Jun 11, 2007
A few things I noticed. It was never stated what time the Angel sent the Williams back to plus River was quite demanding Amy follow Rory. I suspect there will be more from Amy & Rory to come. Honestly I would be shocked if they do not have some part to play "on fields of Trenzelor".

My personal theory is that they are sent back to the 1960's where they happen to find and raise a certain little girl that just escaped from her captives possibly with help from the Doctor. I mean the last time we saw young Melody she had just regenerated in New York. Somehow we need to get from there to Amy & Rory's hometown back in England. Obviously there is something there that needs to be explored since otherwise it just feels like an open wound, so to speak.

Hmm Now that would be quite neat ... I know they have done it a couple times already where they say they can't do something & then they do it ...

I kind of think we will see them again as well ... But man wtf ... we have only had what ?.. 3 episodes ... & now we have to WAIT ... LONGER ... As if breaking bads 5 episode season was not bad enough ...
Jul 23, 2012
There were 5 episodes. And it's been said for months that we'd have a 5-episode fall season, the Christmas episode (EPISODE, not special, for once!) over the break, and the rest of the season (8 episodes) in spring. It's pretty much what they've been doing, except they're doing it traditional US TV season, instead of half in spring and half in fall.
The Meteor has landed
Jun 13, 2010
So, why can't the Doctor just go back and get them?

Cause that time had too many paradoxes causing the Tardis to unable to reach that location again. That and it was a fixed point in time and 'Time can't be rewritten', even though the Doctor did it many times before already.
Jun 30, 2010
It's a show about time and space, which is limitless. Even if the unthinkable happened to the characters, the Doctor could always go back and save them, or visit them, or whatever.

We as an audience have to accept that the show cannot work like that. Yes, there are flaws in the episode, but seeing everyone nitpick because the Doctor "should be able to go back" is frustrating. No matter what befalls a character the Doctor could go back and see them/save them. But the show is a fictional creation that is at the mercy of the people who work on it and work in it.
Aug 15, 2007
Cause that time had too many paradoxes causing the Tardis to unable to reach that location again. That and it was a fixed point in time and 'Time can't be rewritten', even though the Doctor did it many times before already.

The rewriting of time can be pretty tricky business. The results can be good or they can be be disastrous.

The two previous times he's changed time, the Doctor had only been extremely lucky.
Mar 3, 2008
Just because you didnt pay attention to the story and the whole timey whimey rulebook doesnt mean the episode sucked.
Skynight is right. There are a lot of other reasons for why the episode was bad.
It's a show about time and space, which is limitless. Even if the unthinkable happened to the characters, the Doctor could always go back and save them, or visit them, or whatever.

We as an audience have to accept that the show cannot work like that. Yes, there are flaws in the episode, but seeing everyone nitpick because the Doctor "should be able to go back" is frustrating. No matter what befalls a character the Doctor could go back and see them/save them. But the show is a fictional creation that is at the mercy of the people who work on it and work in it.
That's bull dude. It's a writers job to make us not try to question this stuff and as you can see that didn't happen this time. People aren't complaining that the Doctor isn't trying hard enough there complaining because they don't understand why he can't try. For me I'm not bothered by that stuff. They were set in a fixed point now. They have to stay there. For me it's the weak good byes they both got as well as the questions that came from this. Rory didn't get to say anything while Amy's just felt rushed. As for the questions it's stuff like, can the Doctor never go back to that year or just New York in that year? Can he never go to NYC until they die? If he can't land in NYC can't he just land outside of it like in Brooklyn and then walk in? Not to take them out cause I know there stuck there but you know...just to visit...Are they stuck in NYC like literally not able to go on vacations? Not to mention there friends and family never knowing what happen to them. And the most confusing thing, if the Doctor just went back and told little Amy about everything she did as an adult does that mean Amy knew about all her adventures since her first episode? Did she just forget? I mean this ending just had way to many loose ends. Maybe it would of been easier if it was a two parter?
Nov 25, 2010
That's ignoring the Angel side of things entirely, to boot.

This was two different episodes, an Angel episode and a farewell episode, Mashed together in the worst kind of way.

The Angels can reproduce? How?

Why is the STATUE OF LIBERTY an Angel?

Why wasn't River sent back in time due to an ANGEL GRABBING HER when an Angel later could just doom poke some one?

What did the Doctor do about the Angel that did that to Amy and Rory? Is it just chilling out, having a good time? Did he appoint it Marshall against necrophiliacs and grave robbers?

It also brings up LOADS of issues from that one Christmas Special where the Doctor literally went **** the time line, I'm going to play the Ghost of Christmas Dumbass all over your life.

So what, Doctor, you can just utterly trample the time line there, completely retcon ENTIRE events and history within the episode from top to bottom without even a hint of paradox?

But this is too much?

Yeah. This was a poorly done episode. And anyone that this made cry, really, get a gut check some time. This was about the least sad deaths I've ever seen for a Companion. Jesus Christ, they got ACTUAL HAPPILY EVER AFTERS.
No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
They did explain why River didn't get "killed with a long life dodido". The Angel that grabbed her just wasn't strong enough to zap her back after the beating crazy guy had given her. It was still a threat though since it could have done alot of damage to its victem even without "DOOM TOUCH!!!" Thus River broke her wrist...

Other then that...Russel still did it better. I almost feel bad for the dirt Moffat gets sometimes, but then we get a mediocre episode like this one. I'm happy Amy and Rory got a happy ending, but Donna's "Happy Ending" was leagues better. I hated the statue of liberty as an angel...made no sense. The Angel farm though was a very neat idea. Very neat. A worthy good buy for Amy and Rory...well there are worse ways to go I suppose.

Maybe if we get Neil Diamond back for an episode he can make everything better. I mean look how good "The Doctor's Wife" was compaired to this episode. Moffat is trying, but he might want to stick to suits him better. Then again the next few episodes might be so amazing that it makes up the difference and we will all be singing the praises of Eleven again. If I can do one thing very well, it is hope.

Also I am a huge Michael Moorecock fan and wonder if he would be better suited to writing episodes of Doctor Who. I havn't read the Who book he wrote yet, but I have heard mixed views on it. I will love it regardless cause I am a ravenious fan boy, but I wonder what you would all think about a few episodes by Moorecock. For that matter what other writers would you like to see episodes by int he future? Davis...obviously...