Mar 26, 2012

Yui is my character, she does not speak for me, nor I for her. Her opinions, theories, and lines should be treated as the character talking, limited by the character's knowledge, opinions, and biases, with no connection to the GM's. Also she's very grumpy right now for understandable reasons and really just needs a big hug.

Re: Rai Ryuzaki: ....Defeat Etranger.


...Okay that's a bizarre enough Motivation you're cleared as the seventh... er... seventh...


..Screw it, you get to be DekaBreak and you can feel free to jump in a soon as we transition to sushi central, MOVING ON.

Ahem. We have come to a point in the RP where the cast may not decide to completely remain together. I'd like to ask that you guys at least maneuver your characters in a direction where interaction can occur- either traveling around with another cast member, or following Yui. I also realize I'm doing a lot of fights for this early on, trust me, it is going somewhere. I swear.
Viewtiful Henshin
Dec 8, 2011
Oh god, I live. The RL monster let me go long enough to catch up and get a post in.
Viewtiful Henshin
Dec 8, 2011
Holy cow, I just realized that Joe works perfectly in a "use points to upgrade" Rider system.
No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
I probably shouldn't with all the projects and RPs I have already (A few of which i abandoned before ever even posting...) But this is really, REALLY well written and you seem like a compitant GM. Posting interest for now, and I hope you will be able to tolerate my shinanigans. Shinanigins. Shananagans. M. Night Shinanagan.

Also Yui seems very...well I really like bad ass female riders (Or bad ass female punk rockers in general) so her profile alone (fake history as well adapted as it was) makes me want to create a character to interact with her. Is it bad that I create characters to befriend other characters I wish I myself could befriend? Did that even make sense? More importantly should I play a male or female character? Which one do we need more of cause I'm leaning toward a female character since I have seen only one so far. Why am I ranting so hard?! Why do i enjoy it so very much!?!

To invalidate the question all together, how do you, most holy GM, feel about a player having two characters? If not then I'm gonna go with a female character. I'm thinking a shy girl with melancholic traits who becomes more serious behind the mask.
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Mar 26, 2012
To the first question: No, it's not too late. Keep in mind though that I'm approaching a point where I can't reasonably expect there to be a "main party" anymore- I'm still going to expect you to interact with other players, but now that I have a little more time on my hands I'm going to use it to try to set things up in such a way that we can have 2-3 groups of players following separate story tracks. Also, bear in mind given the amount of PLOT going on that the later you submit, the more out of the loop you might be.

To the second: As long as M. Night Shenanigan doesn't get the rights to a TLA sequel you're fine by me.

As for how I feel about multiple characters, my hard and fast rule is yes with a but:

1) You can't basically 'play with yourself'- both characters have to be interacting with the rest of the cast, primariily (in cases where they're twins/siblings/closeted detectives, they should interact as a duo).

2) Both profiles must be of the same quality- you can't have one be awful and one be awesome, or only the one will go through. This is true even if they're meant to be a pair who works together.

3) Both profiles must actually be slightly above and beyond the call of duty in order to prove to me that you're a competent enough RPer to be trusted with both. (Note that I'm not being suspicious of your writing ability here, more "I've never done an RP on this site before so this is all new to me". First time doing a toku RP as well- you'll notice I didn't actually start using sepia-colored font for Yui's Zecter speech until I realized other people were doing it and it looked better than straight-up italics).
No Fear, No Pain.
Dec 22, 2010
The fact you answered my message is a clear sign you're still interested in your own RP. This pleases me to no end and the fact that this is your first Toku RP is amazing to me considering how well put together and thought out it is. I'm hoping to see some really good stuff from you in the months to come.

I'll probably stick to one character but might throw in a second if my creative process gets the better of me. I'll do my best to have a profile up by morning, though pictures for my characters might have to wait until tommorow night. Describing the character herself is easy; her rider form on the other hand may be a little...difficult considering its complexity. In other words the rider description may not make alot of sense, but it will when I get the picture up. Alright, Friday night project GO!
Mar 4, 2011
Then, if I'm allowed 12 forms (each approximatly same strength than each others) I will go with Rider Zodiak

The 13th form allows the Rider to summon any Zodiak weapon/power
and she wont have access to it

I could also pick an amount of them at start and later I could "buy" new forms and powers ;) and only when I have the 12 forms I could get