not happy during lunch. Soon Sarome showd up and gives Masaru a starfish which Kenya cooks in a bowl of water. Kenya eats it in one bite and gets a stomach ache. At Big Baser x-rays are taken with the starfish exposed. After Sarome and Hedda get smug by success, Japan has Kenya drink some blood-like liquid that throws the starfish up and then a green one to make him sleep. Masaru stomps and kicks the starfish until it turns into Strange Food Monster and runs outside. Once at a quarry BFJ minus Kenya do their intros (Russia is ahead of France again). Strange Food Monster attacks them one by one successfully knocking them over. Until Kenya shows up to whip him around. Cutmen appear soon after only to be beaten down. Kenya duels with Strange Food Monster before Strange Food Robot shows up to kick rocks. Once Strange Food M0onster explodes via Penta Boomerang Japan sends Battle Shark which sends out BFR. The titans clash for a bit, but after BFR does a cut with its hatched the Bamboo Slice blows Strange Food Robot up. After that Kenya sleeps in a hammock until Masaru apologizes and they both go Tarzan climbing. Next episode shows a truck chase and Money Violence Monster attacking with Russia on the side of a truck.

Strange Food Monster: Powers include strong jaws, a starfish form, regeneration, and a starfish staff
Strange Food Robot: Powers include a starfish staff and twin starfish shurikens

Episode 31:

Note: Money Violence Monster/Robot will be shortened to MV due to length.

Some truckers get in a fight with Russia watching. Russia talks to the sister of one of them saying her brother has been picking random fights on the road recently. At Big Baser the team decides to track the trucker with Russia soon finding him. BFJ does an escort for the truck driver until a barricade stops them. Bombs go with with MV Monster and some cutters show up. BFJ attacks the goons with Russia taking a few off the truck. He tells the driver to get out with MV Monster throwing coin-like bombs at him. The trucker ends up at a land development area where MV Monster somehow caught up and the cutmen start shooting. Russia catches up and takes a direct coin bomb before a cutman hijacks the truck. Russia gives the trucker a key and he runs. BFJ arrives to take their down comrade with MV Monster and his squad teleporting away. MV Monster talks to Sarome before she opens the trailer with some sonic device. However it will not open and MV Monster remembers the trucker with the key. The egos mutant finds him the very next shot with cutmen going after him only for Japan and America to slow them down. The trucker barely gets away and soon hides in a house where France and Kenya are inside. The two heroes take on cutmen that appear from some bushes with them again losing the driver before he takes cover at a river. The truck driver then tosses the key into the river.

At Big Baser Keiko and Tomoko look after Russia. That night the trucker's sister is abducted in front of a restaurant I think is a KFC. (the colors are similar) At his house Egos leaves wall graffiti and a map saying they have his sister with BFJ arriving at the moment. The driver collapses after saying he threw the key into a river. That morning the entire Big Baser crew minus Russia help the truck driver try to find the key. Soon Japan manages to find it to everyone's relief. The truck driver comes seemingly alone to the ransom with the key and his sister being exchanged, however a cutman manages to nab her back. France and Kenya watch from afar. At a warehouse Egos uses the key to open the truck, but before it opens BFJ kicks some boxes, do their intros, and lay the smackdown on the cutmen. Japan and Kenya take on MV Monster with him able to hold his own although barely. Sarome takes the driver's sister until Russia gets between them, allowing the two siblings to run from the area. Russia take son Sarome and France defends the siblings long enough to drive off in the truck.... and nearly run over Sarome. BFJ uses the Penta Boomerang to destroy MV Monster and MV Robot arises to find the truck. BFJ observes MV Robot and Japan calls in Battle Shark who seemed already in the sky as it launched BFR. Weapons clash between the two although MV Robot is quickly disarmed before the Bamboo Slice destroys it. The episode ends with the truck escort continuing. Next episode shows lots of fog, cutmen suffering, and some festival Sarome seems to want to crash with Earthworm Monster attacking.

Money Violence Monster: Powers include coin bombs, a coin staff, and teleportation
Money Violence Robot: Only known power is a coin staff

Episode 32:

Satan Egos and his cutmen are tripping balls with Hedda and Sarome walking in freaked out. Fire appears.... Somehow. We see a bunch of earthworms on the floor until the capsule spawns Earthworm Monster (looks more like an earwig). Satan Egos demands his new minion slay BFJ. Cut to Japan driving and meeting a bunch of kids bug catching. At Big Baser Kenya cooks worms that nobody wants to eat and Kyutaro scolds him. Japan returns with what I think is the mail and the CIA is mentioned. We then see some festival with people in robes that Japan drives to see because one of his friends are there. After Japan talks to some other people he decides to beat a drum (reminds me of Kamen Rider Hibiki. After that everyone gathers for what I assume is a ghost story due to lack of lighting and an old man acting spooky. Japan finds himself attacked by Sarome, Earthworm Monster, and some cutmen. They have the people hostage and force Japan to call BFJ over for a trap. After radioing in he makes a run only to be caught by a net and forced to drink a mind control serum from a bowl. Also I never knew Sarome's disguises came from masks alone. Meanwhile France and Kenya do a joke dance. Japan is forced to get Egos water from a bucket before being dunked in a river because jerks. That night, after more abuse, Japan becomes tired out from all the water carrying with unaware villagers yelling at him.

Once in a cabin Japan gets more abuse from his captors. Soon he knocks two out and flees to his car only for them to be waiting. That morning the Big Baser crew arrives minus Russia and America. They find Japan and notice he is tired. The others assume he is doing it willingly and Hedda tells Satan Egos about their plan. France and Kenya get the drop on Sarome that night and she leads them to the hostages who are in a cave in a jail cell. Sarome tricks them as the door opens and she manages to lock them in. Before leaving she sets off a bomb. Kenya sends a radio signal via wrist radio. Russia and America use their motorcycles to drive to the cave and stop the bomb. With the cell door taken off they rescue Japan who Earthworm Monster is about to kill. BFJ arrives in costume to interrupt the event and Japan transforms, allowing intros (Russia-France reversed this time) and cutmen slaughter. Earthworm Robot rises from the hills complete with rock kicking. Japan has Battle Shark launched (first time in a while we see Kurama). Russia also does these weird flips for confusion sake I guess. BFR arrives and only Japan jumps in to control it. Weapons clash with neither gaining the upper hand. The others are attacked by Earthworm Monster's men turning invisible and have Japan throw his command bat. With that Earthworm Monster is destroyed via Penta Boomerang with Earthworm Robot being disarmed. After Earthworm Robot fails to stop BFR via electric biting it is finished by the Bamboo Slice. The villagers that were taken hostages felt grateful, but Japan freaks out by the sight of water buckets. Next episode shows cutmen on a rampage, some girl crying as well as being taken hostage, and Russia being injured.

Earthworm Monster: Powers include illusions, a human disguise, and hook staff that can launch grenades at the butt and turn others invisible
Earthworm Robot: Powers include a hook staff and electric bite
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Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The three hundredth episode of Atop The Fourth Wall is officially released today! Since Marvel was on it and this is Marvel it was close enough for a mention before part 9!

Episode 33:

Russia rides his motorcycle for recon. He soon meets some little girl blowing bubbles. He goes inside to talk to two scientists about something. Suddenly Sarome and some cutmen waltz in and take the area hostage after revealing they were bugged. The cutmen shoot up the place and Russia transforms to take them out. The older scientist dies in his daughters arms, quite depressing. Apparently the kid is named Mayuki and the younger scientist is Koji. Anyway, Mayumi is taken to a hospital after collapsing the BFJ goes on high alert. Cut to Hedda talking to Sarome about some weird machine which is part of Eagle Monster's plans. At the hospital Russia gets a note from Koji about what the older scientist was working on. Russia tries talking to Mayumi but it is no use. After that Russia washes his hands and thinks there is something on them with Kyutaro cracking a joke. Meanwhile Egos spots France and Kenya at a rooftop and soon find themselves attacked by a cowboy with a submachine gun. The two follow the cowboy to a country road when a construction worker comes from nowhere telling the cowboy to move in another direction. During this Mayumi is making a recovery blowing bubbles as Russia peaks in on her. This reminds him as his days as a kid when teens with guns up and shot the priest of his orphanage. Russia has Masaru bring her one of those balls on a string on a hilt. After that we see Satan Egos sending Eagle Monster into action. At Big Baser Russia gives the team information that startles them before leaving.

Russia takes Mayumi to some dam to cheer her up. We see Keiko and Tomoko driving WITH RUSSIA'S SUIT? WHY HE LEAVE IT? Anyway Eagle Monster and Sarome show up with cutmen to take Mayumi hostage. He soon finds himself gunned down in an attempt to save her. Suddenly the cowboy from earlier shows up and sends them running. Keiko and Tomoko arrive only for Russia to collapse and BFJ showing up. Everyone huddles around Russia before he dies. The cowboy takes Russia's suit and drives off to avenge his friend. After that he guns down construction workers that were actually cutmen with Eagle Monster showing up. BFJ arrives to take on the egos monster. The cowboy then puts on the suit to be the new Russia much to Eagle Monster's dismay and everyone does their intros. Eagle Robot shows up by jumping from nowhere. After the grunts go down Eagle Robot kicks rocks, forcing Japan to summon Battle Shark which sends out BFR. Japan goes alone to tackle Eagle Robot as the others attack Eagle Monster. After Japan throws his command bat the team execute the Penta Boomerang to destroy Eagle Monster. However, Eagle Robot manages to disarm BFR for a while until the heroic robot twists the robot's head 180 degrees. This distracts Eagle Robot long enough for BFR to execute the Bamboo Slice. After the battle the five team members have a cross and reed at sunset to remember their fallen friend and comrade. Next episode shows Sarome with Cicada Killer Monster fighting Russia and some guy named Akira on an operating table.

Eagle Monster: Only known power is a hooked staff that fires grenades from the butt
Eagle Robot: Powers include a hooked staff and teleportation

Episode 34:

A blue truck bumps some guy's car. When the driver confronts them the truck passenger shoots him followed by a traffic cop. A crate drops revealing revolvers. At Big Baser the revolvers are tested because.... Anyway, Kurama tells the team about it and apprently these revolvers are like the ones in Lethal Weapon 3 aka more powerful than normal. Russia walks away after hearing, taking his cowboy gear and driving off. He goes to some gas station before walking around a casino oriented area. Cut to the others checking out warehouses because recon I guess. Soon Japan and America find it only to be met by some guy laughing and cutmen shooting at them. France and Kenya show up to help beat the grunts up. We soon see Cicada Killer Monster as the laugher who sends BFJ running. Meanwhile Russia meets some interpol agents who blind fold him as they take him to their base. Said agents soon take him to Cicada Killer Monster.... who manages to disguise himself from the neck down. Russia shoots him only for the agents to detain him and send him off a cliff while in a car. He emerges from the ocean to awaken in a hospital with Japan and Russia looking after him. Based on where Russia was found (as he made a fast recovery) they think the weapons are near some coast area.

Russia tests his guns at an outdoor shooting range with Japan soon showing up. Russia gets a flashback of his friend, Akira, dying on an operating table. He then fires a bullet that blows up a kevlar vest. After that Sarome talks to Hedda about Cicada Killer Monster's plans I think. Russia walks around the city and soon finds an interpol agent from earlier, beating him up. Said agent is shot at and revealed to be a cutman. Also we learn that cutmen have their bodies reduced to dust upon death. Anyway, Russia takes out two cutmen before getting into a cab and America lost his trail. He tells the cab where to stop as he remembers the general location and soon hops on the blue truck from earlier. SDaid truck is taken to a warehouse where Egos is and Russia sneaks into the vents. There he sees teenage boys assembling revolvers before he is gassed and apprehended in front of Cicada Killer Monster.... still in barely disguise form. He manages to shoot an explosive round into the egos mutant only to fail. Russsia is taken to the warehouse back to be shot at by Sarome. Suddenly BFJ arrives to disarm her and save Russia by giving him his suit. Intros and grunt slaughter initiate. BFJ uses machine guns on Cicada Killer only for them to do nothing. Cicada Killer Robot emerges from the background and starts slicing things up as Japan calls for Battle Shark. Once Cicada Killer Monster is destroyed from the Penta Boomerang Cicada Killer aims at the heroes with BFR arriving. Cicada Killer Robot clashes briefly before BFR uses the Cross Fever-Bamboo combo to destroy it. Russia walks away with the others catching up as they find out he was paying respects to his old friend at a grave sight. Next episode shows Ancient Fish Monster jumping from the water and France and Kenya running from an exploding truck.

Cicada Killer Monster: Powers include a claymore and a left hand claw with a grenade launcher
Cicada Killer Robot: Powers include a claymore and a left hand claw with a grenade launcher

Episode 35:

Satan Egos summons Hedda and Sarome for the former to talk about something. We see a map of Japan that zooms in on Tokyo. Sarome shows another one that divides the countries into A, B, C, and D from east to west. Some guy with a beard walks in followed by a guy in a business suit. After some talking Satan Egos spawns Ancient Fish Monster with weird narration text. Cut to a fishing boat that gets attacked by the egos mutant and cutmen (oh hey they can swim after all). Kenya walks with a cat and notices no fish are on sale. Soon most of the area takes notice as what fish is available is expensive as hell with beard guy from earlier being a salesman and Sarome spreading rumors in a crowd with some other woman having an x mark. Suit guy holds a press conference about the lack of fish which causes prices to sky rocket. Even Big Baser notes it as Keiko makes a chart of rising fish prices. France shows some photos of fish markets. Kenya walks in with some small fish and showing Tomoko and America where he got them aka beard guy's place. Suddenly his fish become cheap and everyone fights for them. France and Kenya tail a truck that parks near a country road. France and Kenya investigate it only to hear ticking as they barely manage to dodge it exploding. We then see Masaru playing baseball only to get a broken arm. Hedda informs Satan Egos about the masses being manipulated. Russia sharpens a fishing hook as Kenya goes nuts. Kurama walks in and gives BFJ an assignment I think.

We see some rich family about to eat dinner aka very little fish. At beard guy's store America, Keiko, and Tomoko disguise themselves as employees before being trapped in a meat locker. The temperature is lowered by beard guy as he found out. America radios in only for no response. Meanwhile Russia goes fishing off a cliff with France noticing. After talking a bit France runs away and meets Japan. Kenya tires to fin the women and soon sees Sarome being given beard guy's money. Sarome leaves via car and Kenya attacks beard guy only for cutmen to show up. Kenya soon transforms to take them out and beard guy makes his meat locker colder before being tossed around as he is revealed to be a fat cutman. Kenya opens the door and wakes the women up. Meanwhile Russia snags Ancient Fish Monster who attacks him. Cutmen are sent up from the water to attack and Russia transforms to fight back. Japan and France show up to help and Russia snags Ancient Fish Monster for a bit before he gets away. Kenya and America track Ancient Fish Monster to an aquarium with the others coming. Japan, France and Russia fight the egos mutant and business suit guy is revealed to be another cutman. Kenya and America finally arrive outside the aquarium. France manages to duel with Ancient Fish Monster a bit before he fires explosive foam everywhere. Kenya is taken out briefly and Russia throws a sai into the egos mutant's mouth. The team uses the Penta Boomerang to destroy Ancient Fish Monster only for Ancient Fish Robot to emerge from the ocean. Kenya calls for Battle Shark as Ancient Fish Robot foams up the area. BFR appears for battle with explosive foam covering it a bit and making its weapons explosive. Shortly after that BFR uses the Bamboo Slice to destroy Ancient Fish Robot. The episode ends with kids racing and fish being cooked on a barbeque. Next episode shows Bomb Monster attacks, some wedding happens, a huge explosion happens, and a weird photographer goes around.

Ancient Fish Monster: Powers include a spear, swimming, and explosive mouth foam
Ancient Fish Robot: Powers include a spear, swimming, and explosive mouth foam

Episode 36:

After stock footage of episode 23 Satan Egos tells Sarome something and shows off America buying clothes. Satan Egos spawns Bomb Monster complete with organ music and wow those cutmen are feeling up the capsule. After Bomb Monster emerges there is weird narration text. Cut to America and Tomoko playing tennis with Sarome watching them. The two then go antique shopping. We then see a wedding that goes on for a while with America as a birdesmain. As it turns out a music box that was given was actually a bomb and America feels extremely bad about it. Meanwhile at Big Baser Kurama gets a call about it. At hte crime scene she is interrogated by a detective with a mustache before being arrested for suspicion. However BFJ manages to pull some strings and Kurama confronts America about it. Russia gives Kurama some papers before he and Kenya go on an investigation. They see the detective posting posters of America. Keiko and Tomoko help rip some up. Sarome talks to Bomb Monster about how their success in framing America went as we see her cry soon after. Kyutaro tries to cheer her up to no avail. Kurama walks in saying she is innocent and America remembers some description.

Some girl at the wedding runs away and we see the groom being hassled by Sarome and Bomb Monster, the latter's head resembling a grenade apparently (you cannot tell from earlier due to all the shadows). America sees the groom running as he starts his car only for a car bomb to go off. The detective from earlier gets a picture and becomes convinced she is the bomber as he tries to nab her. France knocks him out and they run via motorcycle to the house of the girl that ran away earlier. We find her taken by Sarome at a park. At said park America finds the detective who has a gun at her only for her to knock him out. America throws a knife at Sarome to rescue the little girl while dodging cutmen which Russia arrives to dispatch. She gives a real music box to the detective who now believers her as she transforms. Bomb Monster shows up and BFJ follows with intros (France-Russia reversed) and the command bats are now nunchucks with boomerang properties. Bomb Monster summons Bomb Robot who throws grenades with America calling for Battle Shark. Oh hi egos fighters, have not seen you in nearly two dozen episodes. The cutmen have a pair of 10-tube laser pods fire at Battle Shark only for it to return fire with super explosive missiles. Meanwhile BFJ dodges grenades until they all jump at Bomb Monster at once. Once Bomb Monster is disarmed he is finished by the Penta Boomerang. BFR is sent out for combat with Bomb Robot unable to get past its defenses before the Bamboo Slice does it in. The episode ends with America seeing a wedding dress in a window before the other team shows up and they walk down a street. Next episode shows Four Faced Monster (Ashura?) fighting BFJ to a pulp and dueling with Kurama.

Bomb Monster: Powers include a spiked staff and grenades
Bomb Robot: Powers include a spiked staff and grenades
Opinion time! Noting it will only cover up to episode 33. Goodbye original Battle Cossack, you were quite the star when you were on screen and were a good character not unlike the second Kiranger. I will reserve my thoughts on his successor until the series is over. As for the new Miss America, vast improvement over the original by far as she actually acts like a team member and *gasp* does stuff! The villains have not improved much unfortunately, I mean with their fighters you'd think they'd cause airborne hell or something, but no. It is likely just me, but I noticed that the fight scenes have gotten shorter over time although not by much.

I will also take this time to announce that yes I will be taking on Denjiman and Sun Vulcan, respectively, after Battle Fever J. Whether or not Goggle V and beyond will be taken on after that or not who knows.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
We are now three quarters in! The party train does not stop with part 10!

Episode 37:

Sarome looks at the ocean and a cutman talks to her. She looks at a statue with four faces which two cutmen try to blow up with dynamite. A mother and son warn the about said statue being curses. The son, Takeshi, tries to stop the dynamite just as it explodes. Cut to Kyutaro being a jerk to Kenya. Kurama walks in and says something which concerns everyone. He soon shows a photo of Takeshi and his mom. Kenya and America arrive at the scene where he police are trying to wake him up. Kenya notices the statue as a few men try to move it from the sand. Takeshi wakes up and says something. Two men in a jeep show up and ask Kenya about the situation. A truck drives off and we see the guys that moved he statue were cutmen. Just as Kenya pursues them he sees Takeshi in the back before he radios in. Kenya stops his jeep and goes on foot as Keiko and Tomoko try to take Takeshi only for him to disappear. Kenya is attacked by cutmen and has to stop with a cutman in nazi uniform takes Takeshi hostage. Satan Egos speaks to Sarome about something and has her look under a sheet to reveal a crystal ball. Satan Egos then spawns Four Faced Monster who looks like the deity Ashura. Four Faced Monster kills six cutmen by throwing his swords and Satan Egos has him move out. We then see Kenya and Takeshi in a cave jail cell where the egos mutant greets them. Takeshi mistakes him for the statue god and Kenya tells him no. After that Four Faced Monster and his crew rob a lab when Japan shows up to stop them with France, Russia, and America showing up for intros. The cutmen are taken out and Four Faced Monster is cornered, but manages to take on all four at once before spinning which causes teleporting away. BFJ reports to Kurama via radio what happened. Kurama gets a gee and katana out.

At the cave kail cell the nazi cutman decides to kill his prisoners. Kenya says he has the keys and plays with them a bit. Kenya grabs the cutman and manages to escape his cell. After that the hero and Takeshi take a brief case (same thing Four Face Monster stole earlier) and run. Four Face Monster goes jewelry robbing with France firing a gun at him to no avail. Kenya gets out of a sewer and changes for his intro to join his team. Before fighting Kenya reveals he has blueprints and before using the Penta Boomerang Takenshi runs saying not to kill him to the point of crying. Kurama arrives as the egos mutant shoves everyone aside and Four Face Monster arrives from the hills. Aside from a sneak attack from Russia the team is unable to gain an upper hand. Keiko and Tomoko arrive to tell Takeshi they recovered the statue and HOLY CRAP THE PENTA BOOMERANG WAS DEFLECTED. Kurama final makes it and challenges Four Face Monster to a duel. The area goes dark with lightning in the background. After a very theatrical sword fight Four Face Monster explodes and thhe crystal ball from earlier returns to its statue. Japan calls for Battle Shark which launches BFR. Four Face Robot clashes with it a bit before being damaged with a stab in the abdomen and finished by the Bamboo Slice. The episode ends with Takeshi repairing the statue and BFJ glad everything worked out. Next episode shows Skull Mushroom Monster acting like Frankenstein and Japan and France running away.

Four Face Monster: Powers include six reinforced swords and teleportation
Four Face Robot: Powers include four swords and a saw staff

Episode 38:

Noting that Skull Mushroom Monster/Robot will be shortened to SM due to length

Some guy is in Satan Egos's monster spawning pod with cutmen being concerned. He soon gets out and dances a bit before falling over. Satan Egos has the cutmen take the corpse away. Some ambulence takes said body to a hospital as Satan Egos shows everyone. The corpse then wakes up and turns into SM Monstr who emits spores in the operating room which turns everyone to bones. SM Monster steals some medicine and strangles two guards with France, Russia, and Kenya chasing him via car. Japan and America stop his car and chase him on foot with cutmen distracting them. BFJ surrounds the egos mutant who jumps away and goes down a SM Monster drops a mushroom, allowing BFJ to follow him to some warehouse where some woman in a black cloak meets him. She locks the door once they enter and BFJ looks around for a way to enter to no avail. Suddenly they hear people talking and change back to their civilian clothes. Said people say they are here for a costume party and enter the building. Inside we see a costume party with classical music playing. Cloaked woman starts locking doors and Sarome uses a painting on a wall to watch everyone as SM Monster and a few cutmen use a chemistry set. She soon gets sprayed with silly string by two guests in an african tribesman and ninja outfit. The team manages to sneak in with costumes based on their nationalities (except America who just puts on a geisha costume). I could not identify Kenya at first because he must have had a haircut. Anyway, SM Monster tells Sarome about some chemical in a beaker before some gas device is held to the painting eye holes. BFJ catches something arye.

Kenya dances on a table for thirty seconds before disconnecting power at a circuit breaker. The light goes out and everyone flees the building sav BFJ. Black cloak woman is knocked out and Kenya flickers the lights, interferring with Egos. America takes cloak woman's costume and interfers with SM Monster's plans. The team transforms and dodges the acidic spores of the egos mutant. Once outside they find the building turning old and cutmen attacking the guests. The team defends the civilians and SM Monster showing up because he is a jerk. Just then some cutmen gun down the guests with Kenya beating them up after. It soon turns out the shot guests were cutmen as they held knives to the throats of BFJ only to be flipped around. The rest of the guests transform into cutmen (indicating this was an elaborate trap) and SM Robot emerges from the hillside to blow everything up. After Japan calls for Battle Shark the team continues fighting cutmen, probably their longest battle with them in the series, and BFR lands. Japan and America jump in (and it is revealed their boots have jets on them). The others are attacked by SM Robot's spores and keep jumping around. Japan and America throw their command bats so the Penta Boomerang an be formed and SM Monster explodes. Ax fight! BFR uses his ax to disarm SM Robot's ax and has it on the ropes. After tossing SM Robot BFR finishes is via Bamboo Slice. After the battle America wears a beauty mask which creeps Kenya out before she shoves said mask on him. Next episode shows some guy maniacally laughing and turning into Hyde Monster.

Skull Mushroom Monster: Powers include acidic mouth spores, high jumping, and an ax
Skull Mushroom Robot: Powers include acidic mouth spores and an ax

Episode 39:

Doctors look at Russia's x-rays and he seems healthy. One comes down with a bad stomach and has to run off. Said doctor seems fine a tad later and eyes a nurse while talking to Russia. Once the hero leaves the doctor feels like throwing up again when Sarome shows up. She gives him a paper and walks away. The doctor goes to a building with the name on the paper and goes into an elevator which drops him down a trap door. There he is taken to the same room Satan Egos and his followers are with Hedda saying he is perfect I think. Hedda shows the doctor his x-rays have jellyfish in them and that they can remove them before they kill him. He agrees to go into Satan Egos's capsule to be converted into Hyde Monster complete with weird narration text. Cut to Kenya at Big Baser cooking and everyone being displeased with America wearing some new outfut. Kyutaro says something, but only France bothers answering. As Russia cleans his revolver France and Kenya bicker. After that the doctor wakes up in his house going mad and turning into Hyde Monster.... Sort of, he looks more like Edward Hyde with vampire fangs. Russia and Kenya go to his apartment while Human Hyde attacks a couple in a car via door ripping. Before biting the woman's neck Russia and Kenya scare him off with the former noticing the knocked out victim. They resume inspecting the doctor who answers the door. Russia talks to him about the egos mutant (or kaijin as said here) which catches his attention. After that he goes inside and laughs. That night he stalks a couple, the woman walking inside a building and the man being bitten by Human Hyde in his car.

The next day the doctor's jellyfish act up and he transforms infront of his coworker. He bites said coworker before scaring a nurse and fighting two guards. During this Masaru and Keiko talk about something. The doctor is back to normal afterward and at him he looks at a book. France and Russia look outside his house. Japan catches Kenya and America spying around the other side, missing Human Hyde climbing a corner. He goes after the nurse from earlier apparently named Noriko. Human Hyde takes Noriko with Japan, Kenya, and America finding him that morning on a rooftop. Human Hyde is about to throw her to the streets, but Kenya catches her via whip. Human Hyde escapes and France and Russia find a fake doctor in his apartment which happened to be a cutman after the latter shot him. The real doctor walks in and both of them confront him aware of him being an egos mutant. The doctor turns into Human Hyde and throws a chair and a locker before France and Russia change. Human Hyde turns into Hyde Monster and spews flames around the room. Hyde Monster runs from them and soon encounters the rest of BFJ with cutmen appearing. Noting now, they went from an apartment area to a quarry. Intros (France-Russia reversed) happen while beating up the grunts. Hyde Robot appears on the hillside, seemingly bigger than most egos robots and man does it spew flames. Japan calls for Battle Shark which sends out BFR. Japan and France jump in to fight Hyde Robot who constantly teleports around while Hyde Monster whoops the others. Japan and France throw their command bats which allow the Penta Boomerang to blow Hyde Monster up. Once Hyde Robot is disarmed the Bamboo Slice destroys it. After the battle Noriko and Russia visit the doctor's grave site with sad music playing. Next episode shows some boy studying and Study Monster dancing with his mother with Sarome not approving.

Hyde Monster: Powers include a broadsword, a human disguise with high jumping, mouth flames, and a constricting tail
Hyde Robot: Powers include teleportation, a broadsword, and mouth flames

Episode 40:

Cutmen bow to Satan Egos as he spawns Study Monster who looks like he is from The Saucer Men or Mordo from Futurama. Study Monster gives some speech and uses his pen to crystallize two cutmen. Sarome disapproves while Hedda tells her to cool it. Study Monster gets angry until Satan Egos gives him an assignment. Suddenly little boys across Japan get kidnapped by Egos with BFJ being concerned. Suddenly some old woman drags Masaru to a bar they are discussing the matter and they say they will take care of him. Some other woman starts tutoring Masaru in his room and soon he sprays ink in her eye. Cut to Study Monster threatening children which even Hedda says is too extreme.... Yes, that happened. Study Monster threatens to use his pen. After that Masaru hears some street performers while studying and escapes via window. He sees clowns dancing around until they hold him and his teacher at knife point. At the base Japan, Keiko, and Tomoko somehow find out. We then see Masaru and his teacher taken to an Egos base where Sarome and Study Monster wait for them. While his teacher is held at gunpoint it is revealed she is actually America and so they treat the prisoner with care.... I genuinely could not tell it was her until this point, her hair looked different and she had glasses. Anyway, Study Monster has Masaru play the piano and shows them the kidnapped boys being contained in a tunnel under the house they are in. He then walks away for a bit with Masaru crying. Study Monster comes back with books and America talks to the egos mutant. With that they both decide to dance.... What? Sarome walks in telling him to get to work, but he is having too much fun.

Meanwhile BFJ looks for America across the city to no avail. During this Sarome gets increasingly irked. America teaches the dance to Masaru and tells him what to say. Sarome catches this because she likes NTR maybe. After that Study Monster asks a question with Masaru answering wrong with gives him reason to kill the boy. America transforms and kicks him. Sarome presses a button which activates a trap door, sending them to the cell with the other boys.... And America transforms back to normal somehow. At the cell's only window Sarome laughs at everyone. We then see Japan, Russia, and Tomoko wondering a park for a bit. America throws an origami swan that reaches the window via cardboard waving. Sarome hears them and does not approve. Outside Japan, Russia, and Tomoko see the origami and find the mansion Egos is in. America and Masaru are tied and blindfolded to crosses for execution. The cutmen, one of which has a revolver than the standard MP40, prepare to fire only for BFJ to arrive. Once the two are free SStudy Robot shows up spraying its pen everywhere. Man does it cause a ton of explosions. Japan summons Battle Shark as the team runs. Once BFR arrives Japan boards it and uses it to fight Study Robot off. The team barely manages to survive Study Monster's onslaught. Japan throws his command bat and the team destroys Study Monster via Penta Boomerang. BFR manages to toss Study Robot aside and end it with the Bamboo Slice. The kidnapped boys are somehow freed with BFR flying off. Next episode shows Mechanical Doll Monster playing with children and spewing mouth flames.

Study Monster: Only known power is a crystallizing pen that returns if thrown
Study Robot: Only known power is a crystallizing pen that causes explosions
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The amount of episodes left are now in the single digits! Here is part 11!

Episode 41:

Two guys with revolvers rob a bank. The police engage in a shoot out as the robbers take Masaru hostage with BFJ watching. One robber notices a doll on the floor which gets up and grows to human size. The doll, who I will call Mechanical Doll Monster because that is who he is, attacks the robbers after introducing himself. One robber is tossed out a window with the other stunned by his mouth flames. Mechanical Doll Monster hangs around with Masaru around town for a bit. At Big Baser Russia decides to analyze Mechanical Doll Monster (so he is the tech expert?) with nothing happening. Mechanical Doll Monster returns to tour the town with Masaru, Keiko, and Kenya. Kenya gives him some drinks, none of which interest the egos mutant. However, Mechanical Doll Monster reaches for a gas pump and drinks from it. That night everyone looks at the stars with Japan and Russia spying on them. Cut to Sarome getting something a computer and Hedda reading it. Whatever it says Satan Egos seems quite pleased. The next day the egos mutant and Masaru fly an RC plane. Once Mechanical Doll Monster tries it the plane goes for BFJ and he activates a tape recorder in his torso. Masaru soon catches on and takes the remote from him before landing it. Kenya scolds him before running off. Naturally Masaru is ticked at Mechanical Doll Monster. The conversation is sent to the egos base. After that the egos mutant brushes some liquid over two manholes with Japan and Russia watching. Masaru finds something odd. After that the robbers from earlier turn out to be cutmen who blow up in their jail cell. After that BFJ attacks a squad of cutmen trying to kidnap a little girl (wow that was random) lead by Sarome who holds the child at gun point. Mechanical Doll Monster shows up to detach his head and bite Sarome in the arm. The child is rescued, but Sarome shoots him before fleeing.

At Big Baser Mechanical Doll Monster gets fixed up. Masaru feels bad, but Keiko tries to cheer him up. At some warehouse Russia snoops around before finding a trap door. He sneaks down a rope ladder and sees two cutmen talking. Russia tells Masaru and Keiko that Mechanical Doll Monster is evil. At Big Baser Kyutaro warns them with Kenya telling him to shut up. However, Mechanical Doll Monster laughs and gets up before revealing he was a member of egos. Man is his speech long. Meanwhile Russia beats up two cutmen near a manhole and goes down it via pole. Russia, Keiko, and Masaru sneak up on Mechanical Doll Monster with Masaru acting nice to him. This causes circuit damage and he feels bad before running. At some quarry BFJ fights Mechanical Doll Monster. He proves too much for them and even hits France in the crotch, ouch. Soon Mechanical Doll Monster duels with Japan with the latter slowly getting the upper hand. Masaru runs in a field telling him it is not too late. However, Mechanical Doll Monster meets his end via Penta Boomerang. Hedda gets angry after seeing it and Satan Egos has the egos fighters attack BFJ. Yeah, that is actually unique. Anyway, Japan summons Battle Shark who unleashes the missile and charge payload. During this Masaru stands there sad he lost a friend complete with flashbacks and sad music. The others stand in silence. Next episode shows Electric Monster attacking France and scientists throwing objects at the team.

Mechanical Doll Monster: Powers include size changing, mouth flames, a torso tape recorder, head detachment, and a wind-up pin-like staff

Episode 42:

At an electrical transformer we see Satan Egos's monster capsule hooked up directly. Upon full power he spawns Electric Monster who looks like Builgamo from Ultraman Jack. Cut to some guy running near vegetation that gets zapped by Electric Monster. Sarome is impressed. Dauring this France rides his motorcycle alone and sees people dancing to a western tune. He spots Sarome in the crwod and confronts her before Electric Monster shocks him, scaring the crowd. France is dumped into the river. After that a boy named Hiroshi is unconscious and his sister blames France for it after he gets out of the water. Meanwhile Egos finds their plans successful. At Big Baser tests are ran on France with Kenya getting shocked by touching him. After France feels down he walks away. We then see Hiroshi in a hospital and his sister looks over until she throws a fit for France bringing in flowers. Jerk. France's radio goes off and the team fights Electric Monster who was chasing some boy. Cutmen attack only to fail like usual. Kenya duels with Electric Monster until France shows up to restrain him. However, the egos mutant runs away. Electric Monster talks about what I think are public officials and Hedda asking Satan Egos about it with him saying something because I do not understand Japanese and wish I did. France rides to the hospital where Hiroshi is taken into surgery.

Hiroshi's sister yells again and the doctors want him to leave because electric fear. Soon everyone starts throwing stuff at France with his team covering for him. Kenya knocks one out revealing to be a cutman. The rest transform and chaos ensues. The ambulence carrying Hiroshi stops with his sister hearing a conversation with France and Electric Monster. He is soon pinned to the ground by cutmen and Electric Monster zaps the sister. However he seems fine somehow only to find out she is electrified too. Soon France and Hiroshi's sister touch each other and that cancels out the elctrifying somehow. The rest of the team shows up for intros and cutman whooping. BFJ restrains Electric Monster with ropes and have him move around like a rag doll before destroying him with the Penta Boomerang. Suddenly Electric Robot comes out of nowhere to kick rocks. Japan calls for Battle Shark which sends out BFR. Once everyone buckles in the fight begins with Electric Monsterbeing knocked around until it fires electric bolts from its hands. This causes BFR's circuitry to go haywire. France configures something and the electricity is channeled into BFR's katana. Upon doing so it destroys Electric Robo with the Bamboo Slice with the robot's death scene having a rock obscuring part of the shot for no reason. France gives Hiroshi and his sister some trophy and a pair of rapiers. The episode ends with France teaching Hiroshi fencing in the wetlands. Next episode shows Rolling Monster giving money and some guy with a gun.

Electric Monster: Only known power is electric shocks
Electric Robot: Powers include teleportation and electric shocks and bolts

Episode 43:

Satan Egos spawns Rolling Monster who resembles the Dinosaur Boss from Rampage Through Time. Satan Egos gives Rolling Monster an order. Cut to a message filled with dots sent to Big Baser. Japan reads it and everyone pays attention with the word Jackal being dropped (would not have noticed if not for the chinese subs using english). Kenya uses a rifle on a shooting range. Soon he is attacked by someone who turns out to be.... Someone Kenya knows. They meet and greet each other happily. After a slideshow of African animals they talk a bit about something before the friend walks off (I think his name is Shotashi, but I cannot tell). At a bridge the friend meets Sarome, Rolling Monster, and a squad of cutmen before shooting at some cans with his rifle as the grunts shake the bridge. Sarome is reluctantly impressed and pays him a big wad of cash. After that Japan says something and everyone rolls out. BFJ is sniped by the friend with Kenya hit, but fine. Some girl got hit somehow and Kenya attends to her as the friend finds out about this. At the hospital Kenya and America look after her as the friend aims his rifle before finding out who is in the hospital room. He becomes distraught over this. Japan, France, and Russia sneak up on him and radio in to the others. Kenya finds himself shocked too. Cutmen appear to attack Japan, France, and Russia, allowing the friend to run with Kenya following.

At Big Baser Kenya is upset his friend was the sniper. Japan tries to calm him down to no avail. Insert flashback of them taking care of a lion cub here and Kyutaro angering him. Meanwhile Rolling Monster waves around a wad of cash saying he will get it when he succeeds. In the little girl's hospital room the friend knocks a nurse out and kidnaps the patient with BFJ arrive too late. Kenya runs our and sees a knife with a message thrown at him. He reads it and gets angry. Kenya goes to a quarry to have a showdown with his friend as the little girl is hunched up near a rock. Kenya finds himself unable to shoot his friend while yelling at him and the lion cub flashback happens. Kenya soon drops his rifle and walks forward with his friend threatening to shoot, eventually doing so. Russia shoots at him back and Rolling Monster sends his cutmen to attack. Kenya goes for the child and grenades are thrown, one of which kills the friend. While the rest of the team transforms Kenya is upset at his death before running through the grenade barrage. Noticeably one cutman gets an arrow to the foot. Rolling Robot emerges from the hillside soon using a flamethrower in its left hand. Japan calls for Battle Shark which goes out. Japan and America pilot it and Rolling Monster is soon destroyed via Penta Boomerang once the command bats come together. Rolling Robot proves very maneuverable until the Bamboo Slice does it in. France, Russia, Kenya, and the little girl wave at BFR. The episode ends with Kenya making a grave for his friend in mourning before sunset. Next episode shows some girl in the spawning capsule, Illusion Monster attacking, and people in Medieval Japan clothing.

Rolling Monster: Powers include a spiked ball staff and left hand spiked ball
Rolling Robot: Powers include teleportation and a left hand flamethrower spiked ball staff

Episode 44:

Sarome introduces Hedda to some girl because I do not know. He points at her for a point and she says something. After that she goes into the capsule and Satan Egos turns her into Illusion Monster. Wow that is a lot of confetti. Cut to some guy with an eye patch chopping wood. Sarome and Illusion Monster show up with the village surrounding them. They offer them a job to kill BFJ, but refuse. That night Illusion Monster lures some woman to a public fountain where ninjas in pantyhose come out of nowhere. Some confetti spray makes her dizzy and the ninjas throw knives at her. Before dying she carves a J and sets it off in firework form. The team notices and rushes to the woman's aid when she dies. At Big Baser then men try to figure out what happened. After that the villagers from earlier gather(reminds me of the Kamen Rider Super-1 movie). Later we see America, Keiko, and Tomoko having to stop the car as a rope appears in the road and comes to life. One of the villagers uses it to strangle America and then psychically throws his sandals. One tobacco spit blinds America and the assassin runs off. France walks into a barber shop where he finds a mand tied up and cleave gagged just as the fake barbers are about to kill him. He transforms and they frun off with smoke bombs. Kenya goes to a restaurant with a villager watching who kind of reminds me of Lon Chaney Senior in the 1920s version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He lures Kenya outside for him and three other villagers to attack him at once. Russia shoots at their feet and the villagers jump away. At Big Baser everyone meets up to discuss what happened. Some flashback indicates a villager in white died and that makes them want revenge or something.

Some gun powder goes off by Japan and shurikens are thrown at him. The villagers angrily talk to him with Japan trying to make his case. He agrees to duel eye patch guy in return for a chance to make his case. Both use katanas and duel for a bit until eye patch guy gets a gut feeling Japan is telling the truth. He is let go with Sarome and Illusion Monster not being pleased. Japan meets up with France and America about what happened and not-Lon Chaney follows. He sees Illusion Monster in a pond and gets jumped by the ninjas. Russia ad Kenya spot this and try to rescue him. The villagers catch this and decide to attack the ninjas who are revealed to be cutmen. After that the team and villagers become friends and attack Illusion Monster's squad complete with intros (France Russia reversed). Illusion Robot appears nearby to throw confetti around and cause rocks to explode. Japan has Battle Shark summoned so BFR can be used. Japan and America rocket boot in and take on Illusion Robot. After the rest of the team dodges confetti a lot Japan and America toss their command bats so the Penta Boomerang destroys Illusion Monster. After Illusion Robot jumps around the Bamboo Slice makes it explode. On a bridge Japan says farewell to eye patch guy as they become allies from the misunderstanding. Next episode shows Heart Monster running around the team minus Japan who goes horseback riding.

Illusion Monster: Powers include illusions and a staff
Illusion Robot: Powers include illusions and a staff that can cause explosions on contact
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
We are now at the penultimate part! Better known as part 12!

Episode 45:

Russia and Kenya see kids running while motorcycling and the latter decides to join in. One kid named Kenta collapses and breathes heavy. After that Russia and Kenya rush him to a hospital where he is in intensive care. Cut to cutmen nabbing some old man before we see Satan Egos spawning Heart Monster. Apparently the old guy is part of Egos based on him kneeling. Hedda reaches into the capsule to pull out an artificial heart to give to Heart Monster. Russia and Kenya go to the cabin the old man was at and see him being returned by cutmen. In his cabin Sarome talks to him about something. Kenya sneaks around and climbs the roof. He nearly gives himself away, but Russia saves him by playing Ichiro's trumpet call from Kikaider 01. No, really, it is the same tune. Kenya breaks into the window to lead the old man out while fighting cutmen. Russia drives off in a jeep once both are aboard. Heart Monster jumps out the window and runs after them not unlike Kemur Man from Ultra Q complete with weird slow motion and odd editing. Russia's bullets fail to slow it down and Hedda's words echo in the old man's mind. They soon abandon the jeep and run near a river where Heart Monster and a squad of cutmen lie in wait. At the hospital everyone worries about Kenta including his parents.

Meanwhile Kenya attacks Heart Monster so Russia and the old man can run off. Kenya tries drowning him in the river and fails only for the same to be pulled on him. He goes unconscious and Heart Monster continues his pursuit. Even the egos mutant's eyes are bullet proof as Russia proves. The cutmen use ropes to detain Russia for a bit and the old man keeps running. Soon he falls off a cliff and hangs onto it. Heart Monster throws Russia into the water with the hero later finding and waking up Kenya. That night the chase continues with Russia and Kenya meeting with France and America. Keiko and Tomoko wait outside and take some people off and America gets caught in the old man's cabin. The next day Japan arrives on horseback like a boss to rescue the old man and Heart Monster chases after him with a rifle. Both fall off the horse with the other men on the team showing up. Japan throws his spear at the egos mutant to no avail. Sarome shows up with America having two cutmen using their trident swords to her head. She soon escapes via transformation and reveals his relatives were taken to Big Baser. Cutmen attack BFJ to no avail with them doing their intros. Heart Robot appears jumping around. France kicks a cutman in the crotch. Heart Robot emits explosive mist from its mouth to attack BFJ which forces Japan to call for Battle Shark. BFR arrives with Japan going in alone only for Heart Robot to constantly teleport. Heart Monster boasts a bit and tosses the team around before running around them. They lock arms and kick them, stunning Heart Monster long enough for Japan to throw his command bat so the Penta Boomerang can blow him up. Sarome gives her angry face. Once Heart Robot is knocked down it is terminated by the Bamboo Slice. At the hospital Kenta has surgery which turns out to be a success as the old man was one of the surgeons. Next episode shows Curse Monster defeating the team and a couple afraid of a wooden doll on a tree.

Heart Monster: Powers include speed, teleportation, a zigzag sword, high jumping, and a reinforced body
Heart Robot: Powers include speed, teleportation, a zigzag sword, and explosive mouth mist

Episode 46:

Cutmen bow to Satan Egos as he spawns Curse Monster.... who comes out as a wooden doll. Hedda and Sarome find it odd. Curt to some kid nailing a paper doll to a tree only for Sarome to take it and replace it with a wooden one. I thought curse was a ghost attack, not a grass attack. Anyway, the doll turns into Curse Monster upon being nailed in. Curse Monster targets Tomoko and Yuki first while beating his nail over a fire. Yuki finds it hard to breath as Tomoko soon gets it too with a cutman and soon Hedda hammering his nail. No I will not make an innuendo. We see Tomoko invite America and Keiko over due to concern, so much so they flip out from their phone ringing. America answers it and Kyutaro answers before Japan talks to her. The girls head to some apartment with Kenya to bug a phone with the boy from earlier calling from a both.... And Kenya teleports there and catches him. They take the boy home where his parents scold him. After that Kenya plays at a playground and Curse Monster decides to curse him at 3 PM. He is knocked to the ground and shakes. Curse Monster is tied up by his crew for the curse. The boy from earlier dresses in white which creeps everyone out. Soon Curse Monster does fake heart attacks to the boy's parents. At Big Baser Kenya is held on a chair until he is normal again with Japan thinking of a plan. Curse boy is handed pictures on the street of people that are demanded to be cursed on. Hedda reports this to Satan Egos before we see the boy scolded by his parents. Suddenly the blue filter is put around him and his parents run. However Yuki confronts him and curse boy runs off into the woods where Sarome catches him. When looking through the boy's photos BFJ appears for battle with Curse Monster and his cutmen teleporting in. Both sides battle. A cutman hammer's his nail and the team starts to suffer.

The team still beat up cutmen while having head aches. Curse Monster and Sarome run for it while the team is stunned. After that curse boy is chased by classmates who want to curse people until BFJ tells them to stop it. Curse boy starts crying (I think his mom calls him Takuro I cannot tell) and Yuki walks over to shake his hand. Curse boy's father is shown to be suffering and BFJ jumps around until they find Curse Monster. Cutmen appear to battle and Curse Monster beats his nail which causes suffering. The egos mutant then starts hammering the team one by one like wack-a-mole. Soon Kenya uses his whip to latch onto the nail and the others pull it out. With his main power gone Curse Monster destroyed by the Penta Boomerang. However, lightning strikes the hills and Curse Robot arises for avalanches. Japan calls for Battle Shark which releases BFR. The team buckles in and clashes weapon to weapon. During the fight the area grows dark with lightning flashes which disorient BFR until it grabs Curse Robot's long nail and impales it with the weapon. BFR finishes Curse Robot with the Bamboo Slice. The episode end with curse boy and Yuki crossing a bridge on a playground and Tomoko faking a curse enchantment. Next episode shows a baseball team and America training for it via arm wrestling machine.

Curse Monster: Powers include a pain transfer nail, a hammer, and teleportation
Curse Robot: Powers include a hammer and a long nail

Episode 47:

A golf baseball moves at 195 and then 200 kmph as a pitcher goes for tryouts. The coach is impressed and has him join the team where France, Kenya, America, Keiko, and Masaru are. Kenya complains about something to the new player. At Big Baser he continues before Kurama walks in for briefing on pitcher history I think. America and Keiko comment with Kyutaro cracking a remark. Cut to America talking to the pitcher at a construction site- Oh wow he hits her AND he has an x mark in his hand. Pitcher runs off and two kids check on her. They take her to an arm wrestling machine where Hedda and Sarome view.... Egos has their own arcade? No wonder they get so many followers. Left Hand Monster is on the other side and he is easily defeated. Egos takes the machine later and Sarome scolds Left Hand Monster. America takes a cab and follows the truck which abandons the machine and as she approaches it the machine blows up. America emerges transformed to Left Hand Monster's surprise and he sends some cutmen after her. Once the egos mutant catches her off balance the cutmen throw volleyballs at her and yes I am serious. Her teammates arrive and he tosses a grenade before fleeing. Sarome and Hedda use him on what I think is a computer. That night the pitcher has his x mark emitting kana Left Hand Monster is typing with his two younger siblings telling America about it. Kurama tells the team to watch the pitcher. Russia observes the guy's javelin throwing which is almost superhuman. The pitcher throws one at Russia before dashing and teleporting off. France does a similar stakeout when the pitcher shotputs and his left foot is hit.

America trails the pitcher with Kenya catching up saying something is up. The pitcher siblings follow soon after. Meanwhile Left Hand Monster trains a bunch of athletes who have x marks. Hedda protests, but Satan Egos tells him to cool it. We then see pitcher being approached by his siblings telling him what they saw, but he walks off. America confronts him about Egos. The pitcher claims his left arm is better despite his siblings protesting. He runs off and America tells the team at Big Baser something must be done. Kurama talks to her alone with his katana unsheathed. After a demonstration he sheathes it and she gets the message. After that she plays a baseball game with pitcher and Kenya as Left Hand Monster watches. America imitates what Kurama did and swings a home run that hits Left Hand Monster. Pitcher runs and the egos mutant summons his squad. The rest of BFJ arrives for intros and onslaught against the grunts. Kenya and America jump Left Hand Monster to no avail. America and France try the same with the others ganging up on him. Left Hand Robot emerges from the hills, this time without editing rather film merging, how unexpected. The Penta Boomerang takes Left Hand Monster out and Japan summons Battle Shark while Left Hand Robot causes explosions around it somehow (sometimes it is not even kicking rocks, you can see two behind its ankles). BFR arrives and combat ensues. BFR beats Left Hand Robot up complete with a random explosion in the face before finishing it via Bamboo Slice. The episode ends with pitcher back to normal using his own strength as the team plays baseball. Next episode shows Grand Thief Monster stealing necklaces and some boy running around with France catching him.

Left Hand Monster: Powers include a fist staff and grenades
Left Hand Robot: Its only known power is a fist staff

Episode 48:

Keiko goes on a shopping spree with France and Tomoko. They enter a clothes store and Keiko's purse is stolen by a fat boy. France gives chase. He drops it over a bridge for some girl to take it before France scolds the boy. Without evidence he has the boy walk. The kids meet up and go to an apartment where some guy is waiting for them. He abuses the boy and it revealed the two are siblings. The man takes money from the wallet and give the siblings two coins before he abuses him more. At Big Baser Keiko and Tomoko scold France for not protecting their wallets with the others not commenting. After France is flustered by Kyutaro we cut to the brother walking around stealing a purse. France catches him to prevent the snatchings three times. The man abuses the boy at the apartment for failing. The sister puts a picture with them and their parents on a table and she cries. Later that day France pokes around with the brother noticing. He is soon attacked by the man who is revealed to be Grand Thief Monster. The two duel a bit before the egos mutant flees. France finds their apartment and the siblings explain what happened to them. France promises to take care of them and returns to Big Baser telling Kurama everything. That night robbers rob a bank with dynamite and scale up a building to place the money in a vault. A security guard watches as they steal crates. Kurama tells the team about it.

Grand Thief Monster enjoys his chest of necklaces and Hedda is impressed. Sarome is less interested as she wants BFJ dealt with. A group of people including the siblings are taken by cutmen to a cave Sarome opens up by saying "Egos banzai" I think. In the cave the brother finds his father who was the security guard from earlier. Grand Thief Monster walks in because he is a jerk and shows off his stolen treasure before placing bomb bracelets on everyone. He even kills a cutman to demonstrate. After that the boy steals a purse only for France to catch him. He tells him about the bracelets and leads him to the secret caves. France tries the magic words and succeeds the second time. Grand Thief Monster throws his sword and attacks him before threatening to kill everyone. However Russia throws his command bat to destroy the remote control and the boy runs. Once the controller is destroyed everyone shows up for intros (France goes last). Cutmen receive the smack down before France duels Grand Thief Monster. Soon the rest of the team gangs up on the egos mutant. Once Japan disarms him Grand Thief Monster explodes from the Penta Boomerang. This causes Grand Thief Robot to appear and cause random explosions (is the area a mine field?). Japan has Battle Shark called on so BFR can fight. Grand Thief Robot jumps around and mentally controls its cutlass until BFR chains it long enough to destroy it by the Bamboo Slice. The episode ends with the siblings and France walking the street. Next episode shows Fly Trap Monster and some kids doing stuff.

Grand Thief Monster: Powers include a human disguise and a cutlass that returns if thrown
Grand Thief Robot: Powers include a cutlass that returns if thrown and high jumping
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The end is nigh! Time for the final part which is part 13!

Episode 49:

Hedda and Sarome say something to Satan Egos and he replies in monologue before spawning Fly Trap Monster. Hedda is impressed and it shrinks to an actual fly trap. Cut to some guy with weird hair putting a venus fly trap in a class room while teleporting around. One kid notices it and shows the teacher. A quick lecture on fly traps happens and likely without mentioning why Venus is included in the name. The kids decide to feed it using flies caught on a sticky trap. This causes an 80s rainbow effect and Fly Trap Monster grows back to normal with the kids listening. Somehow he psychically writes on the chalk board. The kids are dismissed and start yelling what Fly Trap Monster told them to. France and Kenya notice as one of them happens to be Masaru. The next day the class interrupts the teacher and start going nuts. That night Fly Trap Monster is caught by France and Kenya. The egos mutant escapes after throwing an explosive knife and jumping around. Meanwhile Keiko wakes Masaru out of bed to no avail. After that they talk for a bit about something.

The kids sneak around town and get on a bus to be noisy. They eat some hotdogs bought by a small wad of cash. Said wad of cash has them going to an arcade where they stir up trouble and are caught by Russia and America. At Big Baser Keiko expresses concern and Japan finds it odd. After that the kids rake some leaves off a street and help preschoolers cross a street. They then eat bananas and what I think are either lemons or mangos.... Which were the preschoolers' snacks. Weird hair guy drives by laughing and is shown to be a cutman. He gives Fly Trap Monster a message and we see the kids building some machine. Fly Trap Monster watches over them. Keiko and Tomoko meet up with the teacher to find the kids and soon find the room they are building the machine. Fly Trap Monster and the kids nab all three women and tie them to a wall with Keiko emitting a radio device only for the egos mutant to take it. France and Kenya check the school out and find nothing as hair guy laughs. They notice something is wrong with a bike and we find out they have been building bombs with one being placed by the three women upon leaving. Outside BFJ appears for intros with cutmen appearing from nowhere after Fly Trap Monster gets ganged up on. America finds the captives while the men take on Fly Trap and his goons. Man this guy likes teleporting. With the bomb deactivated America returns and the Penta Boomerang destroys Fly Trap Monster. Suddenly Fly Trap Robot comes from nowhere with random explosions and Japan calling for Battle Shark so BFR can used. After a quick clash BFR finishes off Fy Trap Robot with the Bamboo Slice. The children are back to normal and BFJ takes their bombs. Next episode shows two old men fighting with one on a bed and Kurama dueling with Hedda.

Fly Trap Monster: Powers include a fly trap form, mind control, psychic writing, high jumping, explosive knives, and a mace staff
Fly Trap Robot: Powers include a mace staff and a back cannon

Episode 50:

Ninjas hope around trying to kill some old guy and fail. One assassin with a vale kills him with a hook to the neck. Said assassin is revealed to be Hedda who old guy knows. Hedda kicks him in the face and he laughs upon death. Hedda is pleased to tell Satan Egos and Sarome gives him two photos of other old martial arts masters. Cut to him leading a brigade of troops to find one of them who is teaching a kendo class for kids. He walks in proclaiming superiority I think before the old guy tells his students to leave. A duel engages and Hedda soon kills him via flying hook before leaving a note. The other guy in the photograph dies on his death bed with Kurma being one of the people there to mourn him. Sarome tells Satan Egos about this because she can. We see Ogre Beard Monster liking his face in a mirror. At Big Baser Kurama has a serious moment in front of Japan and Russia saying martial arts teachers are dying with him inheriting a position from his former master. We then see France and Kenya is a really dark ally way fighting assassins with wooden sword with Hedda leading them. Hedda uses some eye blinding trick and knocks them over via flying hook. He leaves a message which Japan reads at the base.

Hedda and Sarome wait for BFJ who soon arive. Hedda's brigade tries to stop the car which was apparently remote controlled. BFJ jumps down from some hills and Ogre Beard Monster intercepts them. Once Egos gets away they attack an armed base. Kurama goes out in a gee and katana much against his team's wishes. Keiko and Masaru are taken on the streets by Hedda and he tells Kurama where to meet. After he gives the team a speech America sees a note in his office that he left. At a hill Masaru and Keiko are restrained to crosses via chains with Sarome and Hedda waiting on Kurama. He soon arrives not unlike an old western movie. Kurama and Hedda walk towards each other with the hostages being released shortly after. They walk over to Kurama who tells them to run. Kurama's assassins attack only to be easily defeated. Kurama and Hedda have a duel.... which transports them to a field. Blade and hook fly with Hedda's eye flashes being reflected by Kurama's katana. Hedda falls down a cliff with Ogre Bear Monster following. Some explosive goes off that blinds Kurama, but he can predict Hedda's movements. With two strikes Hedda's hook is sliced as is his abdomen. Kurama is attacked by the hook and BFJ arrives to fight off cutmen after giving their intros. Ogre Beard Robot appears over a hill once Hedda's hook is removed. America leads Kurama to safety while the egos mutant beats the team up. Once Japan and France kick him the Penta Boomerang terminates Ogre Beard Monster. With Ogre Beard Robot kicking rocks and causing explosions everywhere the Battle Shark comes by Japan's call. BFR is sent out for combat. Weapons clash in the suddenly dark area with Ogre Beard Monster getting impaled on the Stick Attacker before Bamboo Slice does it in. Egos holds a funeral for Hedda while Kurama is fine at Big Baser. The episode ends with Kenya biting France's left arm for some reason. Next episode shows Hedda being revived into Hedda Monster and attacking Big Baser. Also Kyutaro has a freezing beam.

Ogre Beard Monster: Only known power is an explosive summoning staff that returns if thrown
Ogre Beard Robot: Only known power is an explosive summoning staff

Episode 51:

At Hedda's funeral a flashback of the last episode occurs. Sarome speaks to Satan Egos who uses his egos mutant producing capsule to expel mist that consumes Hedda's body. With that is spawns Hedda Monster. Satan Egos yells at him to end BFJ. We cut to Hedda yelling- Oh wow that voice is horrible. Anyway Hedda Monster summons Sports Robot which is actually a different costume armed with a hockey stick. At Big Baser it turns out to be Dogu Robot from near the beginning of the series and the team heads out on the Battle Shark. Hedda and Sarome summon egos fighters only for them to blow up. BFR is launched to slay Dogu Robot again in gratuitous stock footage.... Until Sports Robot and Galaxy Robot appear. More stock footage and Kurama is concerned. The Cross Fever fails as Hedda Monster says some energy protects them. Once the Bamboo Slice fails they attack Hedda Monster on foot with intros and cutmen slaughter (France-Russia reversed again). Hedda Monster throws Kenya and Sports Robot throws puck grenades at the others. So much chaos and explosions. The Penta Boomerang is used to slay Hedda Monster which destroys the revived robots. BFJ starts to walk away with an eye ball attaching itself to Kenya's left boot.

The team returns to Big Baser and Kyutaro goes nuts. Kurama believes the robot bird and says something serious. Tomoko grabs the phone who happens to be Masaru. He tells Keiko to pick him up in the city because.... I do not know. Meanwhile Sarome talks to Satan Egos who laughs. That night the eye ball roams around Big Baser and Kyutaro wakes Kenya up. Fed up with the bird talking he puts his coat over the cage and goes back to sleep. After that the eye regenerates into Hedda Monster. The egos mutant walks around the base to slay Kurama in his sleep. However it turns out to be a decoy and the real Kurama, in gee, surprises him with BFJ ready to fight. Alarms go off and Kenya wakes up. Hedda Monster activates a bomb which somehow makes his voice more tolerable. After he turns into his original form Hedda Monster threatens the revival of all the egos mutants they fought upon his death. Kurama does not give in and gives him a firm talking before telling Kyutaro something. Hedda Monster turns back and Kyutaro emits a freezing mist from his beam that freezes Hedda Monster and his bomb. The team moves him that morning to a quarry where he is vaporized. However, his consciousness is transferred into Hedda Robot. Kurama sends out Battle Shark as the egos robot kicks rocks. Once the magic claw trips Hedda Robot BFR arrives for combat. After a brief fight the Cross Fever fails to do anything. The Bamboo Slice is attempted to no avail. Kurama gives BFR the Battle Fever Power which surges Hedda Robot with red energy before it explodes. Sarome and the cutmen are depressed and Satan Egos throws a fit. At Big Baser Kyutaro is thanks for what he did with Kenya apologizing. Next episode shows BFJ attacking Satan Egos's base and his statue flies off.

Hedda Monster: Powrs include reviving egos robots, a flail, and regeneration
Hedda Robot: Powers include a knife, a flail, and reinforced armor

Episode 52:

Satan Egos says stuff angrily, I assume cursing BFJ. His monster capsule shakes violently. After that some cutmen turn on a fog machine while Sarome brushes her hair. A cutman gives her two photos. Satan Egos's capsule starts moving. We cut to three children (one being Masaru) helping a downed pigeon. During this they see a car speeding in reverse. At Big Baser Russia points out stuff on a map and Keiko gets the the phone with her brother on the other end. An earthquake occurs shortly after. Later France and Kenya meet up with the kids with the latter hero's motorcycle being forced into reverse. Some woman comes out of a white car saying she is with interpol I think. France and Kenya listen in on one of Japan's phone calls. They follow him to a park where he meets interpol woman and gets a message. She gives him photos of Satan Egos's base before walking off. Japan radios in and France and Kenya tail her. At Big Baser Japan, Russia, and America compare photos of her and Sarome with an identical match via line up. Kurama walks in to say stuff and another earthquake occurs. Meanwhile France and Kenya still tail interpol woman. She calls Japan for a bit. Suddenly cutmen attack interpol woman's car and France and Kenya beat up the grunts to save her. France notices something on her neck and it turns out to be a mask disguising Sarome. She is taken to a hospital and her stuff is looked at. She wakes up and starts talking, must be something big given everyone's reaction. She takes out a tooth cap which has microfilm in it.

BFJ, transformed, ride the streets following a map to the Egos base. Upon stopping a cave they are greeted by cutmen. Once in the cave they find a dead end at some water. Kenya investigates to no avail. The command bats are brought together for the Penta Boomerang to blow the obstruction up. They find the room of Satan Egos who exchanges dialogue with the team. Sarome walks in revealing it was all a trap. Satan Egos says he will make a Battle Fever Monster using them. Then the capsule starts floating and ramming into the team. It soon fires grenades around the room with them dodging the explosives. Even the Penta Boomerang is no match as Satan Egos laughs at them. The team is soon taken inside the capsule which looks all oily. Sarome looks in as BFJ tries to figure out how to get out. They use their weapons to no avail. The capsule emits a choking gas and France spots a way out. The Penta Boomerang is used on some spot and the team gets out with the capsule vaporizing. Satan Egos's statue flies off and the building collapses which kills Sarome. Satan Egos somehow increased his size outside and thanks to lightning stricking him a massive wind storm occurs. The team uses the Penta Boomerang which.... Just vanishes apparently. Japan summons Battle Shark which releases BFR. The Cross Fever is executed, but it fails as does the Bamboo Slice- No wait it works, this time by throwing it which is officially called the Lightning Sword Rocketter. The statue emits green blood in agony before exploding. Seriously, the area blows up like napalm. Kurama is happy and the heroes look at the sunset in accomplishment. The narrator gives the names of the team before the episode ends while a new track plays in the background. Also horseback riding to Mount Fuji.

Satan Egos: Powers include a vaporizing laser, a mutation capsule (flight, grenades, consumption, oily body), projecting other spaces, flight, size changing, lightning and wing manipulation, and a reinforced stone body
Opinion round up! The new Battle Cossack is not that different from his predecessor after a few episodes despite the cowboy look and being a gun expert. Battle Japan and Miss America could have has a few more episodes centered around them compared to the other team members. General Kurama actually participating in fights was actually kind of cool, a definite step up from his predecessors. For Battle Fever Robo I do not remember seeing its leg cannons, knuckle dusters, or Cross Turn unless someone can make a picture/point out which ep(s) they were in. It was also nice to seen villains that did not kill everyone just for failing even though personality wise they were not that different from their predecessors. With that all said, the music may not be as good, but because it was able to keep its fun factor with the count it had and did not lose its tone so fast I found this series better than Gorenger and JAKQ.


Denjiman will be taken on in the future later this month, hopefully I will know if it spelled Denjiman or Denziman by then.
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Starting earlier than planned here we go with Denziman!


"More nicknaming and MOTW analyses?"


"Anything different?"

Since the monsters are numbered this series I will be referring to them by number despite them having regular names to make it easier to type out. These names can be found here:

"How will this be divided?"

Three episodes a part with 17 total. I really could not divide it up any better than that.


Chinese subs.

"Any other weird stuff you wanna share?"

When looking up dustlers on Google Images I found someone cosplaying as Chi from Chobits.... How the hell does that work?

"You failed to mention Gavan, Battle Kenya, and Denzi Blue had the same actor!"

But I do not have a joke about that!

"So you went with Denzi instead of Denji?"

Only because it was painted on the side of their vehicles.

"And opinions?"

Unlike the last three series there are very few major events that happen or at least what I can pin down. Based on what little information I can get I decided to have opinions after episodes 24, 36, and at the end of the series.

"Will you take on the movie?"

Yes and before part 9, whether or not it will be separate or not is unknown because it is longer than the Gorenger movie and JAKQ vs. Gorenger. Super Sentai World was too small to count.
Episode 1:

What a very vintage opening. A large asteroid-like ship flies across some cavemen before heating up to turn into an island. In it is Denzi Dog who sleeps in a tube. At present day Japan a couple takes what I assume are honeymoon photos before an earthquake appears. Some computers boot up and say IC which awakens Denzi Dog. Cut to a guy doing karate when a lightning bolt blows up a building and an earthquake happens. Denzi Dog shows up and uses some eye powers to erect a barrier around karate guy. The same power is used to communicate telepathically with him. After that a woman plays tennis with some guy with a mustache and a lightning bolt kills the latter, setting him on fire. Denzi Dog tells her to come with him. At a construction site the portal the opens up the bolts has a meteor crash into it where scientists and some guy with an ascot investigate. One scientist is contacted by Denzi Dog in secret. At a lab the scientists investigate the object when an intruder appears and knocks a glass over. Two of them try to find him in the dark soon finding the intruder grew friggin huge. The older one is somehow killed and the younger one is revealed to be his son. Denzi Dog does a telepathic one to the son. After that the monster attacks a circus with a keeper that does flips to dodge the monster throwing stuff. He sees Denzi Dog and gets telepathic. With all five Denzimen introduced we see the Vader Castle where Queen Hedrian calls for Mirror and Kellar with General Hedrer walking in saying Monster 00 is a success. Said 00 was the monster attacking earlier. Hedrer mentions how Tokyo is being taken care of and we see people choking to death at a harbor- HOLY CRAP THEY TURNED TO BONES! SWAT teams assemble and fire at 00 who rises from the deep. 00 attacks the police like Hedorah. Meanwhile Denzi Dog has all five humans appear at a quarry to meet up where the side of the hill opens up. Inside is a secret base aka the computers from earlier. The base is called Denziland and the computer in it explains IC (Denzi Dog). They place their right hands out and are given rings that turn them into the Denzimen. Denziland shows them their vehicles and Denji Tiger.

Denziland opens up and launches Denzi Tiger. It flies over the city- WOW THAT IS HUGE. It lands and the Vader Clan (bad guys) take note. Vader Fighters are launched five at once. They fire missiles and act like egos fighters from Battle Fever J. Missiles are fired complete with shameless stock footage, taking them out. The Denzimen get out to deal with dustlers lead by 00.... They also keep punching the camera. After the intros the dustlers are taken care of even with surprise teleportation. Red manages to punch their scythes to hard they break. 00 runs via chopping editing and hovers up a wall with the Denzimen jumping after him. Red uses the Denji Scope to locate him and Denzi Stick's him in the neck. Red punches him in the face and they all flip around like crazy. After a kick attack fails they put their Denji Sticks together for the Denzi Boomerang attack which instead of killing 00 makes him angry and he grows. Red has the Denji Fighter launch from Denji Tiger and it turns into DaiDenziJin (which I will now shorten to DDJ from now on). The Denzimen run to it (through a quarry instead of a city now), get up via elevator, and push a button to activate it. Weapons clash, 00's long knife deflects DDJ's bladed boomerang only for it to summon a chained mace and then a broadsword. 00 dodges so hard he throws himself into a neighborhood which allows DDJ to use a finishing attacking to decapitate and blow him up. Meanwhile Hedrer tells Hedrian not to worry as she snickers at what I assume are octopus eggs. After that the Denzimen walk out of DDJ who does poses with them for the last minute of the episode. Next episode shows bubbles, 01 attacking, and the Denzimen being clumsy on a hill.

00: Powers include size changing, mouth acid gas, swimming, a long knife, teleportation, levitation, and invisibility

Episode 2:

The Vader Clan looks at last episode's battle and Hedrian is displeased. Mirror and Kellar walk over to a slot machine with the former pulling a trigger that releases a pair of eggs like the one 00 hatched from last episode. Out comes 01 ready to take orders and Hedrian gives off a sinister smile. 01 emits bubbles from his maw. Cut to Denziland where the men look at the vehicles via TV screen and ask Denzi Dog (who I am calling IC from now on) where Pink went. We see her playing tennis with Mirror and Kellar appearing in laser printer style and the former uses a flute to summon 01. He uses bubbles to.... Kill flowers claymation style? Another laser printer teleportation takes them to some building where a violin concert is held. A woman in white plays said violin and 01 turns invisible before spewing bubbles everywhere which turns her into marble, having her fall over and crack with everyone panicking. The men transform and head out via motorcycle and jeep aka Denzi Machine and Denzi Buggy. Hedrer is surprised for some reason. Meanwhile 01 uses his bubbles as bombs and Mirror and Kellar send out dustlers to have them exit their vehicles. Red comments how Pink is not here. After that the four confront her about her duties and she does not care. In the last episode her dear friend dies and she loses the will to care, but Green will not let her. Red intervenes between them and she walks off. Pink is seen playing a piano when she sees bubbles. One foams on her hand and she panics. She us unable to scrub it off and screams for help as they consume her hair. The others come for her, but her door is locked so Blue spelunks his way in. However, she is turned to marble by the time they enter and do not know what to do. Red uses the Denji Scope and he sees 01.... What I HOPE is not doing as he is laying on top of her.

The others cannot see and Red worries. Something called a Denzi Computer is used and they all transform. The men use Denzi Shock (an electric bolt from the head) to force 01 off of Pink. She wakes up just as 01 does. The vader monster tosses them around with little effort and Pink transforms. One kick from her sends 01 running through a park where they kick him. The Denzimen do their intros with very odd poses and more camera punching. Mirror and Kellar summon dustlers to be a nuisance. Both sides teleport around, but the heroes gain the upper hand. Once the grunts are dealt with 01 attacks only for Blue to attack him from below using a spin attack called the Denzi Drill. The Denzi Boomerang is uses, but 01 instead grows. Red has Denzi Tiger launch. Hedrer has the vader fighters sent out, I will note now they look like they fire missiles but the Japanese Wikipedia article says they use vulcan cannons, weird. Anyway, in a nice display of what the fighters can do the Denzi Tiger takes them out with little effort before focusing on 01. All of those kabooms.... Denzi Fighter is launched before turning into DDJ. Upon summoning its huge mace DDJ gets the upper hand and whomps on 01. Once it summons the Denzi Sword DDJ manages to decapitate 01 before finishing him via Electronic Full Moon Cut.... Yeah I'll just call it Moon Cut for short from now on. At a baseball stadium Red trains kids karate with Blue, Yellow, and Green meeting him. Pink shows up with a tennis racket to join the team as IC watches. Next episode shows a fissure with fire and cave diving I think (so much editing makes it hard to tell).

01: Powers include dividing into acid and bomb bubbles, invisibility, a balled staff, and size changing

Episode 3:

Hedrian complains about something and Mirror asks her to calm down before turning into a mirrr for one second. Hedrer pulls the slot machine lever for a spotted egg to come out which hathes into 02 in the incubation chamber. 02 emerges complete with a huge head. Cut to Red still training kids karate on the baseball field. Meanwhile Blue teaches yoga (badly), Yellow training some guy in boxing, Green teaches a chemistry class, and Pink teaches children to swim. After Red's class five of his students are hungry and Yellow gives them pasta with Blue being greedy and taking a few bites. Suddenly an earthquake causes a building to go underground. Meanwhile 02 opens fissues and drags two cops and a quarter of a refinery into the dirt. The Denzimen take a look as shovel claws cannot grab any dirt somehow. Yellow picks up a rock and Green analyzes it. After that 02 comes up from the rubble and attacks construction workers for some reason. Blue, Green, and Pink attack him with Mirror and Kellar watching and summoning dustlers. Red and Yellow are informed at Denziland and transform before riding off. 02 bangs his head and it causes tremors, reminds me of Roy from the Super Mario games. Anyway, Red and Yellow run over dustlers, sometimes not even hitting them, and help the others. 02 does some explosion that causes the film to rewind three times. After that Pink takes a shower and oil comes out of the water. This happens across the city with the cops panicking. The kids from earlier look at a sewer pipe before entering it.... Just.... WHAT? Hedrian seems overtly joined and 02 spots the kids before sending fire at them. During this the news talks about the crisis and some girl tells the Denzimen about the others which causes them to transform and go down to a cellar. IC tells them about the Denzi Shooter as a secret door opens up which is passage for Dezni Tiger which takes off.

The Vader Clan finds out and has 02 grow giant and throw a fit via throwing stuff. So many explosions. Soon it hits the Denzi Tiger which gets buried. Meanwhile the children still try to outrun the fire and eventually open a manhole to get out. 02, with Mirror and Kellar, gloat at the inferno he caused. Red pushes a button that frees Denzi Tiger. The Denzimen catch the villains by surprise and give their intros before wailing on dustlers. After that mines explode all over the place only for them to jump over them. After the Denzi Sticks use the ground surge move of General Gyrer from Sharivan they use the Denzi Boomerang to attack 02 which fails as he grows big. Red summons Denzi Fighter which turns into DDJ. Vader Fighters are launched at DDJ which go vulcan cannon crazy until the Denzi Tiger fights back. After both machines take out the fighters 02 is beaten up and the Moon Cut vivisects him before exploding. Hedrian is naturally furious. After that they return to the cellar from earlier seeing nothing and Red uses the Denzi Scope to see the kids from earlier. One wall kick later and the Denzimen manage to save them. Next episode shows people in shock, Blue spelunking, dustlers taking a car, and 03 attacking.

02: Powers include earthquake spawning, a bladed staff, fire manipulation, and size changing
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Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
The new entry in Planet of The Apes is being heralded as one of the best sci-fi movies of our time! In the mean time here is part 2!

Episode 4:

Hedrian looks at some models and is displeased. 03 says he will do better than 01 in killing them and Hedrr allows it. Cut to Blue and Pink going to a fashion show with the former indulging himself in a doughnut. One of them being targeted by the Vader Clan as Hedrian pushes her picture in some goo which has her placed in a wall.... What the hell? Well Hedrian seems pleased. After that we see three people watching an old movie and she is killed when her picture got a gun shot. A third one dies from her picture being set on fire, a fourth by building throw off, and a fifth by car crash. At their apartment base the Denzimen are afraid and Pink notices one she knows. She goes with Blue and Green to meet a future victim and follow her as her body guard watches. Once in a car some dustlers lead by Kellar attack only for it to be empty. Blue, Green, and Pink attack the dustlers, but 03 takes pictures of them which stun them. Red and Yellow get an SOS from Pink and move out. Soon they kick 03 down and everyone retreats into a wormhole. Meanwhile victim six has her neck snapped. Hedrer talks to 03 who was her body guard the whole time. At the apartment the heroes discuss what to do and Blue comes up with a plan. He meets a unicyclist who happens to be his sister and talk about what I assume is fishing. Soon she goes to a fashion gallery where 03 takes interest and takes pictures. The Denzimen snoop outside watching closely and Blue spelunks his way down. Via Denzi Scope he sees 03 making advances on his sister and sees through his disguise. A pair of Denzi Kicks allows him to go inside and fight 03 only for the vader monster to say he will kill her if they interfere.

Blue is down at an amusement park and soon has a flashback of him sharing a roll with his sister. At the apartment he feels no different and the others try to think of a plan. IC emits some hologram from his eyes of Denziland and they take off via Denzi Tiger. They are met with four 6-tube cannons as they run over stuff in the area. Some missile firing causes the area to explode like mad. The Denzimen spot 03 and his crew down a cliff. They do their intros and dustler beatings. Blue does some neat acrobatics and Green goes into slow motion for some reason. Once the grunts are taken out 03 uses his camera to attack.... I did not know powers of magic cameras included telekinesis.Eventually they dodge it and Blue kicks 03 with enough force to crash him into a hill. The Denziboomerang is used and 03 grows after impact. Red calls for Dezni Fighter which turns into DDJ. Once ready to fight DDJ wades through giant camera explosions and even a pair of gigantic rocks. One Moon Cut later and 03 is decapitated and destroyed (you can even see the fuse in the shot). That somehow makes an entire island explode. The Vader Castle flies around and Denzi Tiger missile spams it. Hedrer has it return to their home dimension. After that Blue's sister dies unicycling and he calms some kids down who complain it is easy. The episode ends with him landing on his face. Next episode shows some guy being decomposed and plant vines from 04.

03: Powers include a magic camera (bolts, explosions, telekinesis), a human disguise, high jumping, wall crawling, teleportation, a bladed staff, and size changing

Episode 5:

Hedrer walks toward Hedrian who is PO'd about a camera I think. Their slot machine bears a watermelon err I mean egg and they incubate it to form 04.... which hatches like a seed and resembles a rose. After some weird effects 04, as a rose, is planted by Mirror and Kellar while glowing. The next day some boy's grandfather rides off after a brief talk. Said boy joins his friends who all notice 04. Some old man comes along and takes the rose for himself in his apartment. Cut to Red training his class at a theme park before cutting class. The boy from earlier notices old guy with a flashlight back home as he wants to make sure nobody steals his rose. Eventually old guy notices his pot busted and takes 04 out to tape up the pot. Soon his roots claymate themselves around his neck and strangle old guy. He is found dead that morning with the entire block including Red and Yellow noticing, the latter even getting a close up inspection. They overhear the kids about him keeping 04. Blue spelunks into the old guy's apartment for clues and sees dirt (gasp!). Hedrian notices they are on to them.... Somehow. After she looks at her reflection we see Red and Yellow travel to Denziland for analysis of the dirt. Green analyzes the dirt while Pink plays tarot cards, soon picking the Devil card. After Red tucks the boy from earlier to bed he sees a picture of the boy's grandfather who happens to be Red's former mentor. Cutting hsi flashback short is some woman screaming so he runs over to find nothing put two blood shots. He transforms and spots 04 in the other room via Denzi Scope. The vader monstr disappears.

Some people move old guy's stuff and Red meets up with Pink who is teaching swimming. The next day and night the Denzimen look around the area for clues. Also their rings act as communicators. 04 attacks Pink via wall breakdown and she transforms to fight him. Yellow and Green jump in to help. 04 goes out the window with the heroes surrounding him complete with intros and whooping random dustlers summoned by Mirror and Kellar. One dustler actually lands a few hits on Blue. 04 and Red duel a bit complete with random vines/roots entangling him until Blue cuts them loose. Red uses Denzi Scope to hunt the vader monster and after throwing his denzi stick somehow summons the Denziboomerang. 04 grows big and stomps around (I am amazed at the lack of destruction). He entraps the Denzimen in a building and Red or IC (hard to tell) launch Denzi Tiger. Dezni Fighter turns into DDJ upon Denzi Tiger landing. The heroes manage to somehow run out and into DDJ who proceeds to throw 04 around. Hedrian seems pleased by this battle once DDJ is entangled. 04's gas enters the vents and they start to lose focus. Hedrer quips about how awesome he is until Denzi Shark blasts missiles at 04's vines. One Moon Cut later blows 04 up with Hedrian down. The episode ends with Red and his former master having one last duel with his grandson joining in. Next episode shows a girl's birthday cake blowing up and her acting like Carrie.

04: Powers include a rose form with root constriction, invisibility, teleportation, high jumping, a leaf blade, size changing choking mist from the shoulders, and mouth vines

Episode 6:

Yellow and Green fish at a dock as a girl in a black sailor uniform is spotted on top of a building. The two run toward her thinking she plans to fall off- Oh wow, Yellow changed sizes while rooftop running. She jumps, but Green catches her. As they walk her home she encounters a dog she pics up. Yellow and Green try to catch her mom, but she drives off. She looks at a picture of her parents before smashing it to the ground. Outside Mirror and Kellar notice (they have invisibility powers?) and Hedrer reads their report. This really amuses Hedrian because I cannot understand Japanese. An egg is incubated to become 05. I did not comment on this before, but why do vader monsters have bilateral colors like Kikaider? Anyway, black uniform girl thinks she is being stalked and 05 appears to kill her. She soon faints and gets possessed. Cut to Yellow having a bad feeling as Pink walks in.... And his pancake was burning on a skillet.... Weird. After that 05 imitates the girl who is apparently named Aoi as her mother calls and slaps her with no reaction. One eye flash later and the mother runs with random objects sticking her to a wall. Yellow and Pink walk to 05 on the streets unaware and he brushes them off. After that we see some elementary school girl celebrating her birthday with the heroes and not-Aoi at the table, the latter of which sets candles on fire. IC walking in causes 05 to jump 4 meters and run off with Red, Blue, and Green finding it odd (GEE YOU THINK?). After that 05 gets soccer balls thrown at him which results in them being on fire and scaring kids off. The Vader Clan turns on the TV to look at random scenes of people at Tokyo (are they fans of Lucky Star?). Then the regular kids and 05 show up to the Denzimen's apartment and they go to the theme park with 05 looking to cause trouble.

Red and Pink with Aoi's mother open her bedroom to find her asleep- Oh wait her name was KAWARU? BUT YOU SAID- GAAAAAAAH! I! WISH! I! KNEW! JAPANESE! Anyway, 05 goes on a roller coster with Red telling Blue something is up. A dustler knocks out the roller coster technician (he just shoved him to the ground so death is very unlikely) and has the ride go nuts. Red and Pink arrive via Denzi Machine and catch Blue as he falls off. 05 jumps off and Pink handles the dustler before fixing the ride. Also Red can outrun a train at 250 kmph just to chase 05. At Kawa-Aoi's room Red surprises 05 via under the covers and the plan is foiled. Once 05 reveals his true form Red, Blue, and Green jump him. Once the vader monster runs out the window he teleports away to a quarry only for the Denzimen to appear with intros and slaying dustlers summoned by Mirror and Kellar. Yellow does some weird roll on the ground before going nuts. Soon Red duels 05 after knocking two dustlers away, but he his thrown off a cliff. All five heroes use the Denzi Shock and Denziboomerang on 05 before he grows big (also the explosion is done in reversed for some reason). While big 05 fires a blue beam from his left eye instead of both.... Why? Red calls for Denzi Tiger which attacks that Vader Clan base from last episode (huh?). Denzi Fighter turns into DDJ, the heroes run in, 05 teleports around, and they manages to bash him long enough to finish the vader monster with the Moon Cut, right in the face no less. The episode ends with Kawaru/Aoi having a change of clothes and her mother having a change of heart once the heroes and school kids come for bike riding. Next episode shows Mirror and Kellar in harem outfits, a painting, 06 being green slime, and the dam you often see in 70s and 80s Toei toku shows (seriously that thing appears as much as the rickety bridge and waterfall constantly used).

05: Powers include invisibility, a human disguise, telekinesis, high jumping, a trident, size changing and a left eye beam
Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Mega Beast Empire subs has subbed the banned episode of Ultraseven! Irrelevant to what you are reading with part 3!

Episode 7:

Two women (I assume Mirror and Kellar) in harem outfits belly dance behind Hedrian who says some chant. You can tell Hedrer wants to fap yet cannot by the look on his face. That causes an egg to be struck by lightning before it incubates and 06 walks out. Hedrer eventually sends him out with Mirror and Kellar. They take him to a lake where he spills a blood-like chemicals. The three teleport inside somewhere with dustlers in labcoats playing chemistry. We then see a red slime attacking some old fisherman's head with his two friends in disarray. The same happens to some guy in a shower. Cut to Red and Yellow being caught in the rain noticing it is acid rain. Said acid rain forced red blobs running up a wall and into a sewer that Blue and Green happen to be in. That night the 1958 classic The Blob is ripped off as 06's acid slime rampages through a highway which Red reads about in the papers the next day. Some boy tells the Denzimen something and Red and Yellow are shown some girl's fish died from red slime (which is sad). The Denzimen soon notice the red slime everywhere and Blue is attacked by dustlers and 06. Theya re about to drag him underground, but Green and Pink manage to chase them off. 06 turns into red slime and heads underground which causes Hedrian to throw a fit. 06 returns to a lab which the computer spews random numbers. Yellow analyzes the slime (somehow) noting how bad it is. Pink transforms and uses a projection on a screen from her mask like a camera showing 06 turning into slime. Denziland notes it is something terrible the Vader Clan used on the Denzi Star.... And apparently 06 destroyed their city and is the reason DDJ was constructed to begin with and why Denziland was sent to Earth. I like how Wikipedia never mentioned this part of their summary. I also like how during all this exposition Blue just eats a roll casually.

Blue plays basketball with some people as he is spied on by some woman that looks like Sarome from Battle Fever J. The same is done with Red and Pink who soon notice her drive off with some other woman- And they are Mirror and Kellar. Seriously, before this episode they did not show any hair under their helmets. Red and Pink follow them to a dam where the lab is and break in- Wow, that boot stop motion bit was weird. Hedrer tells 06 to get to work with their next goal and notices that a number dropped half a percent or something- Now claymated footprints? 06 notices his red goo disappeared and throws a fit with Red and Pink unmasking themselves from dustler disguises. They chase the vader monster outside where the others wait to attack. Once they run to a quarry intros are done and dustlers get taken out. I swear Green could qualify for world championship kick boxing. During the fight Yellow has knuckle dusters like Red. 06 has a ton of grenades explode and emits some mist from the left side of his head before using his harpoon to swing the Denzimen around. After that the Denzimen kick him all at once and he is sent down a hill before the Denziboomerang is used. 06 grows and somehow causes rocks to explode by kicking them. Red summons Denzi Tiger which launches Denzi Fighter that turns into DDJ. I also did not notice this, but 06's grenades look like fishing lures, ha. DDJ manages to wade through 06's attacks and the Moon Cut does a bisect slice and blows him up. Hedrer then throws his rapier into a wall because.... The episode ends with Denzi Star being avenged and the heroes running with IC. Next episode shows a skeleton emitting mist, 07 being pompous, Blue aging, and cowboy outfits.

06: Powers include a harpoon, red slime spawning and transforming, burrowing, teleportation, left head side mist choking, lure grenades, and size changing

Episode 8:

A black egg is presented to Hedrian who seems happy as she claims it will decimate Tokyo. The egg incubates to unveil 07. Cut to two women advertising on the street some movie, even inviting those kids that I will calling the Denzi Kids from now on. Blue tells them to calm down as he goes in with them. They walk around corridors as 07 and the two women (yes they're Mirror and Kellar) watch via one way mirror. The lights go off and some old man appears briefly before disappearing. Said old guy looks like General Zod from Man of Steel but with a beard. Eventually he turns into a flying scorpion and chases them very slowly with more scorpions appearing on the walls. Old guy appears, with a much longer beard, and tells Blue to grab his hand. The two talk a bit and the old man's head pops off before turning into a bunch of skeletons. One skeleton sprays some mist and old guy turns out to be 07. Blue and the Denzi Kids emerge looking 60 years older. At the apartment Yellow cracks a joke with he and Red trying to pull his hair out for proof. Green and Pink appear in disbelief. IC walks in and Blue yells at him to help him only for nothing. Blue shows them the film hall with07 seeing them walk in. The team is confronted with old man-skeletons before transforming (except Blue who just stumbles). Spears are dodges and Red throws his Denzi Stick at the window followed by Yellow. This hurts 07 and Blue returns to normal. After being trapped by enclosing walls Red kicks a wall down and they confront 07 who turns giant.

At some restaurant aging mist from skeletons is used on the guests followed by the same at a hotel lobby and a department store. The Denzimen run around as 07 laughs. The vader monster tells Mirror and Kellar he will use a building as a screen. Soon the Denzimen jump on a building and Red predicts what 07 said. Insert car chase here. Soon the heroes run on foot through storage houses and 07 uses film to entangle Red, Blue, and Pink. All three bust out and Yellow and Green kick 07. The heroes surround him only for him to teleport up a fire escape. As the chase continues 07 shrinks down to size and hides in a film reel. The Denzimen are caught by who I think is a producer that tells them not to mess up his film reels, soon taking the one with 07 inside. Once the reel is in the car 07 makes snarky comments. After that the heroes talk to some older guy and watch a colored samurai movie with 07 in the frames. One Denzi Scope later and 07 is chased outside to a railway yard. Once dustlers appears the intros and grunt beat ups commence. During the battle 07 changes their costumes via clapperboard to that of cowboys complete with guns that take out the dustlers. I cannot do this scene justice, it is awesome. After that the clapperboard turns them into samurais except Pink who becomes a Geisha.... I think.... I do not know the names of Japanese clothes, I am sorry. After that failed the clapperboard turns them into football players before being back into their regular suits. Once Denziboomerang later and 07 grows after the explosion. Red calls for Denzi Tiger which angers Hedrian. Denzi Fighter is launched and turns into DDJ with vader fighters showing up to attack. 07 sets large batches of film on fire on DDJ which does little and the Moon Cut bisects and destroys him. Hedrer is disappointed in himself and Hedrian's anger consumes her. Next episode shows some guy on a phone panicking, paintings spinning, and a giant phone 08 turns into.

07: Powers include a life-like head camera that creates illusions, a human disguise, size changing, film entangling, and a costume switching clapperboard

Episode 9:

Some guy walks the streets with Mirror, Kellar, and some guy with facial hair (who I think is Hedrer) watching. Walking guy goes to his apartment which is filled with nightmarish paintings. He is approached from either Mirror of Kella (I cannot tell) who likes his art before the other two waltz in. Facial hair guy wants him to paint a monster for tons of money. Cut to Pink playing tennis before talking to some kid. Said kid shows her the artist and he greets her. After that the Vader Clan hatches 08 and Hedrian gives a speech about something. Hedrer uses a phone to contact the artist (from Vader Castle I may add) and tells him something. Upon hanging up 08 is sent out as art guy acts nervous. Some much older artist says his paintings are awful in a flashback so he calls said guy in the middle of the night to threaten him I think. The phone is stuck to the old guy's hands before growing and sucking him in like a vacuum.... Yeah I have nothing, it just eats him. Said phone happens to be 08 and is in the papers the next day. The artist goes nuts when his phone rings as either Mirror and Kellar appear and give him a wad of yen. He imitates what he did to some other old artist. The Denzimen take note of it with Red giving a speech and Blue telling Yellow off because.... Green shows off a photo of a fat old artist who happens to be answering the phone with the Denzimen watching. The phone grows big and Red and Pink transform to fight it. Red kicks it and 08 shows his true self with the others coming from the ceiling. After some telekinetic showing off he runs into the phone.

The artist is unable to sleep as his paintings haunt him by spinning. That morning either Mirror or Kellar contact him. Fat old artist is in a limbo and answers his phone which allows 08 to attack. Somehow Blue and Green find him and attack 08 just in time. Eventually they kick 08 away and chase after him only for him to get away via phone booth. Meanwhile Pink sees artist moving a piano into his apartment and shows off her mad skills. Seriously, the music is quite good. She soon notices artist's disturbing works and he replies that it is meaningful or something. He givers her a sketch of herself and Pink takes off. At the apartment the team calls the artist while recording for a bit. Something about vocal recognition comes out and Yellow says something. Meanwhile Hedrian finds out the Denzimen are onto them. Arist is contacted by Hedrer who sends 08 through. Pink happens to be there and attacks the vader monster. Red soon comes in to help. 08 shrinks and shows up at a phone booth. During this Kellar throws a throwing knife, killing the artist in front of his little brother. As Mirror tries the same Blue throws it right back and the two run. Before long the Denzimen catch the villains to do intros (now with jumping) and take out the random dustlers that are summoned. So much teleporting and kicks to the face. Red also punches one so hard he bisects down the middle. This episode also reveals all five can use the Denzi Punch knuckle dusters. 08 uses machine guns from the dial on his torso to attack only to have a face full of flying kicks. Once the Denziboomerang is used 08 grows big and Red has Denzi Tiger summoned with DDJ ready to go.... Until it falls up and down for some reason. 08 tries his phone form to teleport a lot, but one Moon Cut later and he blows to pieces. The episode ends with Pink consulting the artist's little brother who gives her his final painting which is her. Wow she looks old in that. Next episode shows 09 attacking with the battle being near the shore.

08: Powers include a phone form, telekinesis, size changing, teleportation, a phone-like staff, and a torso dial guns that can also summon fire
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Member of the Doomcock Army, w/o respect we reject
Oct 22, 2012
Kakuranger is almost done being subbed! Maybe it will will be finished when we are done so here is part 4!

Episode 10:

At Vader Castle a pan over a wood stove burns before Hedrer has an egg come out that looks like a hamburger (they say that word in plain English no less). Said egg burger gets fried a little to turn into a regular egg that gets incubated and forms 09. So that is what Hamburgler would look like in an HP Lovecraft story. Cut to Mirror and Kellar selling burgers out of a van soon selling them to kids. I assume Hedrer is the chef as we see 09 in the driver's seat. After eating the burgers the kids start seeing orange. At Red's karate session he notices something is wrong as said kids collapse. They refuse to eat Yellow's cooking which Blue decides to take for himself. One of the kids say they want hamburgers, but upon eating one throws it to the ground. They mention the ones they got earlier and flee with Blue following them. He sees the stand with a lot of women lined up (seriously, no men are there). Blue eats one before starting to feel dizzy as everything turns orange. The other Denzimen run around a themepark where they see Blue acting lazy with a burger. Blue complains Pink smells back and yells with Red and Green concerned. The Denzimen look for the hamburger van which advertises like ice cream. Red spots 09 via Denzi Scope. Dustlers fight the Denzimen at a construction site with 09 showing up to throw grenades. At the apartment they try to get Blue to eat spaghetti which looks like wires to him. Meanwhile the kids pick apart flowers and take mud baths while Blue is looked at by Yellow at Denziland.

Hedrian enjoys the success of 09's work. Hedrer replies with a claim that Tokyo will be under their control in no time. Later they continue using the hamburger van which Green spots. He enters it only to find a tape recorder and drives off with Mirror and Kellar looking. At a school 09 plays a harp to get the attention of the kids as Hedrer, Mirror, and Kellar serve burgers. Meanwhile Green is suddenly gunned down and calls for help as Yellow and Pink try to restrain Blue. IC tells them and Red to use the Denzi Spark (now a forehead ray rather than bolts) and Blue is cured. After he transforms they head off. The Vader Clan reveals themselves in a classroom just as the Denzimen come in to fight them. Red and Hedrer have a short duel before teleporting off with Mirror and Kellar. 09 handles Blue and Yellow for a bit before jumping out a window. 09 runs to a shore where dustlers try an ambush and the heroes do their intros. Green's kicks are so strong you can see them not hitting anything. Once the grunts are taken care of 09 starts whooping the Denzimen until they throw their denzi sticks. Since denzi sticks apparently have boomerang-like properties off screen they form the Denziboomerang which only makes 09 grow. Also random mines explode as he kicks rocks. Red calls for Denzi Tiger which launches Denzi Fighter to form DDJ. The Denzi Ball puts up a wallop on 09 who gets a fist full of bonking both from the weapon and DDJ's fists. 09 meets his explosive end via Moon Cut and the denzi sparks (now bolts again) fix the kids. The episode ends with them eating other food with roses on their tables. Next episode shows a tire attacking a boy and some other children with Blue getting angry.

09: Powers include grenades, teleportation, high jumping, a double sided giant fork, and size changing

Episode 11:

Red trains kids karate with one of their mother's/older sister's watching. Mirror and Kellar take pictures on a zoom lens because.... After the class the kids go home and we see Hedrian given a picture of theolder woman there. Hedrer gets and egg to incubate which hatches into 10. Cut to the boy and older woman who separate when a tire attacks the small boy. He is taken to a hodpital where a big tire mark is on his face with Red and Pink in the room for some reason. Meanwhile Blue yells at Yellow for some reason as Red is deep in thought. After that we see the tire attack kids on bikes before IC tells the Denzimen about it (how did he know?). Red kicks the tire which happens to be 10. They spot Mirror and Kellar as 10 pulls out three capsules which contain the spirits of the kids he attacked. 10 attacks Red with a sign as dustlers attack the others and the remaining kids. 10 turns into his tire form and teleports. At the hospital the doctor worries about the attacked boy who seems brain dead. As the Denzimen head out the woman from earlier goes to a giant pile of tires 10 find 10. Mirror and Kellar hear her with the former blowing into a harmonica to summon the vader monster.The woman stomps on him while he is a small tire and grows to his human size. The two talk a bit before Red shows up on the Denzi Machine and uses a pair of machine guns on the hood. Red and Pink then use flying kicks on 10 only for him to jump around a lot with some back flips. Red chases him via Denzi Machine until 10 goes into a forest where the chase goes on foot. Dustlers throw their scythes and a net which catches Red and shocks him. Red is restrained to a table at some lab with the Denzi Machine and they plan to experiment on him. Red does a monologue about the situation before the table moves under a drill.

Suddenly Red turns back into his human self and gets up only for dustlers to restrain him. Hedrer takes his ring by force and the others are seen in the Denzi Buggy. Pink gets no response from him and 10 rolls past them. Meanwhile dustlers cannot damage the denzi ring. Mirror and Kellar point out something and they have Red wear it. Hedrer attacks Red with his rapier before locking him in a cell. Red has a vision of the hospital-bound boy. After that Hedrian throws a fit because.... Hedrer scolds Red and threatens to destroy the boy's life energy if he does not cooperate as 10 is about to smash it with a hammer. Red transforms only to be trapped in an electric cage. However, Red calls for Denzi Machine which breaks in and guns the facility down including the cage. 10 is pursued by him briefly complete with boxes in from of the cars. After Red drives through dustler mortar fire (so they have weapons other than scythes after all) and a vader fighter, he shoots the latter down. He soon attacks Dustlers via shameless stock footage and the others arrive with Denzi Buggy's machine gun being used by Pink. Red grabs 10 and goes down a hill before grabbing his bag. The Denzimen do their intros and dustler beat down. 10 knocks around the heroes a bit with his tire form until Red and Blue kick him to no avail. All five of them throw their denzi sticks and try to finish 10 via Denziboomerang. 10 grows, kicks exploding rocks, Red summons Denzi Tiger, Denzi Fighter is launched and turns into DDJ, and it puts down the hurting. Once DDJ's Denzi Ball throws 10 around the vader monster fires some games from his left shoulder that does nothing. The Moon Cut bisects and blows up 10. At the hospital Red uses the ball in 10's bag to wake hospital boy up and the older woman was his older sister after all. Blue comes in saying everyone is back to normal. Next episode shows Pink being attacked by 11 who kidnaps children.

10: Powers include a tire form, a traffic sign staff, teleportation, size changing, a hammer, and left shoulder choking gas

Episode 12:

Some kids force an older boy to carry their bags and play rock-paper-scissors to pass them around. Mirror and Kellar stalk a girl that left and contact a rose. The girl approaches the rose and gets pricked before it turns into 11. She tries to run, but instead passes out. They take her to a lab where they put her in a bubblebath where a rose bush grows a giant apple.... Too many bad implications. The dustlers cut it open to reveal a clone of the child (Invasion of The Body Snatchers anyone?). Cut to two moms talking about her being missing and the Denzimen are alerted. The clone comes in who everyone mistakens for Yuki (taken girl). The clone plants roses around the area that are really cameras. Green takes his guitar to a theme park to play with some police woman applauding him. Apparently her name is Chiko and she is a friend of Green as he easily drags him off. Soon her car crashes into a wall thanks to some dustlers and Green fights them off. He goes after 11 on a bridge before we are abruptly interrupted by not-Yuki failing to push Pink into a train. After that not-Yuki plays the piano before giving it to Pink. At a window on an apartment she tries to push her off and fails. She cooks what I assume are potato pancakes with the clone ordered to take a knife and stab her. Before doing so Green walks in and she leaves angrily. That night the clone goes to bed before sneaking out into the streets.

The clone goes to the Vader Castle where Hedrer tells Hedrian her progress. The next day the clone takes Yuki's friends to the lab where 11 does the same treatment to them. Belts are placed around the clones with each armed with a pair of grenades. Chiko thinks about Green for a bit and sees the kid clones so she follows them. Also Blue has a locker full of rolls for some reason. Chiko encounters IC mistaking her for a monster and has Green tip over a rose. Red puts it back up after giving a strange look. Chiko tells them about the kids- Wait, her name was YUMI? I HAD IT WRONG DANG IT! Anyway the Denzimen worry and Red tells them about the roses. Suddenly the clones attack from the ceiling. Green finds out the are plants and lure them outside where they explode. Apparently their outfits can survive grenades. Chiko still freaks out from IC. In the apartment everyone acts calm to fool the Vader Clan until they beat up their bugs. After that the heroes run around town until Pink spots a rose and hears the kids. Pink suddenly gets vine tied by 11 while Chiko looks around and gets caught by the vader monster too. Both are restrained to electric chairs and blind folded, but just before electrocution the men arrive to save them. After making the villains run the men use the denzi spark to wake the kids up from their bubblebaths. Outside the warehouse the lab was in the heroes do their intros and whomp dustlers that spawn from roses on the ground. Once the dustlers are handled 11 pushes them around via telekinesis before being attacked by denzi stick ground surge. 11 grows big, first time in the series without a vader monster being hit by the Denziboomerang first. DDJ is sent out and off the bat is attacked by exploding roses. The Moon Cut is attempted, but 11 keeps teleporting around. The Denzimen attack on the ground (why?) only to get choked by peddles before 11 attacks. Soon the heroes surround 11 and run around which makes him dizzy. One Denziboomerang later and 11 grows big before exploding.... Did not see that coming. The episode ends with Pink coaching the kids at a swimming pool and Chiko being freaked out by IC enough to jump into the pool. Next episode shows red balloons being carried by everyone and some guy with overalls.

11: Powers include a rose form, a thorn staff, size changing, and explosive roses with telekinetic peddles
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