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Dr Kain

Yes, how dare a show aimed at children be child-friendly!

Kamen Rider is supposed to be more adult for an older audience compared to Sentai. That was the whole point of pairing the two up. Lately though, Kamen Rider is treading in Sentai childish territory ever since Den-O. Look at every series from Kuuga through Kabuto. It had more complex stories, more adult themes, and then jokes for kids. I'm not saying the show does not need to a peal to kids, but I want Kamen Rider to still resemble Kamen Rider and not Citrus Sentai Fruitanger.

Going by the writer, I fear the opposite. We'll be lucky if the Riders all still have their heads after the first five episodes

While I cannot comment on Fate Zero, you are talking about a guy behind a magical girl show. He would have been better for Wizard.

HOWEVER, if they actually go somewhere with the corporation being named Yggdrasil, and actually utilize their powers being from it along with some Norse mythology, then we might have something here. Of course, it could all still be ruined by break dancing.

Finally, I do like the henshin device and already want one.
Some kind of Beast mode
Feb 24, 2008
I mean I doubt the show has anything to do with fruit, like Kyoryuger instead of just having Dinosaurs or in this case Samurai; they mixed in that extra theme to make it more aesthetically pleasing. If you you look at Kyoryuger sometimes you wonder why they even dance at all for the henshin or why they incorporate samba to begin with, but it's all for show.

Only thing that puts me off so far other than the cringing dance moves from the conference, is the how Gaim's sword is so blatantly an orange slice. It's a bit too much on the obvious side. It's funny yet irking when you look at the bigger picture which is Kamen Rider as a franchise.
Aug 30, 2011
While I cannot comment on Fate Zero, you are talking about a guy behind a magical girl show.

Magical girl show? You are talking about Modoka? The show that seemed like a magical girl show for 3 episodes before got her head brutally and graphically bitten off? (that's what he was referencing by "still have their heads".)
Just making sure, cause your post left me confused about what exactly you mean.
Heroes are forever
Dec 8, 2007
Sometimes you just gotta stop and think that these badass figures of justice are kicking ass while a belt sings for 10 seconds the most distracting and playful tones possible, or while they're screaming frantically ''Space is awesome!'' or something similar. That guy with the orange slice for a sword? Armies of monsters have fell to that blade and met their doom, he has saved Japan dozens of times, and he has done it looking like that, breakdancing to it too. And he's not the only one. They're badasses, and they become even more so when they use a watermelon or a kiwi to finish their enemies off, and then do a nice dance.
Next time you see that Rider playing his guitar, or that other one cutting a slice of fruit, think about the lethal weapons they can be.
I used to think grasshopers were harmless.

A rumor is saying Katsuyuki Konishi will voice the driver.
I meant to say it sounded like I've heard that in Rider before. As someone said, it sounds a bit like Beast's Driver. I also find there's something a bit generic about it. Not that I'm complaining, the simpler they keep that noise the better.
Apr 19, 2011


Ore, Sanjou!
May 14, 2008
okay, as far as the whole breakdancing thing goes, it's very likely just part of the out of suit sections of the story. it's not even a competitive thing, as the plot descriptions say it's a form of youth rebellion and self-expression

in other words, while the characters will be dancing, the riders won't, they'll be fighting monsters in the Inbess world, and inevitably each other

more accurately, these are fruit-armored warrior riders
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